
A World Of Swords And Magic [Discontinued]

Rei is reincarnated into another world as a godesses retainer. Having an immortal life span makes her unable to stay in one place for too long. How do you think she will navigate her new life? NOTE: English is not my fist language so sorry for any mistakes.

rejjs_ · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

I decided to take the quest. The quest was just to hunt some wolves. If I hunt extra maybe I can try to cook it. I started to the area.

I got there pretty fast. I started to hunt the amount needed for the quest and one extra for my self. I gained 1000 exp from the wolves. It got me to level 6. I put the wolves in my inventory and head to the guild.

Once I got to the front desk I pulled out the wolves out of my inventory. It can suprisingly expand it's physical form to fit anything in the subspace. When I pulled the wolves out the people around me looked shocked. As if it wasn't normal. It wasn't nice it was like a bunch of monster's staring and biding time to strike.

Layla gave me my towards and I head to back to the inn. I ask the manger at the in to use their kitchen.

I ask the system how to seperate all the parts of the wolf. I started to seperate all the pieces of the wolf. The fur and organs I wasn't really interested in so I just put them in the inventory incase I needed them. I decided to think of recipes I could use it in. I decided on using it in a dish called tinola. Mom usually made it with chicken though. I check if I have the ingredients I need. I do have them but I don't have rice to pair it with. Tomorrow I'll register for the merchant's guild for shopping purposes.

Okay, let's start!

Name: Rei Takahashi

Age: 25

Level: 6/20

EXP: 540/1280

Race: Half-human, ???


Attack:145(+100) HP:320/325

MP:225/225 DEF:125

Charisma:106 Stamina: 225/225


Hand to hand combat LVL 5 (MAX)

Swordsmanship LVL 1

Creation LVL 5 (MAX)

Dark magic LVL 1

Ice Magic LVL 1

Appraisal LVL 1

Passive Skills:

Cooking LVL 5 (MAX)

House Work LVL 5 ( MAX )

Bloodlust LVL 2

Mana Control LVL 1