
The Injury

Palepaw ran through the grass, a rabbit almost at her grasp, Her orange fur brushing against the fern.

Acornpaw leaped onto the rabbit before Palepaw could strike it down. "Hey! That was my prey!" Palepaw exclaimed annoyed.

"You snooze, you lose." Acornpaw retorted, with a snort. Palepaw rolled her eyes, "I'll show you! I'll get a bigger rabbit than you'd ever catch! Fair, and square!" She mewed with confidence. Acornpaw looked at her, "Is that a challenge?" He questioned, "You bet it is." Palepaw lifted her head high. "Your on!" Acornpaw looked her in eye.

"Now, Now, Are you two making a challenge without us?" A grey tabby stepped out of the grass, fallowed by a calico she-cat.

"No Heatherfall..." Acornpaw meowed sarcastically. "Hm, how about we go through with this challenge?" The she-cat said.

The two apprentices eyes lit up at the thought of a test. "Can we?!" Palepaw asked eagerly, Heatherfall curtly nodded.

"I'm going to tell you when to go...." They watched the she-cat meow, before she exclaimed, "Go!".

The two had shot off in different directions at the signal.

Palepaw ran through the grassy more, before picking up the scent of a mouse and slowing down.

She kept her feet light, while making little to no noise...

Snap! Her paw twisted as she pounced, bringing her leg with it.

The mouse got away as she hissed in agony. Her fear scent was overwhelming, which sent Heatherfall sprinting to her side.

"Oh dear.. this looks bad. Can you move it?" Heatherfall asked, as calming as he could, which wasn't a lot.

"I.." Palepaw shifted her leg, which put her in crucial pain, she let out a hiss of pain. "No-"

The Calico cat and Acornpaw had arrived at the scene. "What's happened!? Is everything okay?!" The calico she-cat mewed quickly.

"I..Think it's broken, we need to get Reedcloud here immediately!" Heatherfall exclaimed, "I'll go!" Acornpaw mewed. The calico nodded, which made Acornpaw begin to rush back to camp. "Okay, just keep still.." The calico meowed softly to Palepaw.

A few minutes later, Acornpaw had arrived with Reedcloud. "We've made it— Oh dear! Let's get her camp!" She meowed, then telling Heatherfall and the she-cat to help move Palepaw.

They got back to camp, Heatherfall and the calico on both sides, carried Palepaw to the medicine den.