
Wednesday Addams

The girl turned her dark-eyed gaze on him, looking him up and down. her dark brown eyes were so dark it was as if he was staring into an abyss and sure enough the abyss was staring back into him.

After a period of time Ezra wasn't sure was long or short she finally responded. "That's right. I'm Wednesday Addams." Her voice was flat and monotone.

"Nice to meet you, Addams. I'm Ezra Bishop." He held out his hand, but she just looked at it without moving. After an awkward moment, he lowered it.

Ezra cocked an eyebrow at Wednesday's aloofness but decided not to take offense. Clearly, this girl had her unique way of interacting.

"Not one for handshakes then," he said lightly. "No matter. I imagine you're not much for small talk either."

When she didn't respond Ezra smiled wryly at her stoic demeanor. "I'll take your silence as agreement. That's alright, I can talk enough for the both of us."

He leaned against the wall, regarding the strange, dark-clad girl with interest. "So I hear you're a new student as well. Any idea what to expect from this place?"

Wednesday turned her unwavering gaze back to stare straight ahead. "I've heard it's a school for monsters and outcasts. Though I suppose the distinction between the two is debatable."

Her flat tone gave no indication if she was making a joke or not. Ezra chuckled anyway.

"Too right. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

Ezra smiled as Wednesday turned her gaze on him once more. Though her expression remained impassive, there was a new glint of interest in her dark eyes.

"Ralph Waldo Emerson," she said after a moment, her voice as flat and toneless as ever. Yet Ezra detected a hint of surprise in that simple statement.


Ezra smiled warmly at Wednesday, sensing there was more depth and complexity to her than her icy, aloof exterior suggested. Before he could say more, a girl with blonde shoulder-length hair with hair dyed pink and blue on opposite ends, came bounding up to them, brimming with bubbly energy.

"Hi!" she greeted them enthusiastically. "I'm Enid Sinclair, Wednesday's new roommate and your student guide for today."

Wednesday's impassive gaze slowly swept over Enid, carefully taking in the explosion of bright colors in her hair, and nails which made her stand out slightly even if she was wearing the same uniform as all the other students. Enid cheerfully stuck out her hand in greeting, but Wednesday just stared at it coldly until Enid awkwardly lowered it.

"O-kay then," Enid said, unperturbed by the frosty reception.

"Don't take it personally, I got the same treatment earlier," Ezra said with an easy smile, hoping to smooth over the awkward moment. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Ezra Bishop." He extended his hand which Enid gratefully shook.

"Likewise I'm Enid," Enid said brightly as they exchanged handshakes. Thankful for his friendly manner.

"Yes, I heard you introduce yourself earlier," Ezra said in a slightly teasing tone, that caused her cheeks to heat up a bit.

"Ah, oh yeah, of course," Enid said, stumbling slightly through her words before rallying her cheerfulness. Eager to move past her slip-up, she quickly changed the subject. "Shall we get started on the campus tour?"

Ezra gave Enid a friendly, encouraging smile. "Lead the way."

As they walked, Enid chattered enthusiastically about the long, rich history of Nevermore Academy. Ezra listened with genuine interest, while Wednesday trailed silently behind them, radiating disinterest.

"Nevermore was founded way back in 1791 to educate supernatural outcasts and those with extraordinary abilities - basically all the freaks, monsters, and marginalized groups that regular society shunned," Enid explained. "But there have been lots of expansions and upgrades over the centuries to accommodate more students. Now we've got state-of-the-art labs, an amazing library, awesome recreational facilities - all the bells and whistles of an elite modern school."

"You can skip the sanitized, glossy brochure spiel. I don't plan on staying for long," Wednesday suddenly interjected, her tone biting.

Enid looked taken aback. "Why not give it a chance? Nevermore has a lot to offer."

"Because this was all my parents' idea, not mine. Oh look, there's my dear mother smirking at me right now," Wednesday said, pointing to a picture not far away. "They've been looking for any excuse to ship me off here. It's all part of their nefarious yet painfully obvious master plan."

"What plan?" Enid asked, puzzled.

"To reshape me into a version of themselves, of course," Wednesday replied.

Ezra raised an eyebrow at Wednesday's ominous words but said nothing, curious to see where this conversation was headed.

"Well in that case, perhaps you can clear something up. There's a nasty rumor swirling around that you killed a kid at your old school, and your powerful parents pulled strings to get you off the hook," Enid said bluntly.

"Actually, it was two kids, but who's counting?" Wednesday said flippantly. Ezra and Enid found their eyes meeting but neither decided to say anything.


