In a twist of fate, Adam, son of the Ancient Sun God finds himself in a strange world with his full power, how will things change for Fairy Tail as the Angel of Imagination sets his sights on them.
The festivities continued inside the Fairy Tail's inn as Thomas continued to look at the strange guild, he didn't know why his feets guided it here but here he was anyway so let's try to pry some information about them, he looked at his seat neighbor to see a young girl with blue hair that was looking at the back of his hand
"Are you a member of the Twilight Hermit Guild ? " she inquired with a low voice
"What is a member of your Guild doing here ? " The cat accompanying her had not the decency to lower her voice as she was heard in all of the tavern as a majority of the members of Fairy Tail looked at him.
Thomas smiled wearily as a part of Fairy Tail looked at his symbol on his hand before frowning
"Were you here to spy on us ?" demanded the same cat with narrowed eyes
"Not at all, am I not welcome to drink here ? " he replied to the cat as he smiled at her
"This is our guild building, you have yours to go drink there !" she exclaimed as she snarled at him
"Well, if only I could drink there but I don't want to be found by Lord Amon or the others under him or I will finish in the nude without anything on me, petty thieves"
"So you just barge into our building like you own the place ? " said Natsu as he came near Thomas.
"I don't see this as an offense, if you find it offensive I deeply apologize for my lack o-" he couldn't even finish as a fist came crashing on the table, making Wendy's drink fly but Thomas was faster as he took hold of her drink and gave it back to her with a smile.
"Your guild has the nerve to wound members of our guild then come here to taunt us ? " asked Natsu as flames could be seen dancing around his fists
"Natsu !" cried out Makarov as he came from downstairs hearing the commotion with Erza and the invisible Mavis
"But Master !" he cried out as he saw the eyes of Makarov, "They're the one that wounded Lucy and attacked Crime Sorciere ! "
One of the hands of Thomas was put on the shoulder of Natsu "If you so wish to test your mettle against me, I can make your wish come true " he declared with veins popping on his head, Adam instilled gentleness and decorum in him, seeing someone just disrespect him, a saint like that angered him a bit.
Natsu swatted the hand of Thomas with a smile "I'm all fired up, I will make your guild pay for what you did to us !"
The guild and Thomas went out to a sort of little arena behind the inn, prepared to let the guild members train.
The two participants put themself on the two extremities of the arena
"Go Natsu, show him how we fight at Fairy Tail ! " cried out Happy as more and more voices were encouraging Natsu.
Thomas narrowed his eyes when seeing this it seemed that a strange energy was gathering inside of Natsu.
'Strange let's test him' he thought as Makarov initiated the battle, Thomas generated three spears made of light and launched toward Natsu, seeing this the dragonslayer promptly dodged the three spears and utilized his magic to propel himself toward Thomas at great speed. Using his power over light, Thomas generated a dozen more spears to throw at Natsu as he was just testing the young dragon slayer for now.
Natsu dodged seven spears before the rest found their marks on him and exploded into a fiery explosion of flames and light.
'What is this ? ' Thomas widened his eyes as he saw Natsu starting to eat the flames.
"Thanks for the meal ! " the dragonslayer cried out as he put his hands around his mouth
"Fire Dragon's Roar ! " he cried out as a deluge of flames came from his mouth
'That is quite impressive ' noted Thomas as he opened his mouth seeing the flame wall that was going toward him
"God says it's ineffective ! " he said in a language that nobody in the arena could comprehend, then the wall of flame engulfed him.
"Yosha ! " cried out Natsu with a smile but in an instant a beam of light coming from the sky fell on him.
Emerging from the remains of the fire of Natsu was Thomas running toward him at great speed, an armor made of light and an enormous warhammer in his hands.
The beam of Light was still pressing Natsu on the ground "AAARGH !" he cried out as he exerted all his force to generate a pillar of fire engulfing the pillar of light, then the first that Natsu saw as he stood up was the warhammer coming for his stomach
"BLURGH !" Natsu instantly threw up what he ate tonight with a mix of blood as the warhammer shock was this strong totally stunning him, Thomas's warhammer disappeared as he joined his hands in fist and smashed Natsu on the ground not before adding a little enhancement
"God says it's effective!" Natsu body collided violently with the ground as an enormous crater was formed
"Natsu ! " cried out Lucy and Gray as they ran toward him
"Don't worry, he is already healing " said Thomas as a gemstone that he carried in his pocket was emitting a green light "Courtesy of Roselle" he added as he looked at Fairy Tail
"So can I go in and drink ? " he asked the guild but it seemed that they were still not okay with him being here
"First I want to try fighting you myself" said one of Fairy Tail's strongest mages, Laxus as he appeared in a flash of lightning.
