
A Weird Sleepover

They finished eating their dinner so they moved in the living room for the dessert

"Aiya if you want you can stay at my apartment, I live next door" Yuuna saw that the apartment was cramped with people, so she tried to help them having their space

"Thank you for the offer but I want to stay together with Hanami tonight" Aiya appreciated her offer but she wanted to stay together with Hanami after the tragic event

"I understand"

"Hey so what movie do you want to watch?" Asami searched for good movies on Netflix, but she didn't know what to choose

"Shrek 3" Hanami and Akina had the same movie idea

"Yeah why not" the other three agreed with this idea

"Then the green ogre it is" Asami put on 'Shrek 3' and grabbed her pudding

Everyone ate their favourite desserts while watching 'Shrek'. After the movie ended Yuuna went to her apartment, Hanami, Akina and Aiya took their respective turns at the bathroom and Mizuki shared another bath with Asami, this became a regular thing now for the two of them. Everyone went to sleep, Yuki decided to sleep tonight with Hanami and Aiya and Mizuki was getting ready to sleep on the couch, like it was a big thing for him, but was snatched by Asami and Akina

"Remember when we heard that Mom and Dad passed away and how much you and I, but especially you, cried after them?" Hanami and Aiya's situation was almost similar with the loss of their parents, but one father decided to end his life while the other lost his in an accident

"Yeah it was sad but we recovered fast and I think they would be proud to see how well we are doing on our own, and now with the help of the others"

"Yeah you're right, if they would be here they wouldn't stop telling how talented are you to their friends. Anyways, it's time to sleep" Asami took his forehead and kissed it like she was his mother

"Good night Mom" Mizuki played along

"Good night sweetie" Asami grabbed his head this time with full force and kissed him on the mouth

"And that's why I don't sleep with you that often. You always get horny or something like that"

"Sorry. I promise to keep my lewdness for Akina and Yuuna" Asami had her fingers crossed under the blanket

"Thank you sweetie" Akina also joined the conversation

"Anyway, let's sleep now or we will wake up at 12 PM" Asami always respected her bedtime so she could get a full 8 hours of sleep, but she wasn't any sort of serial criminal obsessed with collecting women's hands

Hours passed and the smell of fresh cooked bacon and eggs woke Aiya like some sort of immortal being after a deep slumber with a 'nice' soundtrack on the background. When she entered the kitchen she saw Mizuki with a messy hair like he had played video games all night

"What happened last night?! I thought you slept on the couch" Aiya remembered that she saw Mizuki getting under his blanket on the couch and saying good night to him

"I was snatched by the couple in the other room and I've been sandwiched between two large chests. I was suffocated by two sets of big breasts, the dream of every young boy, but my nightmare"

"I know that feeling. It happened to me when I slept with my mom and Hanami in a trip two or three years ago"

As they were talking about stories of them being killed by boobs Yuuna entered and was attracted by the smell of bacon

"Can I have some?"


"Thanks" Yuuna warped directly on a seat at the table next to Aiya