"Welcome to The Quad," Enid said spreading her arms wide.

"It's a pentagon." Wednesday retorts.

Ezra gave Wednesday an amused look. "Nice observation skills. But do give Enid a chance to finish her tour. I'm quite enjoying it."

Wednesday merely glanced at him impassively before turning her gaze forward.

Enid sent a thankful look towards Ezra. which he returned with a smile. Enid then took a breath and continued cheerily. "Okay, so over on that side of the quad are the classrooms."

As she spoke, a group of students emerged from one of the buildings. Ezra noted their pale skin, fangs, and pitch-black sunglasses.

"Let me guess," he said. "Those are the vampires?"

"Got it in one!" Enid said. "We just call them Fangs around here. They can be kinda snooty and keep to themselves. There are many flavors of outcasts here, but the four main cliques are Fangs, Furs, Stoners, and Scales."

"Understandable, given their advanced age and proclivities," Wednesday remarked, watching the vampires with disinterest.

Enid nodded. "Yeah, they're not big on socializing outside their clique. Anyways, on the other side-"

A sudden commotion interrupted her. A gang of rowdy, roughhousing students spilled into the courtyard, shoving each other playfully. As Ezra looked closer.

"Furs, I presume?" he asked wryly.

"Yup, the werewolves, like me!" Enid confirmed. "Super tight-knit group. They're pretty much always amped up and fooling around. Especially close to the full moon when their wolf sides take over."

As if to demonstrate, one of the werewolves threw back his head and let out an exuberant howl. The others joined in joyfully, the eerie sound echoing around the quad.

Wednesday watched them, one eyebrow raised. "Charming," she repeated.

Enid laughed, a bit nervously. "Yeah, you get used to it. Anyways, the Scales hang out by the fountain-"

"Let me guess, Sirens?" Ezra interjected.

"You got it!" Enid said brightly. "We've got a real diverse bunch here at Nevermore."

"An intriguing menagerie of adolescent creatures struggling to control their natures and impulses," Wednesday mused. "I'm shocked more violence doesn't erupt."

Ezra studied the varied groups of students curiously. "It must be incredible having such a diversity of beings studying together." 

"Yeah, it's pretty great!" Enid said, recovering her enthusiasm. "I mean, we have our disagreements and stuff. Inter-species drama, you know? But mostly everyone gets along."

Wednesday sniffed disdainfully. "I have no interest in participating in tribal adolescent clichés."

Ezra nodded. "I'm inclined to agree with Addams. Though I admit some aspects of the social structure are fascinating."

Ezra listened with interest as Enid continued the tour, pointing out the different groups around the quad. As they passed by an elegant fountain, he noticed a striking dark-skinned girl surrounded by a gaggle of admirers.

"And who might that be?" Ezra asked, nodding towards her.

Enid followed his gaze. "Oh, that's Bianca Barclay. She's the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty."

"Is that so?" Ezra said, studying Bianca with new curiosity. There was an undeniable magnetism about her, a self-assured grace.

"Yup," Enid said. "Although her crown's been slipping lately. She used to date our resident tortured artist, Xavier Thorpe. But they broke up at the beginning of the semester."

"Fascinating," Wednesday remarked dryly.

Oblivious to Wednesday's sarcasm, Enid continued eagerly. "I know, right? My vlog is, like, the number one source for Nevermore gossip."

Ezra looked at her blankly. "Vlog?"

"Video blog!" Enid explained. "It's where I post updates and the latest drama. Don't they have those in England?"

"Ah, yeah they do," Ezra said with an wry smile. It sounded similar to the gossip columns in the Daily Prophet back home. He made a mental note to ask Enid more about these "vlogs" later.

"Anyway, Xavier's pretty much a total recluse now," Enid went on. "He only leaves his dorm for class. No one really knows why they broke up. "

"How deliciously scandalous," Wednesday intoned.

Enid beamed, either missing or ignoring her sarcasm. "I know, right? Things have been tense between the Sirens and the Psychics ever since."

Ezra watched as Bianca gracefully rose from the fountain's edge, waving airily to her admirers as she departed. There was clearly more to her than met the eye. A fascinating dynamic seemed to exist between the various factions at Nevermore. Ezra found himself growing more intrigued by this unique hidden world.

He glanced over at Wednesday, wondering if she felt the same. But as usual, her face revealed nothing.

"Well, shall we continue?" Enid asked brightly, turning to lead them across the quad. Wednesday and Ezra followed without comment, both lost in their own thoughts about their mysterious new surroundings.

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