Thomas narrowed his eyes at the man, perhaps this could prove a bit difficult was what his intuition told him.
"I accept" he replied as he took once again his place in the arena.
After taking Natsu' unconscious body toward the rest of the Guild, Makarov once again started the fight, this time Thomas was far more cautious as his opponent was far stronger, he didn't need to sense the 'mana' on this man, just his presence radiated power.
In an instant Laxus transformed his body in a lightning bolt using his magic and rushed Thomas, an armor of pure light appeared on him as he generated an enormous shield of light parrying the destructive hit of Laxus's fist encased in lightning magic.
The sound of the collision was deafening as a gust of wind blew the entire battlefield, Thomas disintegrated his shield then created two short swords to strike at his opponent at the same moment he generated a flash of light to blind Laxus.
"Arg! " cried out the Lightning dragon slayer as he was blinded by the miniature sun and as the two swords of Thomas struck him across his torso.
"Lightning Dragon Temple ! " cried Laxus as his body exploded into a pillar of lightning hitting Thomas and making him fly.
'Strong' noted Thomas as the parts of his armor were cracked, he promptly reapplied his power to repair it. At the same moment he generated an enormous spear of light and threw it toward Laxus
"God says it's effective!" The spear's power was enhanced making it glow even more.
"Lightning Dragon's Roar !" The fairy tail mage declared as an enormous beam of lightning was sent toward the spear to counter it.
'Your breaths attack are a weakness' Thomas snickered as he put his two hands above him generating the most destructive attack that his pathways is capable of
'Flaring Sun' he intoned in his head as an enormous ball of Holy Fire and Light appeared above his head, the ball was akin to a mini sun as the entire surrounding were illuminated akin to the day.
"Be purified" Thomas said as he threw the miniature sun toward Laxus who was still using his previous attack to destroy the spear.
The ball approached rapidly leaving a trail of melted arena behind. Seeing this Laxus closed his mouth as the spear exploded from his previous attack and used everything that he still had in stock.
His body emitted an impressive amount of lightning as he charged forward toward the miniaturized sun
"What are you doing ? " Thomas cried out as he saw the dumbass attacking his sun head on
Laxus grunted as his magic coated fists made contact with the ball of light "I am a mage of Fairy Tail ! " he cried out as an enormous magic circle appeared on his fists
"Dragon Slayer Secret Art : Roaring Thunder ! " Laxus screamed with all his force as his fists emitted an even more impressive amount of light
"God says it's effective!" cried out Thomas as he saw his sun weakening, the ball expanded even more making Laxus recoil more and more
"AAAAAH!" the dragon slayer yelled as more of his teammates encouraged him
"Go Laxus !" cried out the guild in its entirety as even Makarov was seen encouraging his grand-son like a pom pom girl.
'What is this madness ? ' thought Thomas as Laxus pierced his sun in its middle as he rushed at him with his body turned into a lightning bolt, his spell not finished yet.
'I will not be defeated !' thought Thomas as he generated another Fiery Sun, this time even stronger than the last one.
Laxus appeared in front of him, fist raised to hit him.
Thomas threw the sun with the intention of crushing Laxus between the sun and the arena to win but in an instant Laxus disappeared in a flash of lightning dodging the sun that crashed on the ground.
'He can become even faster ?' Thomas widened his eyes as he sensed the presence of Laxus above him
"Lightning Dragon Jaw !!" the blond dragon slayer screamed as a literal hammer of lightning fell on Thomas
"God says it's in-!" Thomas didn't have the time to finish his sentence as the fists of Laxus crashed upon him breaking his light armor and smashing him onto the ground, causing a deafening explosion and an enormous crater.
Fairy Tail was silent as they looked at the result of the battle, Laxus standing above the panting form of Thomas on the crater, his robes totally destroyed revealing his bare torso.
"You…" started Thomas as he looked at Laxus with his half open eyes, "are strong, but it will not be necessary to defeat the Lords that are participating in the games" after saying that, Thomas fell unconscious
Laxus looked at him with a tiny smile and battered breath, his body burnt due to the pure power of Thomas' attacks.
"We'll find a way, after all, we are Fairy Tail" he replied to the unconscious man as he fell on the ground too.
"Laxus !" cried out Fried as he rushed toward him with the rest of the guild on his tail.
"He is fine" a young voice was heard above them as they saw the young kid that was accompanying Roselle and Merlin in the arena earlier today.
