
A Veil of Deception

All Adeline ever wanted was to live in peace. A life free of drama and chaos. And even when her cousin, the King, decides to marry her off to the Prince of their neighbouring Kingdom, this desire of hers isn't entirely crushed. She had long been prepared to be in a loveless marriage. But as she settles in her new home, her desire to have peace seems to vanish in thin air as she starts to unravel the mysterious secrets surrounding her new family. Mysterious events keep occuring every day and night in the Lowell family and she's caught up in the middle of all of it. A battle erupts within herself as she falls in a predicament, wondering whether to leave everything behind, or fight for her marriage. **Excerpt** "What are you looking at?" Sylvan asked, his gaze locked onto a certain woman on the dance floor. When he turned to look at Adeline's face, he found her looking at the same woman. "I'm just wondering what is so special about her. My hair is much longer than hers, my skin is fair compared to hers. Or is it her eyes? But isn't brown a better colour than green? My hips are much wider than hers." Adeline's mouth twitched at her little observations. There seemed to be nothing the woman had better than her. Sylvan watched the obvious curiosity in her eyes and felt amused. "Oh, I know…" she turned to face him, her eyes and face brightening up, as if she finally found the last piece of a puzzle. "It's because she's good in bed, isn't it? But how would you know if you haven't tried me yet?" —— >>This will be a slow burn romance so please be patient

Valentine_24 · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Congratulatory visits

After her conversation with her father, Adeline went to find Howard and told him to take care of the wedding details because she would be busy. Howard didn't call her out on her little lie and just smiled knowingly. She just wanted to dump all the work to everyone because she didn't want to do anything.

Before dinner, Rosa came with the famous seamstress in the Grimwood duchy to take her measurements. The seamstress felt pressured because she needed to make a wedding dress in a week, and no mistake would be excused because this was a very high profile wedding.

"Just so we're clear, I want a blue dress," Adeline suddenly uttered and Rosa's and the seamstress' heads snapped to her in unison.

"My lady?" They called at the same time, their eyes unblinking.

"Don't make me a white dress. I can atleast make this small decision right? It's my wedding and I'm the one who's going to wear the dress."

The seamstress lowered her head meekly. Her job was to make the dress and that was it. It wasn't her problem what colour the bride chose to wear.

"I'm sure you'll come up with something great, Esther," said Adeline to the seamstress and the young woman looked up in surprise. She didn't expect the Duke's daughter to know her name.

"Y—yes my lady," she stuttered in response and Adeline gave her a small smile. Rosa escorted the seamstress out of the house, trying to ease her nervousness with comforting words.

"You shouldn't worry yourself too much. My lady is not overbearing like other nobles and I'm sure she'll like whatever you'll make."

Esther just nodded her head. She had also heard about Adeline's easy going character but had never been close enough to determine whether it was true or if it was just flattery because she was the Duke's daughter.

"And besides, you're famous for your work. Just assume this is just another one of your exquisite dresses."

Even though these words could not help shake off the pressure on her shoulders, Esther was grateful for Rosa's thoughtfulness and thanked her on her way out.

When the family of three sat together for dinner, the atmosphere was no different from the usual. Adeline did not let the news of her sudden marriage ruin anyone's mood and they talked and laughed like the happy family they were.

Malvina giggled at the adults' jokes, swinging her legs back and forth. Adler also had a smile on his face and the family looked peacefully admirable to the bystanders like Howard. He also had a smile on his face as this was like his second family. Seeing them happy made him happy as well.

After dinner, servants cleared the table and Adeline took Malvina to bed, leaving her father and brother in the dining room.

Vina's room was opposite hers and she would sometimes sneak into her younger sister's bedroom if sleep eluded her for the night. This was one of those long nights and Adeline knew she was not getting sleep anytime soon, so after helping Vina change into her nightdress, she also changed and they huddled together under the warm covers.

Though young, Malvina Sage was a beauty just like her sister, with long brown hair and bright brown eyes. Her tender and fair skin was especially attractive, just like Adeline's and one wouldn't need to be told thet they were sisters.

"Adeline," she called in a whisper.


"Tell me a bedtime story," Vina requested and Adeline shifted on the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. When she stared down at Vina, she found the little girl's bright and clear eyes staring up at her.

"You're not sleepy?" She asked and Vina nodded. Adeline returned to her previous sleeping position, hugging Vina in her arms.

"Okay, once upon a time, hare and hyena were very good friends and neighbours. One day when they were drinking, hare turned to hyena and said, 'my friend, let us go and beat our wives today, then we'll see whose wife will cry and scream the loudest.' So when hyena went home that night, he started beating his wife. Hyena's wife cried and screamed until her voice could be heard throughout the whole village. However, when hare went home, he started beating a drum and his wife danced and screamed."

"When hyena paused his beating to listen whether hare's wife was screaming, she heard loud noises from hare's house and increased his force while beating his wife, until she died. The next day when he went to hare's house, he found him eating and drinking with his wife and he realised he had been tricked. He went home crying because he had killed his own wife."

Vina kept on giggling under the warm covers and commented after the story, "Hyena is so stupid."

"Mm. Go to sleep now," Adeline mumbled, her eyes closed.



News about Adeline's marriage spread fast in the Havenbridge Kingdom and the following morning, people from the Grimwood duchy and the rest of the Kingdom visited the Duke's house to congratulate Adeline and her family.

There was a line of carriages at the entrance, each person bringing gifts for the bride to be. Adeline never had many friends, but today every young woman became Adeline's friend and she couldn't count the many times she almost rolled her eyes. She had refused to come down to meet her guests but her father talked her into it and here she was, forcing smiles that left her cheeks hurting.

"You weren't this famous before," Adler commented, standing by Adeline's side.

"It would have been better if things remained that way," responded Adeline, her posture straight and her smile wide. Adler didn't have to entertain anyone with fake smiles so his face remained stoic.

"Is that Carlton?" Adeline asked, pointing towards a young man who just arrived on a brown horse. Adler followed her line of sight and this time a subtle smile appeared on his face.

"He also came to congratulate you?" Adler asked with a short laugh and Adeline smiled genuinely for the first time since morning.

Carlton was a year younger than Adler, and the two had been best friends since they were children. He was also Adeline's close friend because they had grown up together. He was once infatuated with Adeline when they were still young and beat every boy that approached her, or anyone who hurt her. Adeline knew to run to Carlton whenever she was in trouble and the two were very close.

After some years had passed, Carlton started seeing other women and he realised he didn't like Adeline that way, and only felt a strong sense to protect her. Their friendship grew stronger after this realization and now he was just like a second brother.

Carlton tied his horse to a tree somewhere in the backyard and walked to them.

"Greetings your highness… to be," he teased, giving Adeline a slight bow.

"You're also here to congratulate me?"

"Yes, your highness." His smile grew wider and Adeline chuckled.

"Where's my gift then?" Her tone turned serious and Carlton's expression became aggrieved.

"Oh, pardon this lowly subject your highness. I had no money to buy a gift but I pray for her highness' long life."

They laughed and Carlton gave Adeline a light hug. "I'll live long for sure," said Adeline.

"Aren't you afraid of growing old and having wrinkles and grey hair?" Joked Carlton, his face scrunching up in feigned disgust.

"Adeline will be a very difficult grandmother," Adler commented and they laughed again.

"Don't say that. I'll be a very rich grandmother so people won't mind if I'm difficult or not."

As they continued making fun of each other, they heard footsteps approaching from behind.

"Adeline, my dear," a shrill voice called and Adeline's eyebrows pulled together. She turned around and a sigh escaped her lips. "Oh my God," she mumbled under her breath, her lips pressing together.