
A World Unwritten

Stuck in the worst dream possible – the reality of my own creation. Here I am, not the all-powerful author, but an unsuspecting character, woken up in a beggar's body in the world of my own novel. How? Why? I don't know, but what I do know is that I need to survive. My memories of the story's plot are sketchy at best, but I remember enough to know I've got to stick to the main storyline. Life-or-death decisions, cryptic mysteries, formidable enemies, I wrote them all. Now I must face them firsthand. The irony would be delicious if it weren't so deadly. Am I stuck in my worst nightmare or have I been given a chance to rewrite my destiny? Only time will tell. Until then, I’ve got to survive in this Insane world, a plot to follow, and one hell of a story to write... by living it.

QTV · Fantasía
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303 Chs

Part Twenty-Six

In the midst of the ongoing melee, Knox and Orion face off, each displaying signs of fatigue and frustration from the day's events. Knox, with a swift movement, punches Orion's arm, sending him staggering back slightly. Orion retaliates by attempting a kick, but Knox skillfully blocks with his arm, the clash resulting in a resonant shockwave.

Exhaling deeply, Knox voices his exhaustion. "Ugh... My body hurts," he says, his tone a mix of annoyance and weariness. It's clear the day's battles have taken their toll on him.

Orion, seizing the moment, lunges forward in an attempt to strike Knox. However, Knox reacts deftly, catching the sword's hilt in his hand, allowing the blade to pass through. In a fluid motion, he lands a solid punch on Orion's face, propelling him back several feet.

Orion, undeterred, quickly regains his footing. He looks at Knox and remarks, "Fighting Isadora took a toll on you." His observation is astute, acknowledging the intense battle that Knox had endured earlier.

Knox, popping his neck and trying to ease the tension in his muscles, sighs deeply. "Tell me about it, all that just for you thieves to come out of nowhere and try taking our kill." His frustration is evident, both with the earlier fight and the current situation.

Orion, not missing a beat, retrieves another sword from his pouch. "You know damn well your group wasn't going to beat her. That lady is a monster," he retorts confidently, his voice carrying a mix of respect for Isadora's prowess and a hint of mockery towards Knox's team.

Orion, agile and quick, circles Knox, his eyes calculating and focused. He unsheathes his second sword, its blade crackling with lightning, illuminating his face with a fierce glow. "This time, I'm not holding back," he declares, his voice resolute.

Knox, undaunted by Orion's display of magic, flexes his muscles, and his tattoo, a vibrant green hue, begins to glow, signaling an increase in his strength. "Bring it on, fairy-like bastard," he retorts with a wry smile, readying himself for the onslaught.

The clash begins with Knox launching a series of powerful strikes, each blow aimed with precision. Orion deftly counters, his swords a blur of lightning and steel. The impact of their strikes sends shockwaves through the area, shattering nearby rocks and snapping branches off trees.

Orion leaps high, bringing down his sword in a fiery arc towards Knox. Knox, reacting with lightning speed, blocks the strike with his forearm, the green glow of his tattoo intensifying. "Is that all you've got?" he taunts, pushing back against the fiery blade.

Orion lands gracefully, a smirk playing on his lips. "You're stronger than last time, Knox. But not strong enough," he says, as he channels more lightning into his sword, making it crackle with even greater intensity.

The two fighters exchange a flurry of blows, each matching the other's strength and skill. Knox's martial arts prowess is evident in his powerful strikes and fluid movements, while Orion's magical enhancements add an unpredictable edge to his swordplay.

As they fight, their thoughts are as clear as their actions. Knox is determined not to lose again, his mind focused on every move and counter. Orion, confident yet cautious, analyzes Knox's patterns, looking for an opening.

The fight takes a dramatic turn as Knox lands a solid punch on Orion's chest, sending him skidding back. Orion recovers quickly, his swords glowing with a combination of fire and lightning. "Let's see how you handle this," he says, launching a ferocious attack that lights up the forest.

Knox, pushing his limits, engages with renewed vigor. His tattoo glows brighter, and his strikes become faster and more forceful. The two warriors, locked in combat, create a spectacle of raw power and elemental fury.

