

"And what audacity do you have you touch me" he asked arrogantly, I stare at him in anger, I feel like designing his face with punch right now but I have to pull myself together "And who the fuck gave you the audacity to lie to them we know each other"I ask angrily he smirk "We've cross path twice,so tell me, don't we know each other"he ask with a evil smirk. "Didn't I warn you to avoid me"I said glaring hard at him, he smirk "I can't, and I won't until my revenge on you"he said coldly "You know what, I feel like designing your face with punch, but I won't because I have my plan, and don't think I wish to be here,I was force here, so don't feel special,cause if I knew it was you I won't come"I said and walk back to the party. Suddenly a huge warm hand wrap around my waist, I turn back to see his annoying face, what the hell does he think he's doing, he held me at the center of the hall making everyone divert there attention on us "Let see who wins, Spears or Romano"he whisper in my ear, and walk away, leaving me at the center of the hall I was boiling in anger. I will surely make him regret this

Ore_Oluwa_ · Ciudad
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15 Chs

She's crazy He's Grumpy

 Romano Karma

 "Come back here Ella" mum yell after me, as I ran out of the gate with my two best friend "I will be back mum"I yell back and run before any bodyguard run after me. "That was close"Davis said panting heavily, I smile calming down slowly "I Know right"I said "What if your old man return back"Alena ask. I smirk "I will handle him, but now party"I yell as we enter our car. "Let's paint the town red" Alena said, as Davis start the car.

 Am Romano Ella Karma, Am just Twenty Two years but I look more mature than my age, I came from a very rich family, my father is one of the most richest man in Seashore, but I hate the fact I came from that family cause of the problem I face every day. Not everyone knows I came from that back ground, not even in college, cause I hate attention, I use my mum last name in college. Alena and Davis are very much older than me, but they are my best friend and I love them both.i think that's enough about me for now, right now I wanna party.

 We enter the club as went to our usual sport. "I won't be drinking since am the one to drive"Davis said annoyingly, I stick my tongue at him, "The last time we came here I was the one that drive and didn't get drunk because of that"I yell dancing,"Hey bitch let move to the dancing floor and show them what we got" Alena yell pulling me. Immediately we got to the dancing floor I started dancing, shaking my ass and twerking, grabbing attention but who give a fuck. Alena held my waist as I twerk my ass for her "That's my bitch, give me more badass"she yell as I grind on her p*ssy. Don't get us wrong we are not lesbian but twerking on her p*ssy doesn't mean we are lesbian, that how we behave. (Hours later) "I hate it when you get drunk"Davis said and I laughed "Fuck your dick buddy" I said, he carried me in the car, "You know I love you so much Davis, you are one in a million, I have always wish you were my brother not that asshole In Romano mansion" said kissing his cheeks. "I know and I love you too, now let go of my collar, Alena is still inside the club, let me go get her so we can go home" he said trying to release himself but I hold him more tight and wink like a baby "I don't want to"I said "I hate when you get drunk"he muttered, and release himself, I smile and black out on the chair.

 Next Morning I open my eyes slowly, my head was banging me, like I wake up with a fucking headache "My bitch is up" I sit up slowly "Dick head am having headache" I complain to Davis, he smirk, I look beside me, Alena was still sleeping "I don't think she will wake up any time soon"Davis said, I nodded, holding my head. "I prepare hangover soup, get ya ass up to the restroom and wash up"he said, I smile and hug him, "Ya so sweet and that's why I love you"I said resting my head on his chest, he chuckles "Enough of drama, be quick ya having class by ten"he said, I groan "I don't want to go to class today "I said smack my head"hey!!! that hurt"I yell "I wonder how you manage to get good grades when ya always missing class"he said sitting on the couch "Get ya ass to the wash room and get ready for class, bitch"he said "Dick head"I said smacking his head and run to the wash room My two best friend are the best.

 "I didn't know you will wake up early"I said to Alena as I dress up for class "You little witch fucking wake me up"she yawn "you stink of alcohol"I said covering my nose "fuck ya"she said and enter the wash room "Fucking get ya fucking ass to the living room if ya done, Davis prepare hangover soup" I yell and went out, only to see Davis smiling. "You got another bitch"I said knowing the meaning of his smile "Something like that"he said with a soft smirk "Ya keep banging those girls, because of ya look"I said settling on the chair,

ready to eat. "Ya get a handsome buddy that ladies are willing to die for"He said dramatically making me laugh. "Handsome my foot"Alena said coming out of the room "You both can't deny the fact am a Greek god" he said. Yes, Davis is very handsome, that can't be deny. "Am not in for argument this morning, am feeling headache" Alena said, then we all start eating.

 "Bye"I wave at Davis and Alena as they drop me in school. "Love ya bitch"they both said and drive away, I smile and walk to the school, only for me to see, that annoying jerk, girls keep drooling at him, I hate attention in school, he walk up to me, everyone was surprise "Hey"he said with a fake smile "Why are you here"I ask glaring hard at him.

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