
A Way to Live

"... death is but the next great adventure..."

Cloesome · Ciudad
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2 Chs


The dull sound of dripping rain reached blood filled ears, barely audible over the choked out breaths of the young woman lying in it. her murky brown eyes out of focus and make up long past gone.

" Why..." another speaks, sounding faint to her ears, the sound of water overwhelming all other senses.

"...killed, and now you come here? You dare betray me?" as that reached her she couldn't help but laugh. A deep coughed out tipe laughter that sounded like she was spilling both her misery and her lungs.

"...TOP! Stop laughING, I need to get you stable! Or.."

"You..." she whispers, blood drilling out of her mouth and the man leans over her so he can hear, his face no longer visible in her eyes.

"'ou've alwa's be'n a h'procr'te" a smile stretches out painfully from her broken visage eyes failing close.

" ...on't you dare..." his voice feel out her mind the screaming no longer filtering into words the world around her darkening.

'Ah, it seems I won't be able to eat with you one more time...'

A tear fall from down her twisted face leaving a clear track through the dust gathered there.

"'m sorr'" ' I'm sorry'

'It seems this is it for me'

As she slips from consciousness completely she can't help but think it just one last time;

' Goddam Nazis'