
A villain King

What will happen if your own father gives you away to a man who will kill you if one mistake is made... Well that is the life Adele O'Callaghan is going through, her father had no choice but to give her to a man who would kill her if she made one mistake or try to run from him and the worst thing was that Adele had begged for her father to keep her son with him but no, to their surprise the kid was the main reason this devil came to their kingdom... What will become of her and her child? Would he really murder them both if they made a mistake?, Adele had all this running through her mind

fancyruby · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Ahh, did she really run away

Adele went to her father's study room and fell on her knees, she's been shedding tears since he spoke to in the morning

"Father please I don't want this marriage please, don't force me into something I don't want"

"Adele I have already told you I can't do anything about it, I can't risk the lives of many just for you" 

"Yes, okay father I know you can't do that but you can a least take Azor with you, I will go with him but but don't let him take Azor with us, do this at least please don't tell him about Azor"

"Fine but he is …" Baldric's mouth went shut, his eyes met the bloody cold eyes that were looking at him "King Heroux, you should be resting"

Adele turned to see the monster who was out to destroy her life, her freedom and peace. Her eyes were filled with hate when she looked at him, she quickly stood up and ran over to him and held him by the cloth 

"Why on earth are you doing this to me, do I look like I want to get married to you, do I?!" Adele shouted 

Eral moved her hands off his cloth then dusted his dress before looking at Adele "Do you think you are happy being here?" That was all Eral could think of, he was just trying to help her and that was not all he came for

"And does it look like your help is needed here, just leave already I don't need you to help me and am fine with my life"

"Take a good look at yourself and then tell me how fine you live your life, and that aside I am not here just because I want to marry you but am here for him, that kid" Eral waves his hand and Leander comes in with Azor. As soon as Adele saw Azor she grabbed her son away from Leander

"Chill I was not harming him" Leander said then walked to Baldric's table and dropped a paper on the table " That's your grandson's DNA test, proves that he is Eral Heroux's son" 

"What!" Baldric exclaimed, he took the paper and check the details and it was true, he then handed it over to Adele who took it in a flash and rushed through the paper 

"And why will you take my son out without my permission, and this I don't believe it" Adele was trembling, Azor was the only one she had in this world and now someone wants to take him away from her

"Don't fool yourself Adele take a good look at your son and then take a good look at me, we have the same facial look and red eyes are not common between anyone" Eral could understand what she must be going through, that's how his mother felt when his father took him away from her.

"Mama I think his my dad, the test said so" Azor hugged Adele, he only went with Leander cause Eral asked him to and he obed Eral cause he knew he looked exactly like him and they have the same tone of voice

"No he's not, no one is your father I have told you countless times that you have no father" Adele held Azor and spoke to him

"I think the kid is to intelligent for that, he already knows the truth and can't you stop lying to yourself, no one makes babies on their own" Eral replied "Hey I understand what you are going through, think it over either ways am taking you and the child and please stop making me looks so wicked in front of my own son, I have had enough watching my child grow up without a name, I have had enough of the way he's being treated in this palace, can't you see the good am trying to do for you, can't you see the opportunity I placed for you do you want to keep punishing a child who did not wrong in this crude world we leave in, what wrong has he done to be treated this unfairly huh, for being my son or what?" Eral moved forward to Adele and held her "Think it through even though your choice is not needed but at least do things the right way, I will leave you to talk about it with your father or do whatever you want, in two days we are leaving so is either we prepare for a wedding or we get ready for war, the choice is yours to make" Eral turned and left the study room

As soon as the door shut behind them Eral jumped on the bed then sighed "She really has no choice but to agree to it"

Leander started clapping "Wow my friend wow, I never knew you had this part in you, 'what wrong has he done to be treated like this', really wow wow Eral wow"

"Hey there are sometimes you have to lay low to give what you want and I didn't say anything wrong, all that came from my heart"

"Oh my say someone who doesn't have a heart, you are heartless okay"

