
A Werewolf Tale

"In the shadows of eternal night, Elizabeth fell in love with Michael, a love that transcended time and space. However, their love was brutally severed when Michael met a tragic end, and Elizabeth was cursed with immortality. Four hundred years later, a mysterious twist of fate unravels as Elizabeth encounters a boy who bears an uncanny resemblance to her lost love. This seemingly coincidental meeting initiates a whirlwind of events that will reshape the supernatural world. From deadly vampire clans to fierce, bloodthirsty werewolves, Elizabeth finds herself at the center of a dangerous power struggle. vengeful vampires, determined to end her immortal existence, relentlessly hunt her. As the forces of darkness converge, Elizabeth's struggle for survival becomes more desperate. Will she endure these relentless challenges and find her lost love? Or is there a more profound destiny awaiting her? In a world of eternal night, love, and vengeance, 'A werewolf Tale' takes readers on an enthralling journey through the supernatural realms, where Elizabeth's fate remains uncertain, and secrets from the past are bound to resurface."

AlexisKing · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Lizzie stood there, her gut telling her that the impossible was right before her. Michael, the love she had lost, seemed to be standing in front of her. Her bag slipped from her hand, but she couldn't even notice it. Her attention was solely focused on the person she believed to be Michael.

Overwhelmed with joy, it was as if Michael had never died. She could feel an intense desire to run to him and embrace him. Her whole world was centered around the figure she believed to be him.

Meanwhile, Andy couldn't help but remark to Sky, "Hey, man, that girl is seriously crushing on you."

Sky was accustomed to receiving attention due to his striking looks and physique, but this seemed different. While many perceived Lizzie as a girl with a crush on Sky, he saw something more profound in her eyes. It was as though she had found something she had lost, something incredibly dear to her.

Amid the peculiar connection they appeared to share, Lizzie kept her eyes fixed on the person who resembled Michael. She hesitated, wanting to be sure if this was reality or a prank by Diana.

Unbeknownst to Lizzie, she was under surveillance as she continued to observe. After some contemplation, Lizzie convinced herself that Diana was behind this odd encounter. However, if Diana was indeed playing mind games with her, she had no inkling of the consequences of her actions.

Reluctantly, Lizzie made her way to her class.

After a refreshing shower, Sky and Andy walked towards their classroom as usual. All eyes were on them, particularly on Sky. His exceptional good looks could easily captivate anyone, regardless of gender.

In the midst of this, Diana was hurrying back to the classroom from the cafeteria, aware that she was running late. In her haste, she collided with Sky and kept running. The other students, mostly boys, stared at her. She had undoubtedly garnered some attention, but Diana paid it no heed. In the split second she turned to glance back, she caught a glimpse of Sky's face as he entered a corner.

Diana couldn't help but wonder, "Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me," before she continued her sprint.


Macy found herself in the bathroom, tears flowing uncontrollably. A pool of blood lay on the floor, and an almost lifeless girl was sprawled nearby.

Her conscience wrestled with the horrifying act she had just committed. The weight of her actions was unbearable, and she felt a sense of self-loathing. The urge to end her own existence loomed ominously.

Not long ago, she had entered the bathroom, intending to shower since she couldn't do so at home. What she encountered was far more unsettling: a girl with her hair pulled back, revealing bite marks on her neck.

"What are you doing?" Macy questioned, taking a step back from the alluring scent of the fresh blood.

"I'm just doing what I was told. It's my pleasure to be your lunch," the girl replied, her tone suggestive of being under some sort of compulsion.

As Macy continued to retreat from the situation, the girl advanced. There was something unnatural about her, as though she were mesmerized or controlled.

"You can't resist. Do it. You have no choice," the girl urged, pushing Macy's willpower to its limits.

Macy desperately attempted to restrain herself, but her desire intensified, along with her racing heart, shaky breath, and trembling body. Her very nature seemed to rebel against her will.

Eventually, she succumbed to her instincts. Seizing the girl by her hair, Macy sank her fangs into her neck and began to feed. It was a sensation of indescribable pleasure as the blood flowed into her mouth. The overwhelming allure of the girl's blood intoxicated her, making Macy feel as if she could go on forever.

As she fed, memories from the girl's life seeped into her mind. Macy recalled encountering a guy on her way home after school. He had requested a ride, claiming they were headed in the same direction. She had helped him, only to find herself compelled to drink his blood. After drinking his blood, he had snapped her neck.

In an instant, Macy returned to reality. She withdrew, and the girl fell like a lifeless puppet.

Macy contemplated the consequences of her actions. "I… I died?" It was a rhetorical question; she already knew the answer. She observed the girl, her heartbeats slowing by the second. Devastated and heartbroken, Macy crouched and began to shake the girl, but there was no sign of life.

Overwhelmed with guilt and fear, Macy retreated to a corner, weeping.

Another girl entered the bathroom, where the sight of the lifeless girl almost prompted her to scream. She then noticed Macy, curled up and in tears.

"What happened? Did you do this to her?" she questioned, cautiously taking a step back.

Observing the lifeless girl on the floor, she felt a growing fear. However, her fear was short-lived, as Macy suddenly stood before her, blocking her path.

"Please, let me go… please don't hurt me," the terrified girl pleaded, stepping back and eventually finding herself cornered.

Macy attempted something she had learned from her recent experience. While looking directly into the girl's eyes, she sought to compel her.

"Would you kindly forget everything you've seen here and leave as if you never witnessed anything," Macy commanded.

The girl's eyes glazed over, and without a word, she went to the tap, washed her hands, and exited the bathroom. Macy quickly followed, leaving the room and the lifeless girl behind.

Deeply troubled, Macy could only hope that the girl survived the encounter.