
“Who are you?”

I couldn't think straight. She? Out of all people wanted to be friends with me? Almost instantly I agreed. We spent the whole day together. She was probably one of the most fun people I had ever met! We would meet up everyday and we became bestfriends after a week.

I yawned whilst lifting myself up from my bed. Everything repeated the lovely smell off food from downstairs birds chirping only thing different is I had blackberries and pancakes this morning. I still prefer waffles I made my way inside the school excited to see Hazel. She wasn't in the usual spot we'd meet in. Maybe she wasn't here yet? I decided to get up and go sit in the canteen and message her to meet me there. Well, before I met "Him." I was walking to the canteen before being rudely tripped up by this guy. I thought we were done with bullies now were in college?

        He stood tall and confident. I was about to yell before I saw his face. It was nothing like I had seen before. His eyes were a piercing, ice blue. His jawline sharper than a knife. His hair a extremely dark black his eyebrows had a sharp arch to them and a slit. I stood and stared for a good 5 minutes before he said "Its rude to stare." Whilst laughing off to his friends. I glanced back towards the direction of the canteen and proceeded to walk. Hazel was already there. Guess she was right outside when I messaged. I had already sworn to tell her everything that happens so I told her about "Him."

      Whilst I was describing him she pulled the most disgusted face and said so clearly in a tone ive never heard before "Stay. Away." I was confused and asked why she then said in a strong voice nothing like she had been talking in and raised her voice to say "He has a weird vibe." "Stay away from him please." I had only just met the guy so I agreed and carried on with my day. But he kept appearing everywhere with the same nasty smirk on his face. Who was this guy?