
A Wave Of Desire (BL)

After having been abandoned on the beach as a baby Ocean has lived the best life possible. He is the school's star swimmer. He is the most popular and a shoe in for the student body president. He is an honors student. And he even has the hottest girl in school as his girlfriend. But everything comes crashing down around him when the hot new Makai Rivers transfers in their senior year. Makai begins to steal Ocean's popularity, his number one spot on the swim team, even his girlfriend dumps him for the new guy. All of this just infuriates Ocean. So, why is it that Makai seems to follow Ocean around like a lost little puppy? Why can't he get this super annoying and super hot guy to stop following him? What is it that he truly feels toward Makai. And What is it that is different about Makai? Why is it that they're both so drawn toward each other? ******************** MATURE RATING ******************** This book is a LGBTQ story with mature content. There will be scenes that contain the following: ADULT LANGUAGE UNDERAGE DRINKING VIOLENCE SEXUAL SITUATIONS FOLLOW ME AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK https://discord.gg/8wrYgHqemB https://twitter.com/DCinMI https://www.facebook.com/deni.chance.71 **THE AUTHOR OWNS NO RIGHTS TO THE IMAGE ON THIS COVER, IF THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH ME USING THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME WITH ANY CONCERNS**

Deni_Chance · LGBT+
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500 Chs

Makai - Ocean On The Beach Part 2




"Ocean, I don't hate you." I yelled at him. I had reached the end of my emotional rope for the day. "Why do you think that I hate you?" He was looking at me like I was speaking a different language.

"If you don't hate me then why do you glare at me? If you don't hate me then why would you run for class president when you just got here? And why would you steal my girlfriend?" He was huffing and breathing heavily at the end of his rant.

The things that he was saying, none of it was true. Yeah, I stare at him but I am pretty sure it is obvious it's because I like him. I mean, OK, everyone here probably didn't know that I was bisexual, but I am. For me it was nothing new to think that a guy was good looking. No, the new part was the intense pull that I was feeling toward him. I didn't even know what it meant.

All I knew was that I wanted to be with Ocean all the time. Though, I had never been allowed to be with him, ever.

I hadn't entered the election. That was someone else's doing. People were naturally drawn to me most of the time. I noticed they were like that with Ocean too, that's why I thought he was like me as soon as I saw him. Still, one of my instant fans had been the one to enter me into the election.

And I most definitely did not take his girlfriend. I had turned her down flat and would never go for her. Now just to tell him all of this.

"Ocean." I called his name, loving how it felt to say it. "I don't want to be the president, I don't want Brittney, and I don't hate you. I am not glaring at you, I am watching you." I was doing my best to explain what I could.

"I don't want to hear it." I watched as he sprang to his feet from his place on the sand. He was so drunk that I couldn't believe he didn't just fall back down. "People saw the two of you together. You were caught. I know you're with her, but you shouldn't be. She is a bitch. She's a leech. She will ruin you."

"Are you worried about me?" I was hopeful for a moment.

"No!" He yelled at me but it seemed a little too forced if you asked me.

I couldn't help but smile. If he was worried about me does that mean he was interested in me? It should at least mean that he wasn't totally against me.

"Ocean, what do you think of me?" I had to ask this, I needed to know.

"I think you're annoying." He yelled immediately. "I think you're stealing everything that was supposed to be mine. You took my place on the team, you took the election, you took my girlfriend."

"I didn't do any of those things. I don't want Brittney. I don't want to be number one on the team. I don't want to lead the class. All I want is you, Ocean."

Those words seemed to make his face go red. He was flustered and finding it hard to talk.

"You're lying to me. I know you are. The real Makai is never like this with me." He looked hurt. "The real Makai would never talk to me like this."

"You never let me talk to you. All you ever do is run from me. I want to talk to you, Ocean, I want to hang out with you."

"No you don't. All you want to do is take everything from me."

I watched as he went to take another swig of his beer but he wobbled so much that he almost fell over instantly.

"Careful." I grabbed his shoulder to steady him.

"You're not getting my beer. It's mine." He was glaring at me. "You can't take any more of my life."

"Ocean?" I was going to try and talk to him again but he shifted a little.

"Which one of you is the one that was talking?"

That was when I watched Ocean reach out with his fist. It was more like he was trying to grab onto me but his hand was already closed and he didn't know it. His hand was moving faster than I expected. If I wasn't careful he would end up hitting me.

I tried to pin his arms to his sides to calm him down. If I didn't he would either fall over or hit me. There was nothing else I could do really.

Too bad he was still fighting to get free. He wanted to grab the me that was talking so he was probably seeing a few after images or shadow images of me while he moved.

"Sit still." He growled at me as he reached out really fast.

In the confusion the two of us ended up sprawled on the beach. I was hovering over Ocean, my knees next to his hips and my hands next to his head. This position excited me more than I thought it would right now. We weren't doing anything after all.

"Why are you on top of me?" Ocean asked me, confused.

"You pulled me on top of you when you were trying to hit me." I answered in a tense voice as I tried to stop myself from doing something wrong.

"I wasn't going to hit you, I wanted to hold onto you. You were spinning too fast for my eyes."

"Ocean, do you-." I never got to finish my question since he interrupted me.

"Here, I am going to prove that you're not real. You're in my head."

Before I could react, Ocean grabbed the back of my head with both hands. He pulled me down forcefully and pressed his lips to mine. He was kissing me. Ocean was kissing me.