
A World Away

She had lived a full life. She was an artist and dreamer, a mother and a widow. She went on to live, have experiences, see new generations come into the world and spend her last moments surrounded by those she held most dear. When her eyes closed she expected to see everyone she had loved and lost over the years. She expected a restrul afterlife. Instead she found herself face to face with several beings claiming to be gods. Without much say in the matter she is reincarnated in a new world. Complete with OP states, a system that needs assistance, her memories, and a declining aristocratic family she she is ready to explore a completely different world.

Maria_Wood_0614 · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The Night of Star Showers

In the darkness she felt pressure all around her, squeezing her over and over. She could feel the slimy fluid around her. If she didn't have her memories and knew better, she might think she was being digested. As she felt herself rotate, she prepared herself to great her new world. As she was born the lights and sounds overwhelmed her new senses. Her instincts took over and she began to wail from the overstimulation. As her lungs filled with air, she realized she also hadn't taken a breath yet until she felt the need to cry. Quickly she calmed down. She tried her best to observe her blurry world. Though it surprises her to find she can already understand the language. Likely thanks to the Gods, she guesses.

Many blurry faces pass in front of her face as a woman in white cleans her up. She can also hear many voices, mostly men to her surprise. The woman in white, likely a doctor she figures, swaddles her expertly with practiced hands.

The woman carries the new life in her hands to the mother, a beaming smile on her face as she says, "It's a girl. Not only that, despite being born a month early she appears entirely health. Much stronger than any premature baby I have delivered. We will want to keep watch for the next few months to make sure there are no adverse reactions, just to be on the safe side, Madam Duke."

The baby looks at her bothers blurry face, so close she can make out the sweat plastered red hair around her face. She also sees beautiful crystal blue eyes filled with pride and love.

"A daughter, we are blessed with a daughter! On the rarest of nights too, a Star Shower. She must be blessed by the Gods themselves. What should we name her husbands? It must be something as special as she is." The woman says as she gently strokes her newborn's face.

Her words shock the infant once they sink in. Not just the rare events happening outside, but also the fact that her new mother just said 'husbands', as in more than one. 'What is this world' she can't help but think as the adults continue talking about her as if she can't understand them. Well, as far as they know she can't, but she still somehow finds it frustrating.

A man with deep green eyes and jet-black hair picks her up and looks at her, close in the eyes. Cradling her in his arms he walks over to a tall and wide set of windows. He opens one that turns out to be a door and the infant wonders how long it will take for her to see properly. Outside, blurry gold streaks fly by on a black background came into view. Along with a big and shining moon that seems to be reflecting the golden lights streaming acrost the sky. The infant's eyes go wide, and her mouth opens in awe. This is one of the most beautiful scenes she has ever seen.

The man's deep voice rings in her ears like a song as he laughed at her cute expression. "Looks like we have a smart girl here. I wonder, do you want to help pick your name?" Without waiting for a response, because he truly isn't expecting one, he continues. "Would you like to be named after one of the stars in the sky? A constellation perhaps?" This time he looked for a response and found the infant pouting. Smiling he continues once again, after some thought, "Perhaps Sterling? No, that much more suits a boy. Oh, I have it. We cannot name you after our Moon Goddess as that is forbidden, but the name for it's reflection, its shine, will suit you well. How about the name Luna, Luna Celeste Giannopoulos?"

On Earth Luna was a name for the moon, so to find the word her with a slightly different meaning was fascinating. She likes the name very much, the meaning beautiful in both worlds. She did her best to give the man holding her happy face, letting her eyes go wide and cooing sound escaping her lips out of instinct. Though she does find the last name a bit much, what can she do about it as a baby.

The man walked back to his wife, handing her their daughter. Ready to fall asleep, the infant straining to listen to the conversation. Her mother's smile beams as she says "Oh, how perfect! Luna, First daughter, and heir to the House of Giannopoulos." Beaming with pride, the woman looks first at her sleeping daughter, then to her husbands surrounding them. She feels blessed.


Time passed normally as Luna grew, it felt slow as an adult in a baby's body. She tried not to show off too much as she grew, but she also wanted to rush to be able to move and explore, even feed herself and get rid of the torment of her little life, the dreaded dipper. Despite her efforts she was still considered advanced in every area, which was unusual for premature infants according to their doctor. She advanced quickly, doing everything early. She didn't fuss much. She was always motivated and happy. Like this she got used to her body and her surroundings. She did find in some ways, despite her old soul, her childlike side would come out through instinct. That was likely a good thing, or those around her might have found her behavior too strange. She didn't want to be experimented on.

Luna had yet to leave the grounds of their home at almost three years old. The grounds making up their home are huge. Complete with an expansive garden Luna loved to spend her time playing in. A smallish lake with all kinds of wildlife. Many buildings, and things she had yet to see. Luna yearned to explore, she had to keep reminding herself that it was only a matter of time.

