
A wonderful Rust Solo Adventure

James a skilled marksman, hunter and vivid gamer reincarnated in rust. What path of life will he chose, will he become a farmer, fighter, builder or maybe even king of the world

Rustfan · Derivados de juegos
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3 Chs

3 Chapter

James opened his eyes, his vision blurry from the bright light surrounding him. It took a few seconds for his mind to catch up with reality, but soon he realized he had respawned in Rust.

He took a deep breath and looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was back at the bag he had placed seconds before his death, just as he had hoped. James had been playing Rust for years now and knew the game inside out. He knew that death was a part of this world and that it was essential to always be prepared. Due to the position of the Sun, he could tell he was gone for a few hours.

With his trusty rock quickly gathered some resources and set out to build a shelter. James had learned early on that having a solid base was vital to surviving in Rust. He started by gathering wood, stone, and metal, the basic building blocks of any Rust base.

James knew that building a strong and secure base required significant resources. He spent his a couple of hours gathering materials, scouring the surrounding areas for wood, stone, and metal. He knew that he had to be constantly vigilant, as other players would probably try to steal the resources he had collected if they spotted him.

He started by chopping down trees with a newly crafted stone hatchet, gathering as much wood as he could carry. He then moved on to mining rocks and boulders, using his stone pickaxe to extract stone and metal. James was always on the lookout for the best materials, searching for nodes that were less exposed to other players.

As he gathered resources, James began to notice how the environment of Rust affected the materials he could collect. The deeper he went into the game's world, the more challenging it became to find high-quality resources. He learned how to prioritize which materials were most important, and where he could find them more easily.

As he worked, James couldn't help but think about the bear that had killed him earlier. He had been careless and had let his guard down. But that wouldn't happen again. James was determined to be ready for anything that Rust threw at him.

He soon finished building his shelter, a small but sturdy stone 2:1 base that would protect him from the elements and hostile enemies. He added an airlock to his base. The inside of his base had a classic setup with a Tool Cupboard (TC) , which is a deployable item that is typically used to provide base protection by preventing unauthorized players from being able to build in the vicinity of the base that the cupboard occupies. The protection distance is roughly 6 foundations away from the base at any point. The area of protection is shaped around the player's base, above the bottom of the cupboard. Within this protected area of the Tool Cupboard, players will have the "Building Blocked" status; unauthorized players will be blocked from placing and upgrading structures in the area of the cupboard. Thanks to the Tool Cupboard the building it Protects will also not decay as long as enough materials for upkeep are in the TC.

He also added 2 large Boxes a Sleeping bag and a furnace to the base and of course a cheeky little shotgun trap he found by coincidence on his farm run.

With his base secured, James set out to explore the world of Rust.