
A Little Taste Of His Medicine

Hera stared wide-eyed at her son but her eyes slowly narrowed as she realized what the was speaking about. She had always known that Kane had a mean streak in him but Hera had never envisioned what had happened ever happening.

"Kane?" she called as she stood up and walked closer to where he was standing.

Kane had not even glanced in his father's direction as he couldn't care less for the man whether he was dead or alive. In fact, Kane would prefer the former to be the case and was giggly disappointed in the assassins that he'd sent – something that he had to handle sooner than later.

"Mother?" he answered with a smirk growing on his face.

"Wipe that smirk off your face, boy, and tell me what you did!" Hera demanded. Her eyes shot darts in Kane's direction.

"I took the bull by the horn…" Kane began. "It is my time to rule Transmere and there is no one more capable than I am to do that!"