
A villain King

What will happen if your own father gives you away to a man who will kill you if one mistake is made... Well that is the life Adele O'Callaghan is going through, her father had no choice but to give her to a man who would kill her if she made one mistake or try to run from him and the worst thing was that Adele had begged for her father to keep her son with him but no, to their surprise the kid was the main reason this devil came to their kingdom... What will become of her and her child? Would he really murder them both if they made a mistake?, Adele had all this running through her mind

fancyruby · Fantasía
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7 Chs

king eral heroux


A person landed on the ground naked, the ring ceremony was put to a stop, everyone faced the naked man on the ground trying to check where he came from, until they saw a man with his sword coming into the hall along with another man beside him 

"King O'Callaghan, is this how you treat your humble guest" Eral spread his hands in from of welcoming a hug 

"And who are you, how dare you brag into the royal palace like that" Queen Valarie shouted from the throne

"My lady, you shouldn't shout at your savior, watch your tone when speaking to me lady Valarie" Eral shut a deadly gaze to queen Valarie 

"And who are you to speak to my mother like that" Princess Kalani said causing Eral to look to her direction then smiled, he looked around but couldn't find the one he was looking for 

"Do you disregard my words to your mother, princess Kalani" Eral smiled he walked to the naked fellow on the ground and brought him up, he did show them by killing this man but as he was about to do so, the one who he was looking for came into the hall, she walked to the ground seat and sat there instead of joining the royals 

"Oh my what a beautiful girl that is" Eral smiled then turned to the fellow "I swear I haven't killed a person for days now and here you are being freed once again, run along" immediately the man stood up and ran out of the palace

"Do you know that is an offense to walk into the palace and do what you are doing" Farrell O'Callaghan the crown prince said 

"What a way to welcome him" Leander said then walked to where king Baldric was sitting "Please allow me to introduce him, His majesty, the fourth king of Avalon, King Eral Heroux" 

The whole people seated stood on their feet, with surprise on their face they never expect the monster to be this beautiful or well build, he was a clear version of the gods, a man whose beauty can suppress any woman's beauty, his hair sang to the wind and his eye held no smile in them 

"Your majesty" Duke Baron bowed so did all the nobles "We are sorry we didn't recognize you"

"Cause you grade me to be ugly and bloody" Eral made his way to the king "I believe I have some business with you old man"

King Baldric held his anger "One is married and the other you have met" 

"You only have two daughters huh" Eral smiled

"Am sorry for the way I spoke to you, your majesty" Kalani played the good princess, now she was ready to give herself to this handsome beauty 

"Where will I sleep?" Eral asked ignoring Kalani like she never existed 

"I will show you your room" Kalani offered

"Ahh, am not in the mood to sleep show Leander to his room, I will take a tour"

"I will show you around then" Kalani offered

Eral face became red "Princess Kalani, do you know what I do to people who act smart with me?"


"Leander why don't you tell her"

"They are sent to afterlife to keep acting" Leander smiled

"Now where were we, oh true your ring ceremony was put on hold because me, you can finish up without me, Leander and I will tour ourselves"

"Go with the guards then" Kalani said pointing to her personal guard 

"I will kill you before I kill her and princess Kalani you should take care of your sister's ring ceremony and leave me alone" his voice this time was too cold this made Kalani tremble with fear, she did not say anything again but just watch the arrogant king leave the hall 

"What a fool she is" Eral walked around the palace garden 

"She must think you came for her" Leander said 

"What in the world will make me fall for such a fool" Eral was disgusted by the thought of it "You should have known bet..." Something interrupted Eral, it was hiding in the bush "Who is that?" But no one answered, Eral signaled Leander to move from the other side, but before they could do anything the person already read their move and ran out, seeing the kid run out like that made Eral laugh "Which child should be afraid of his own ..." 

"Your majesty, you can speak with the king now" Duke Baron announced

"Ahh, your kingdom has this habit of interruption" Eral walked past Duke Baron.

The king's study

"Your majesty, welcome to Ivorn and am sorry for not giving you a befitting welcome, you came a day before so you don't expect us to know about you" Baldric indirectly insulted Eral

"I can see how much you seen to care about us my Lord, sorry for not sending ahead of time to let you know I will be coming over a day before but surprisingly I got to know what you people think of me, such bad thought"

"Am sorry if you found it unpleasant, we had rumors that's all"

"Are you apologizing or what are you doing now"

"Apologizing of course, what else" Baldric said "Let's discuss the reason you came here King Heroux"

"I would do that in front of your whole family so get them ready, am to leave Ivorn in three days and in this three days, I will leave with my bride or else" Eral shot the king a deadly gaze "You have a taste of blood to not give in"

Baldric understood what he meant, he was saying if he didn't agree to it Ivorn would face the outcome, 'how can a child be this evil' Baldric thought 

"You can tell me there nothing worth talking about in front of my whole family"

"She's worth it"


Eral stood up "My bride" Eral smiled "So if that's all I will like to rest now, we speak when your family is ready" he then turned to leave but stop "Know that I hate time wasting" Eral left without looking back 

"Cruse that child" Baldric banged his hand on the table

"Your majesty you should be careful of what you say, he might hear you" Duke Baron was humbled with fear, the way Eral spoke made him think whether he was truly 23yrs, he doesn't act his age at all.

Eral went back to his room with Leander 

They both unpacked and sat down to talk

"Are they men ready?"

"Yes, they are on standby, just one signal and it's done" Leander replied, he just hope Ivorn wouldn't be another prey to Eral's wrath 

"We just have to wait and see if he lets me take her, no matter what I will have, what I want, is either the right way or the bloody way" Eral smile was gone from his face and was replaced with an evil smirk.