As the fight continues, elements of comedy emerge in their banter. "You still fight like a street thug, Knox!" Orion jests, narrowly dodging a sweeping kick. "And you still fight like a fancy-dress swordsman!" Knox shoots back, blocking a fiery thrust.


In the midst of the ongoing melee, Axl, Calder, and Eamon engage in a heated battle. Axl, with a mechanical arm equipped with intricate gears and a sigil, stands ready to confront his opponents. "You two are a pain," he declares, his voice laced with a mix of annoyance and determination.

As the gears on his mechanical arm whirl into action, Axl unleashes a torrent of fire towards both Eamon and Calder, forcing them to retreat. The intensity of the flame reflects Axl's growing frustration and his resolve to end the fight quickly.

With a swift movement, Axl reaches into his long sleeve jacket, pulling out a set of needles. He imbues them with mana, enhancing their lethality, and fires them at Eamon. The needles whizz through the air, aimed with precision.

Eamon, wielding a staff, responds with equal agility. He twirls his staff in a constant clockwise motion, effectively deflecting the incoming needles. "You're one to talk," he retorts, his tone a mix of challenge and amusement.

Meanwhile, Calder, seizing the opportunity, charges at Eamon, his blade slicing through the air with a decisive downward strike. Eamon, demonstrating his agility, dodges the attack, weaving and spinning his staff in an attempt to land a blow on Calder. However, Calder's swift movements and combat skills make it difficult for Eamon to find success.

Axl, his mechanical arm humming with energy, draws his sword with a swift motion. The blade, glowing faintly with mana, becomes an extension of his will. He lunges toward Calder with a series of rapid strikes, each one parried skillfully by Calder's own blade. Calder's tattoo, glowing a vibrant green, signifies an increase in his strength, allowing him to match Axl's ferocity.

Calder, seizing a brief moment, counterattacks, aiming a powerful slash at Axl. Axl narrowly dodges, the blade grazing his jacket. Calder follows up with a series of quick thrusts, forcing Axl to retreat. "You're not the only one who's been training, Axl!" Calder shouts, his voice echoing with determination.

Meanwhile, Eamon, twirling his staff with expert precision, looks for an opening to join the fray. He leaps toward Calder, attempting to strike him from behind. Calder senses the movement and spins around, blocking Eamon's staff with his sword. The impact sends a jarring vibration up Eamon's arms.

Axl takes advantage of the distraction, swinging his sword in a wide arc toward both Calder and Eamon. Calder ducks under the swing, while Eamon uses his staff to vault over the blade, landing a few feet away. "Nice try, Axl, but you'll have to do better than that!" Eamon taunts, a smirk playing on his lips.

Axl growls in response, his frustration mounting. He channels more mana into his mechanical arm, enhancing his strength further. The sigil on his arm glows brighter, casting eerie shadows in the surrounding area.

Calder, now facing both Axl and Eamon, finds himself on the defensive. He moves with a fluid grace, his enhanced strength allowing him to parry and counterattack simultaneously. Each movement is a calculated dance of blades and wills.

Eamon, not one to be outdone, spins his staff faster, creating a whirlwind of motion. He launches a series of feints at Calder, trying to break his defense. Calder, however, remains focused, his eyes tracking every movement.

The fight becomes a blur of motion, each combatant pushing their limits. Axl's sword clashes with Calder's blade, sparks flying with each contact. Eamon's staff whirls, seeking an opening in their defenses.

Suddenly, Eamon changes tactics. He thrusts his staff into the ground, using it as a pivot to launch a powerful kick at Axl's head. Axl barely blocks it with his arm, the impact resonating through his mechanical limb.

Calder, seizing the moment, thrusts his sword toward Eamon, but Eamon deflects it with his staff, spinning around to face him. "Not bad, Calder, but you'll have to be quicker than that," Eamon says, a hint of respect in his voice.

Axl, not to be outdone, charges at Calder, his sword glowing with intense mana. Calder meets him head-on, their swords locked in a fierce battle of strength and skill. The clash of their blades sends a shockwave through the area, destroying any nearby terrain.


