
A Witch Requested to Make a Love Potion

One day, the ‘Good Witch of the Lake’ was asked by her crush to make a love potion, and thus, was heartbroken. –If this is the first and the last, then let me be together with him for at least a little bit longer. To at least extend the time, she began ordering as many materials as she could. That’s when the Knight took a notice of her staple food–a lettuce. For somewhat unknown reason, the Knight began to come and eat as well. Starring a Hikikomori witch with lettuce as her nutrients source, and the serious yet also arrogant Knight–a romantic tale that started from a Love Potion.

UsErMaNuP · Fantasía
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38 Chs

The Good Witch of the Lake

Seven, eight, nine…

Whether she is counting numbers or her own heartbeat, she isn't sure anymore. Then, someone knocks on the door.

Roze slowly inhales and open the door. It makes a scraping noise.

"Welcome. Have you arrived with everything I've asked for?"

Is my voice trembling? Am I smiling properly? Roze faces her guest while taking note of herself.

Harij is tall, so to actually face him, Roze has to look up for a long time. Thankfully, he has astounding features she'll never tire of.

She takes the lantern and hangs it near the fireplace as usual—besides some other lanterns.

"Indeed, I have. Let's confirm them, shall we?"

Roze receives the items while Harij pulls out the chair and sits down. She appreciates that—some customer won't even bother doing that. Instead, she's the one who has to do it. That or they simply don't bother sitting with a witch.

Harij sighs, seemingly frustrated. Towards that, Roze inquires softly. "Tired? There're some potions you can take—"


Even in the dimly-lit room, she can see Harij's caution. His skepticism towards a witch's medicines is obvious—why bother requesting a Love Potion, then?

However, Roze pretends to be oblivious towards the contradiction. Maybe even he finds it detestable to resort to such method, but she doesn't want to be presumptuous.

While pondering, Roze walks towards her workspace, right across the cauldron. However, when she tries to open the cabinet—it appears to be stuck. When she tries to pull it open with all her strength, her elbow accidentally knocks over the materials from Harij. They fall down and a loud noise can be heard—she definitely broke something.

Feeling someone's gaze directed at her back, Roze turns around only to be met with Harij's disbelieving stare.

"Just now… did, did something brake?"

Roze doesn't answer—she can't answer, because the words she's going to say will definitely be a lie.

"…Can't you, clean up a bit?"

"Unfortunately, there's no magic that can automatically clean a room."

"You have hands, right…"

At Harij who's looking at her incredulously, Roze only shrugs her shoulders.