
A World Of Swords And Magic [Discontinued]

Rei is reincarnated into another world as a godesses retainer. Having an immortal life span makes her unable to stay in one place for too long. How do you think she will navigate her new life? NOTE: English is not my fist language so sorry for any mistakes.

rejjs_ · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Chapter 3

After getting my guild card I head to the bulletin board and check out the quests.There was a quest for gathering some herbs. This should be an easy quest since it's just herb gathering and it's a low level so I could do it. Walking towards the front desk Layla immediately asks if I want to take the quest. I just nod my head and she marks the quest as ongoing. She give me the location and then sends me off.

After a bit of walking, I finally reach the area where the herbs are. Picking the needed amount and taking some for my self I hear something rustling in a bush nearby. Walking towards it the noise grows louder. Pealing back the leaves I find an egg. It was larger than the size of a regular egg. I Put it in my bag I decided to go back.

Once I got there I got the reward and asked Layla if there was an inn close by. She pointed me there.

Once I got to the inn. I checked in and payed the fee needed for a week (3 copper for 1day). It was already dark when I got there. I took the egg out of my bag and examined it. It didn't look like it was layed by a bird (obviously). I used my appraisal skill on it. It didn't show anything about it.



Type: ???

Description: An egg of some animal.

Would you like to know how to hatch and tame animals? If so then click yes.

(YES) (NO)

Once I saw the question pop up, I immediately clicked on yes. Like, who wouldn't want to have a cool pet.


To be able to hatch an egg you need to keep it in a suitable environment depending on it's species. If you don't know anything about it you will have to feed it your mana or mana stone everyday. it will take longer if you use this method.

To tame the animal/beast you just need to use a magic circle with this specific pattern(just imagine what it looks like yourself). If you hatched it from the egg yourself there is no need for to make the magic circle. A screen on the system will show up. This screen will allow you to name the animal that you will take in.

It seems I will only be able to do the second method since I don't know what kind it is. But I'll try to take good care of my pet this time. Tomorrow I will go shopping for supplies and things I need in the market.

[The next day]

I woke up bright and early and got ready. I received a map of the city from Layla where she marked where the shops are. I start to head where the first thing I need is. I start buying the things I need. I bought a few new outfits that are practical, durable, and look good, and some casual outfits as well. I also stocked up on food. One of the good things about my bag is that it freezes time for non-living objects only. I'll go check out the bulletin board in the guild then go back to the inn and read a novel,or manga/hua/hwa.

My internet connection is having some issues so I don't think I'll be able to release anymore chapters soon

rejjs_creators' thoughts