
Reef – Brittney's Trial part 6




"Judge, I would like to call Dr. Abraham Malachi to the stand next." Theo stood with his next person being called before the Judge could tell him to do so.

"Very well. Dr. Malachi, please take the stand." Judge Saltwater pointed to where the man needed to be seated. Abraham didn't hesitate, he rose to his feet, with his leather bound notebook in his hand. He was going to be the last witness that was called. Well, aside from the recalling of Brittney. I had a feeling that Theo was going to destroy that girl on the stand, and I just couldn't wait to see it.

Abraham sat in the chair at the witness stand, turned to the bailiff and raised his hand before he was even told to. Then the bailiff was closer, he put his hand on the coral like he was supposed to.

"Dr. Malachi, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you by the Gods Poseidon and Neptune?"