Three years old is her new world's first major milestone. Especially for children of Noble birth. It signified the child made it past the most vulnerable early stages of life. She had spent the last couple months preparing for her Naming Ceremony, where she would be introduced to the other nobles for the first time and named heir to her family. She had gotten up early to wash and dress for the day. So far it had been exhausting, and she had been introduced to many people. Thanks to her photographic memory, which she figures is one of the gifts from the gods, she was able to remember every name and the face that went with it.

Luna learned as the day dragged on, she learned that many nobles only showed up to meet 'The Star Child' as they kept calling her. Girls are rare in her new world. Which does explain why her mother has five husbands, and why Luna has many brothers that came before her. However, Luna is the only girl and eldest miss of her family. She also found out through the conversations around her that her family are not only nobles, but high-ranking ones at that. People gossiped without restraint thinking such a young child could not understand them. She learned a lot of the social aspects of her kingdom that day, and even a few minor secrets. Those she put away for a rainy day.

Luna learned That her mother was much more than just a noble lady and head of their family. Her mother is close to the queen, the ruler of their country: and apparently a pervert with the largest harem in the three Kingdoms. Her family is close to the royal family, one of her brothers' fathers is even one of the queen's brothers. Her Mother, whose name is Lillyian Hope Giannopoulos, is the Queen's adviser and a highly decorated general. Luna was greatly enjoying all the information she was learning, until it came time for the actual ceremony.

In her mother's arms, Luna watches as many faces she has seen already, and many others, pass by her. They stop briefly, introducing their family name and a blessing for her long and healthy life. Each time they would pass a beautifully rapped gift to one of the servants to the side. It wasn't until Luna's mother bowed to a figure clad in black and gold, with her golden hair tied up high with flowers and pearls, did Luna realize she had met her country's Queen many times before. She in fact calls this woman "Auntie Stella", which to Luna's horror she blurts out loud in surprise and shock.

The entire room goes quiet, until the Queen squeals in delight as she grabs Luna from her mother. Whispers erupt all over the room.

"No other child of a noble family would, or even could, dare to get away with addressing the royal family with so little respect, especially the Queen."

"She must be a special child. She was born the night of the Star Showers after all."

"Just because her brother is the son of a prince doesn't make her a princess, how presumptuous."

The whispers Luna can hear are mixed, filled with good and bad comments about her and her family. She only wishes she could make out all of it so she could remember those that are speaking badly about her family right now.

Luna can't continue to listen though as the queen whisks her away to the other side of the garden, over by the lake. They are followed closely by Luna's mother, Lillyian and her husbands, even a few of Luna's brothers. There by the lake are several men and boys, all talking happily and playing. Among them is one small girl with golden ringlets falling all around her rosy cheeks. Luna is awestruck by the little girl's stunning cuteness, as a fan of cute things it is almost too much for Luna to handle. The Queen stops in front of the small girl that quit her playing once she noticed her mother's presence. As the Queen puts Luna down, the girl can't take her eyes off Luna either. The other nobles act like they are talking amongst themselves, but Luna can feel all their eyes on her and the blond child.

The Queen smiled as she gestured to the men and boys by the lake, "Luna, these are some of my highest-ranking husbands, they are of little consequence to you though. My many sons, I hope you will get to know a few, perhaps even take one or more as husbands one day."

Luna can't hide her stunned expression; she had regressed some as a child after all. Luna's left eyelid twitched. Other than her memories, Luna kept this twitch and a mole under her left eye she also had in her last life. It matched her mother's mole exactly.

The Queen, ignoring the irritation on Luna's small face, continues her introductions, "Auntie brought you over to meet my daughter and the future Queen. The young girl you see before you, Princess Elvinia. She is only a couple months older than you. You haven't met till now due to customs, but you are both finally old enough. Your mother and I hope the two of you will be close, as we are. Support each other in the future. Teach her well. She may be older, but you are more advanced."

Everyone, including the Queen, backs off. Giving the girls space. Luna feels odd about it all, and her eyelid twitches a couple more times before she calms herself down. Luna straightens her posture. With one arm behind her back and the other across her chest, with her first over her heart, Luna bows to the princes. Just as her instructor drilled into her for three months, her form is flowless. Looking up, Luna finds the Princess blushing deeply. Luna can't help but find the child cute all over again, as it takes a lot of restraint to not just smother her in cuddles and find out if her hair is as soft as it looks. Cuteness, Luna's biggest weakness.

Before taking her fist from her heart, Luna looks at the princes, her face strong and calm. Luna vows, "I promise you both Auntie, I will be a great friend and support to Princess Elvinia."

Luna felt it was good to keep this serious with so many outsiders present. So, the vow felt like the right move. Now that she said it, the cringe was crawling all over her skin like ants. 'I have a feeling female friends will be hard to come by. So, what if I made a fool of myself, or at least feel as if I did? I made a new friend. From her smile and head shake I know I did not fail.' Luna thinks proudly.

The rest of the party winds down and guests start to disperse as Luna and Elvinia get to know each other. Some look at them with softness, and some with envy. Luna can also feel a few pairs of malicious eyes on them. Luna makes note of the killing intent, making another vow, one silently to herself, 'I will get stronger.'