"You defeated Thomas, impressive" said the kid as he licked his ice-cream "But like Thomas said, defeating the team is impossible, even defeating one of them could prove impossible"
Makarov looked at the kid in front of him as Will descended to touch the body of Thomas then, all his wounds and Laxus disappeared in an instant.
"We at Fairy Tail, are not afraid of facing insurmountable odds" spoke the Third Master of Fairy Tail
"It is not insurmountable odds that you will be facing" said Will as he teleported Thomas back to their inn "As odds can still be defeated, you are facing Destiny itself" he said as he disappeared in an instant letting Fairy Tail contemplate what he said.
Makarov looked at Laxus for a bit before speaking to his grandson
"You fought well Laxus; I am very proud of you" he said with a smile as everyone cheered the lightning dragon slayer as they returned to the inn unaware of the raven with a monocle looking at them.
Adam looked at his book with a frown, Thomas should never had been defeated by that attack
"So there is something that is tempering with what I write " the zealous man frowned as he looked at the moon, he had his suspicion that's why he tested the Fairy Tail guild through all these attacks on them or their allies, but it seemed that something was helping them.
Since when, He, Adam, Son of God started to lose the string of the plot that he wove ?
He disappeared and reappeared in front of one of the bedrooms of the inn, he gently knocked on the door
"Enter" replied the voice inside and Adam opened the door to see the only one that was not a creation of his imagination, the only 'true' person here, someone like His Father. A man possessing strange knowledge, someone that thwarted Fate at every turn and that had his life on the string a lot of time but that managed to survive and come back stronger each time.
"We need to talk, Klein Moretti" declared the angel as he saw the disguise of Merlin disappearing to reveal the young man behind it, The Fool.
"If you want to talk to me it means that something has gone wrong" said Klein as he looked at Adam, the Visionary replied with a weary smile as he created a table and two seats for them to sit at.
"Our first encounter in this strange land was quite the debacle" remembered Adam as he looked at the young man in front of him
Klein replied by a little laugh "Indeed, a testament of how two lost persons can be dangerous" he remembered the entire mountain that was dropped atop of him by the blond man in front of him.
"A testament of my harshness instead" replied Adam, he was the one to initiate the conflict, he was alive, something that didn't happen since very long, courtesy of His Father.
"My Father liked you a lot," said Adam as he created a set of cups full of tea. "He arranged a lot of things for you"
The Fool looked at his cup to see his face, the same face of when he was just a normal person.
"In fact my Father was quite fond of Roselle too, and don't forget Amanises in this too" he continued as he drank, remembering the young woman draped in strange clothing back when 'He' visited the Demonic Wolves.
"I never resent my Father for taking my body after all, I was born for this sole purpose, but what I loathe is that you and me are stuck here, in this forsaken world, so that's why, Klein Moretti, I proposed to you to join hands to return to our world once more"
"And this is why I accepted" replied the Fool as he looked at Adam dead in the eyes "But I don't see any way for now to return to our world, I followed the trail of Selene the Moon Dragon God but it seems that she is unreachable for me right now"
Adam pondered for a moment before drinking again his tea approvingly "Father's tea is always the best, but for the topic, I will try with the Eclipse Gate to return to our world, this is the only reason why we participated in this insipid tournament after all"
Klein smiled at hearing Adam not before downing the entire cup of its content.
"Do you want us to return to our hunt for this dragon God ?" asked Klein as he looked at the now full tea cup with strange eyes.
"It will not be necessary for now," started Adam as he materialized his book "For I have some suspicion that something is interfering with us, look"
Adam showed his writing to Klein, how Thomas should have won against Laxus and yet the dragon slayer still won against the Saint.
"A strange occurrence, did you sense something during the battle ? " asked Klein to the Visionary
"No, I even sent a Raven of Amon to sightsee with Will but nothing, no strange energy, nothing" replied Adam with a frown
The Fool started to tap his index finger on the table while he pondered
"I will try to look into it with Roselle tomorrow in depth" declared Klein as Adam nodded at him
"Then we will finish this tournament, try the Eclipse Gate and if it doesn't work, I'll go personally meet this 'God'" declared Adam as he stood up, not before downing another teacup.
"Then I wish you a goodnight, Klein" declared Adam as he went for the door
"Good night to you too " replied Klein with a smile as the entire table disappeared at the same time as Adam.
That's all for today, I hope you liked
Tried to do good fight scenes and a good talk between Klein and Adam, dunno if this was any good
See you soon :)