
Chapter 17: Lance's Inner Circle

‘I am doing this for Theo. I love Theo and I want him to be happy, even if his friends are humans. I promised to try and play nice with the humans for Theo. I’m doing this for Theo and I want him to be happy.’ Scott felt the need to keep reminding himself, plastering on a small smile at the woman sitting across from him.

Viola Wise was the Aunt raising Percy and despite her status as a… human. Scott held some admiration for the woman. He could tell that she felt the same way, so they at least had that in common. It was Theo who had introduced the woman to him last night over dinner, and Scott was… almost hesitant to admit how pleasant the boy and Aunt were.

Decent humans in his mind, at the very least.

“Theo is a good kid. I can see why Percy has taken a liking to him, not to mention all those tutoring lessons he gets from Theo.” Viola said with a small smile and Scott had to stop himself from puffing up with pride.