
A World Of Swords And Magic [Discontinued]

Rei is reincarnated into another world as a godesses retainer. Having an immortal life span makes her unable to stay in one place for too long. How do you think she will navigate her new life? NOTE: English is not my fist language so sorry for any mistakes.

rejjs_ · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

I reached the guild and saw a few drunkards on the way. Luckily they didn't bother me. Checking the bulletin board I didn't really want to do any of them so I just decided to go home.

When I got home the egg moving a little. I got a little bit more exited then I would like to admit. Oh, right I have to feed it mana. How do I feed it mana? Do I do it like in isekai animes?

I imagine my mana flowing outwards towards the egg. The way it flowed out it felt warm and comforting. It reminded me of- nevermind you don't need to know that.

System: New skill unlocked.

Mana Control- allows the user to have control of the outflow of mana. Due to the host's condition there is a possibility of a different skill evolving from this.

Type: Passive

Oh, look I got a new skill from that. It's not really useful right now. At least I know how to feed it now. Eat well little guy so you can hatch and I won't be alone anymore.

I change into pajamas that I bought in the market today. I just sat on the bed while scrolling on my phone. I saw an article about something related to my death. It was about my "family". It said how they and the company went bankrupt due to my "father" using up their savings on his mistresses.

After reading the article I felt my eyelids become heavy as I succumb to sleep.

Name: Rei Takahashi

Age: 25

Level: 5/20

EXP: 180/640

Race: Half-human, ???


Attack:140(+100) HP:320/320

MP:100/220 DEF:120

Charisma:105 Stamina: 220/220

Class: Magic Swordsman/woman


Hand to hand combat LVL 5 (MAX)

Swordsmanship LVL 1

Creation LVL 5 (MAX)

Dark magic LVL 1

Ice Magic LVL 1

Appraisal LVL 1

Passive Skills:

Cooking LVL 5 (MAX)

House Work LVL 5 ( MAX )

Bloodlust LVL 2

Mana Control LVL 1

Apologies for this being short. I was busy with some personal stuff.

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