
A voice in the dark

"The world is a cruel place." That's how the young boy Damion perceived the world. Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. Being forced to know the truth about the world at an early age, Damion has become detached to the things of living. Pain, loss, misery, distress, those are the things that the world has given to Sol, enclosing him in a cold and dark tunnel. 'There's no good future for me' was what Damion thought until he met a certain someone who could very well change his life. Could this be a chance for Damion to come out of darkness and embrace the light, or will the world prove to him once again that there's no happy ending for him. ... ... Trust me on this, you guys are gonna enjoy where I'm heading in this book. And also, pardon me for any of my bad English, I'm not that good in English education. ^_^ >_

D_king · Real
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3 Chs

No Good Deed Done Goes Unpunished


"I hate you. You're a worthless piece of trash. I regret giving birth to you....."

"I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? What does you being sorry offer me. It's all because of you that my life has been turned upside down. All what you ever do is just to leech off of me."

"I'm sorry."

"You know, I knew I should have left you in an orphanage the moment I saw your face. I don't even know what held me from doing so back then. I can't believe your father left me alone to take care of you. That fucking bastard."

"I'm sorry."

"You know what, it's not too long now. I can't wait to leave you in this hell hole. Bastard!"



The sound of Neko meowing woke me up from my nightmare. Or rather a memory.

I opened my eyes and saw a familiar black cat rubbing it's head tenderly against mine.

'Ah, I can never forget you being the only one truly bringing a smile on my face. If only everyone was like you.'

I stayed in bed for some while, still feeling lazy to get up.


"Yeah, you're right. I should probably go so she won't get mad at me."

A painful truth that I've come to accept is that there's no such thing as a good person.

Every good deed performed by man always has an ulterior motive attached to it.

It can be something as simple as giving a compliment, or even giving gifts to someone. Those are just a front to hide the true nature of man.

When a man says "You look beautiful." What takes root in his heart is lust. When he says "That looks good on you." What comes to him is envy.

Greed, envy, anger, violence.

I've come to understand that these are the true nature of man.

"Young man, can you be so kind to help an elderly woman across the street."

The sound of a croaked voice brought me back from my pleasant conversation with myself.

I was by the end of a junction waiting for the pedestrian light to turn green. Standing to my right was an ancient woman, I say ancient because this woman was covered head to toe with wrinkles.

Her arm was already outstretched, and from what I could see it was already trembling.

She had a hunched back, making her to be equal to me in height. On her head was a black scarf wrapped to protect her from the early morning sun rays. She was dressed on your average elderly person attire.

Not wanting to stress her, I linked my arm with hers and waited for the pedestrian light to turn green.

While waiting I indulged myself with my thoughts.

'Ahd here I am helping an elderly woman to cross the street after saying that there is no such thing as a good person.'

"You know, you shouldn't be consumed by so much burden at such a tender age. Trust me, it won't do well for you."

I stayed slient

I could still sense her eyes fixed on me and after some time, the light turned green.

The cars waited as the pedestrian began to cross.

I had to walk slowly so as to not agitate her elderly bones. When we made it across, she released a long sigh.

"Oh, thank you for being a good dear to me. It's been a real hassle walking around these days. I should have bought myself a walking stick just like my son said. Well, this old woman really appreciates what you've done to her."

"Its ok."

After waiting for a while, I turned to leave and as I was a few metres away, I heard her say something under her breath.

"Poor boy."


Getting closer to the school, the voices of the children were becoming more distinct.

"Dad you'll pick me up from school right?"

"Nooo, I don't wanna go."

"See you later Mom."

"Make sure you eat your lunch, ok?"

"I don't wanna hear that you cause any trouble. You hear me?"

I walked in their shadows, with my head bent low I covered my hears.

It hurts to be continually reminded of how screwed up my life is.

'When will it end?'


"Hey, wanna check out a game my dad bought for me after school?"


"My mom's taking me to a beauty salon this Saturday. You should tell your mom to tag along with us."

"I don't know guys, I'm pretty sure superman will fly like whoosh and beat spiderman."

"Guess what, Fuji asked me out on a date. Eek!!"


'Maybe the reason I don't do well with kids my age is because I've been forced to grow up quickly than them.

All what they ever talk about are trivial things that holds no value whatsoever.'

"Hey, sensei's coming!"

Following that announcement was a series of shuffling brought about by kids trying to get to their sit before our teacher comes in.

The door slid open and our homeroom teacher came in.

From what I knew, he was in his late twenties. He has a disheveled sandy hair that seems to blend in with his face. He has brown eyes and was rather tall compared to people his age.

Our sensei, Luke was a sort of man that tends to make sure everyone is happy with him. Not even a student at our middle school could say they hate him. But I could take a guess that he went through some trauma as a child, maybe it was the need for acceptance that caused him to make sure everyone likes him.

"Good morning sensei."

"Good morning everyone one. So today's Tuesday, and as you all know it's our annual quiz."


"But, due to a certain circumstance, the quiz has been postponed."

"Yes! Hooray! Hell yeah!"

He waited for the celebration to die out before continuing with his announcement.

"Ok guys, we have a new student joining us today. You can come in now."