
Episode 4....... Not everything seems good....

Thunder booming....

The rains hit hard on the ground as the clouds keep darkening. The view is sent closer to a shed in the middle of the forest with a candle light on a bench. A small boy is seen under the shed  with his eyes closed as he shivers .

Please don't hurt me ....please don't hurt me...aaaaah

A slash is suddenly heard with a spill of blood.

A womanlike figure appears near the dead boy and licks the blood from his cut neck.

Pathetic creatures...demons have always been the predators with these slaves as our prey.... I hate to say this but it seems this is getting boring everytime as it's too easy to just rip off their head. I would like a little competition though.....

The being licks her hand which is dripping with blood and laughs. Her hair is seen to be as white as snow with seals of death tattooed on her body. Her claws are seen to be a little pointy with her whole body covered in blood.

I think I found the perfect scene to play in this story of death.....why don't I kill every worthless creature on this planet. The blood of humans is really cozy. I hope death would like to meet all these souls I am bringing to him. Hahaha....!!(laughing loudly)

She levitates into the skies and raises up her left hand which creates a large ball of lightning...The lightning becomes intense causing the booms of thunder to be louder with lightning striking everywhere.

Hmm....destroying from this part wouldn't be that exiting. Why don't I clear the whole city then.....hahahaha !!

She suddenly teleports out of that area with the lightning still striking intensely.

In Lordenwell...

North street.

A young boy is seen walking on the quiet street with his hands in his pocket. He turns and sees a guy stabbing a woman to death. He shakes his head and continues walking without even thinking about it.Another man walks towards him with a gun in his hand. He points the gun at the young boy and smirks .

Hey kid,hand over your money to me and you get to live.

The young boy's keeps quiet and continues walking towards the armed man.

I said hand over your money or else I'm sending you straight to your parents in hell...

The young boy suddenly stops and grasps his fists.

What did you say about my parents?

The guy that was stabbing the woman a while ago also appears behind him and smiles.

Kid....I think you should listen to him before you get any cuts on you.

What did you say about my parents?

I said fuck off kid.....hand over that money if you don't want to see your parents in hell with you!

The air suddenly becomes tense with everything moving slowly. The armed man shoots his already positioned gun at him which moves slowly in the air as time had been slowed.


The young boy moves towards the bullet which melts just when he got near it and stands infront of the armed man who is still trapped in the time frame. He grabs the face of the man with his right palm and slams his head on the ground which causes the ground to break inwards and his whole bones broken. The young boy removes his hand and stands upright as the blood of the robber is seen all over his hand with his skull broken into pieces.The time becomes normal again as he continues walking with the guy holding the the dagger shaking with fear....The young boy stops and turns.

If you want to run away I am afraid that would not happen and also when you get to hell,tell death Evir notlarik wants to pay him a visit soon.


The eyes of the guy starts bleeding with his whole body falling into pieces. Evir notlarik continues walking with his hands in hi pocket as usual and a hoodie covering his head.

Just as he went, the souls of the two robbers drop down through a portal into another Realm.

In hell...spiritual realm

South bounds of demons...

Bounds of hell..

Death is seen sitting on his throne with his scythe inhis right hand. The souls of the two robbers drop from a portal down to the grounds infront of death. They stand up and look by the as they see souls crying for help everywhere....

Raaargh stop this....stop this noise....my head!!!


Hmph ...I think one of you has a message for me . Your souls are mine now..you are in hell.


Jones mcnise.  Killed fifty seven people in your life and never lived a responsible life. You were already certified for hell before you were born.Now let's get to you...Kyle ramson. You just stabbed a woman to death all because of money. You two have a lot in common so I thing I will be sending you to Ragnarok .But before that, I would like you to tell me what that young boy told you before you died,Kyle.

He...he said his name was Evir notlarik and he would be paying death a visit soon.

He never changes.....Evir notlarik, devourer of worlds. To rethink of it ,let me just eat your souls...

No!! Please.....!!

The two souls turn into a smokey aura and move into the mouth of death. His eyes begins to glow brighter as the air around him becomes heavy.

It would be my greatest pleasure to have your soul ,Evir notlarik.....!!


Back on earth....

In Lordenwell clorel

A portal opens with the female demon coming out of it as a ball of lightning is seen in her palm.The clouds of the night sudden darken and thunder booms louder as lightning begins to strike intensely.

A whole city to be consumed by me and more souls to gain. This day keeps getting better and better.

The shouts of people as they run to and fro with lightning striking all around brings out a terrifying image. The lightning continues striking faster in every part as people are splashed into pools of blood and buildings  caught on fire.Evir notlarik is seen walking calmly through the streets as the lightning continues to strike intensely and gives a serious glare at the demon when one strikes right before him. The demon suddenly shivers with fear as she sees the eyes of Evir notlarik and moves backwards.

Why do I sense death around him....isn't he fragile like these slaves. Why should I even be afraid of him,I am a demon....our power sometimes even surpasses gods and I will not lay low for this worthless creature.Raaargh ...

The demon throws the ball of lightning at Evir notlarik which causes a huge obliteration upon impact. Evir notlarik is still seen standing as the smoke comes down with him smiling at the levitating demon.

I think....I think he's the one I have been looking for all eternity. Now I have got someone I can have a worthy fight for his blood and soul.i think I will pay him a visi.....

I am already here....


The demon turns and sees Evir notlarik right behind her.He slaps the face of the demon which throws her far into the buildings. She wakes up from the pile of blocks and sees Evir notlarik right infront of her.

Look I don't care if you kill all of them or do anything bad to them. But you should know how to control your power in your boundaries and not misuse it.Afterall you are a demon.

Blood continues to ooze out of the nose of the demon as she tries to stand.she sees her bones all broken and wonders how come he has so much power. She takes hold of his hand and pulls him closer .....

Who are you....I am really into you right now.

She pulls the head of Evir notlarik closer and kisses him deeply as she tries to penetrate her claws into his neck .Evir notlarik takes hold of her hand ,turns and throws her off to his other side with her breaking through buildings. He moves to where she is and bends towards her.

You want to know who I am....I am Evir notlarik. I know you have heard it though and you know what I am capable of ,so next time don't create a romantic scene and try to kill me in  the same time as I can kill you with a blink of an eye okay. After all ,you are an S class demon. Just be careful okay,maybe next time I won't have mercy on you.

The demon shakes in fear as she remembers how he killed thousands of demons with just a glance in the lotak war.Evir notlarik smiles at her and shates his head.

Till next time...Zarchi ,demon of darkness.

Evir notlarik suddenly disappears leaving the demon in fear.....

I think...hell is going to be in trouble...big trouble...!!

In an unknown realm

XYREX ....The kingdom of rexons.

A portal suddenly opens infront of a being on a throne as a manlike figure appears from it and bows. The being on the throne smiles as he sees the bowing being and his whole body letting out a bright golden light as a crown floats above his head and lightning all over him.

My king....we have found your brother ,El sacre.

As I expected.....it is time to repay you for what you caused to our father.....Brother...!!

A loud boom of thunder is heard.


End of episode 4...

A villain's hope...

Author .....lil_rexon.