"Hey I have a heart that's why i'm alive okay, but truth to be told all those came from somewhere if not my heart"

"Ahh, at least you tried your best to convince her I don't think she's dumb enough to let you take her as a slave" Leander joined him on the bed 

"Yeah, and if she's that dump then we will do it the way she wants, take her by force I really don't care about what she thinks all I care about is my son and I can't take the kid without his mother" Eral faced Leander "What do you think she would do?" Eral asked 

"Hope she will not run away cause she can result to that" Leander couldn't help but think in the manner

"That's true, tell the boys to keep watch for anyone coming out of the palace in a suspicious manner" 

"Sure, I will inform they right away" Leander stood up and left 

"I can't believe she would do that, no she can't do that" Eral tried to convince himself that Adele would be a decent lady and stay put.

Day came and went, people were sleeping in the comfort of the breezing night 

Inside the walls of the palace, someone moved in a dark cloth carrying a child in her arm, Adele waited for everyone to fall asleep before she could do anything. She moved in a silent tone carrying Azor in her arm, she went outside and checked on the guards but they were all sleeping 

"Perfect, their laziness has helped me today" Adele tip top and pass the front guards, she went to the cabin and found a horse she could ride 

"Hey there you would help me right, just take me outside and I will make you me pet hmm" Adele unleashed the horse and got on it, she faced it towards the backyard and left through the back gate cause she knows that no one will catch she if she followed that way but unknown to Adele a red eyes watched her from the top 

"Ahh, did she really run away" Eral smiled "What a smart move to make, Leander let the guards follow her, I did like to spoil her fun when she least expected it"

"Yes sir" Leander informed their guards from where they stood using sign language, as soon as he gave the command, the Avalon guards began to follow Adele.

Adele kept on riding the horse towards the kingdom's border, she was so confident that her plan was a big success and that she will live her life without being caged in the name of marriage or being a trouble to her father anymore

'Oh mother am finally free from all the trouble, they will never find me and Azor" Adele thought, a big smile was all over her face, it was only a matter of a few minutes to reach the borders, her freedom. She made the the horse speed up and ran faster to the borders, but ungetting there she found some guards over there, she quickly covered her face and slowed down her horse

"Where to?" The guard asked

"Am crossing over" Adele said 

"To where madam?" 

"To livarn that where my husband is, so am going to meet him over the border"

"Oh, let her pass" the guard waved to his follows and the opened the border, Adele was already almost to crossing the border went someone's horse blocked her way 

"And where do you think you are going to Darling, are you really going to leave me before we get married huh" Adele looked up even though she knew his voice, she just wanted to be sure 

"How did you know I was here?"

"Cause I can read minds, Leander her horse"

Leander grabbed Azor from Adele and the other guards held her horse "I didn't want to do this but you forced it upon me, we are getting married first thing tomorrow morning, so come on and have a good night" Eral turned his horse to leave when the border guards came over and stopped him

"Madam, do you know them in any way?"

"No I don't, they took my son away from me and they are threatening me to go with them" Adele quickly answered 

"Sir please return the child to his mother or we will be force to take action"

"Wait, there a misunderstanding here" Eral came down from his horse "You see this woman here was suppose to wed me tomorrow and she is about to run away, are mine suppose to let my unwedded wife leave me before the wedding even starts"

"But she claims that she doesn't know you in anyway" The guard replied 

"Sir, this here is his son we should wake the kid up to prove it to you" Leander said 

"Leave him alone, return my son to me" Adele knew that her plan has totally failed "Sir please forgive, they are telling the honest truth" Adele had to give up 

"Please don't trouble us like this, head back now" the guard waved from the border to be closed and the others closed it immediately

"Come on, I will be sure to teach you a great lesson when we return, and again don't dare try to run away again cause I will keep catching you and bringing you back" Eral grabbed her and put her on top of his horse and rode back to the palace.