The tension escalates as Knox, gritting his teeth, mutters to himself, "Shit, I can't lose this no matter what." His determination is palpable, reflecting the stakes of this confrontation.

Orion, with a confident grin, effortlessly takes Knox's punches, quipping, "That's what they all say." He's amused but vigilant, aware of Knox's growing desperation.

A sharp pain shoots through Knox as he sustains a cut on his arm. Wincing, he curses under his breath, "Fuck, If I lose Azura is going to give me a beating." The mention of Azura reveals a deeper concern beyond just the fight.

Orion, catching the mention of Azura, raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "Azura?" He steps back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Ah, that girl that got hit real hard by Isadora."

Knox, offering an uneasy smile, tries to correct Orion, "Don't call him a girl or..." His warning is cut short as his attention shifts to the approaching figure of Azura, walking furiously and grumbling, "Stupid fucking bastard broke my fingers."

With a resigned sigh, Knox turns back to Orion. "Anyways, don't call him a girl," he advises, a hint of warning in his tone. His caution indicates a respect, perhaps even a fear, of Azura's temper.

Orion, looking confused, gazes at Azura. "No, that is definitely a woman, I mean, look at her." His comment, though innocuous, is a misstep given Azura's current mood.

Azura, overhearing the conversation, snaps back at Orion, "Oi, you fucking shortcakes, what the hell did you say about me?" His approach is aggressive, his annoyance evident.

Before Knox can intervene, Azura strides past him, delivering a sharp slap to Knox's face. The impact sends Knox crashing into a nearby tree, shattering it upon impact. Azura's strength is unmistakable as she scolds Knox, "Who said you could talk?"

Orion, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, tries to address Azura. "What is it?" His question is cautious, sensing the palpable anger emanating from Azura.

Azura's glare intensifies, his eyes cold with fury. "Some fucking bastard already ruined my day, and you start saying I'm a woman?" His voice is laced with venom, his patience worn thin.

Before Orion can respond, Azura, his hand coated in aura, delivers a powerful punch to Orion's face. The force sends Orion flying back, crashing through dozens of trees in a domino effect.

Gasping for air, Orion struggles to stand up, only to find Azura already standing in front of him, crouching down and staring at him with those same cold, unforgiving eyes. "Repeat what you told Knox," Azura demands, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Orion, despite the imminent threat from Azura, maintains his defiant grin. "Obviously I said you're a woman," he retorts, his tone a blend of mockery and challenge.

Azura's response is immediate and fierce. His teeth gritted in anger, he grabs Orion by the neck, choking him. "You have a fucking death wish, don't you, shortcakes?" he growls menacingly, his grip tightening.

In a desperate move, Orion opens his palm, unleashing a powerful combination of fire and lightning at Azura. The energy bursts forth, enveloping Azura in a searing and electrifying display.

Azura, enduring the assault, shows signs of damage as marks start to appear on his body. Yet, he scoffs, "Are you trying to tickle me?" and slams Orion into the ground with immense force, creating a crater upon impact.

From afar, Cassia, watching the scene unfold, shouts provocatively, "Hey, bitch! You're obviously a woman!" She swiftly casts a magic circle and hurls a barrage of massive fire orbs towards Azura.

Azura, his anger reaching a boiling point, mutters under his breath, "All you fuckers are dead." His adrenaline surges, enhancing his speed and reaction time, as he effortlessly catches and breaks eight arrows launched in his direction.

Charging towards Cassia at an astonishing speed, Azura prepares to deliver a devastating punch. However, at the last moment, Tara intervenes. She blocks Azura's strike with her jade bracelet, which emits a soft glow. The impact of their collision generates a shockwave, ripping through the ground and forming another crater.

Despite Tara's defensive effort, the force of Azura's strike is overwhelming. Her wrist snaps under the pressure, the bracelet containing the power of the blow. Unrelenting, Azura uses his other hand to punch Tara's face, growling, "Stay out of this, fucker!"

Quick question: What do you guys think of Azura?

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