
A New Path

Palepaw laid in the medicine cat den, the poppy seed Reedcloud gave her was starting to take effect asshe slowly fell into a deep sleep...

Palepaw woke up, she tried to move her leg. As her leg was propped up by a splint, she let out a sigh. She heard Reedclouds voice nearby, she pulled herself slowly a little closer. She was able to make out what she was say, "Please, Dappledstar, She can't become a warrior! Her  bone injury has worsened.", She heard Dappledstar let out a small sigh. "Fine, She'll train with you, and you better be sure this the right decision!" Dappledstar mowed sternly. Palepaw was shocked, Becoming a medicine cat?! What?! I can't! Why would I want to be a boring old medicine cat?!, she thought bitterly. She quickly dragged herself back to her nest, ignoring the pain.

Reedcloud came into the room where Palepaw was located.

"Hows your leg doing?" She asked calmly, Sitting next to Palepaws nest. "It's...good!" She mewed nervously. Reedcloud nodded. "I wanted to talk about something, if you're up to it?" Reedcloud asked cautiously, Palepaw thought it over for a minute, What would you want to talk about?! You're making me a mousebrained medicine cat!. Palepaw meowed calmly, "Of course, Reedcloud." She sat up, and looked down at her paws."So, you realize that you won't be able become a warrior correct?". Palepaw knew that, she just couldn't tell why she had to be a medicine cat. She had been told about a cat named Cinderpelt who had been in thunderclan, who became a medicine cat after her injury, But why couldn't Palepaw just wait to become a warrior once she healed?! "I...Yes." She said, a hint of defeat in her mew.

Reedcloud look at her, "Dappledstar and I have talked, and we agreed that you would train as a medicine cat from now on.". Hearing it the second time just made it worse! Why did she have to become a medicine cat?! There's more qualified cats out there!

"We start training in a few days, tomorrow you'll help me sort herbs." Reedcloud said before trotting out of the den to get get some prey.

"I'm becoming a medicine cat...wow...." Palepaw muttered sarcastically.

What in starclan am I going to do?! I don't know anything, why would a cat ever want with leaves you find everywhere?! Oh well, at least I can do something for the clan. She thought bitterly