

What happens when a young lady is coerced into marriage by her parents after her step sister, who should have been the bride runs away with her lover-and then her soon to be husband has a hideous scandal attached to his name? Facing the challenges of being a married woman and trying to avoid being close to her arrogant spouse, Emily vows to leave once her dad's debts are cleared. Then fate takes a huge step and she suddenly finds herself falling for the one person she despised. Emily sets out to expose his ex girlfriend image and the ones behind his tainted name while trying desperately to make Liam see her as a lady.

NuellaDuru · Ciudad
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31 Chs


   One excruciating week of being a married woman. I gazed out through the window as the cars honking so loud flew past like it was a one-way road.

      Inhaling and exhaling the cool breeze penetrating through the window, I had nothing to overthink about. At least for the last seven days. Liam never spent any of his nights at the hotel due to work at the office. Our honeymoon was like how every other normal couple did theirs. Or maybe that's what we wanted the paparazzi to think. "Smile so they don't think I kidnapped you into marrying me., I remembered Liam saying words like an inscription on the wall of my family house.

       The last seven days had me wondering what story I would give my in-laws and if my parents had told them the truth or come up with an excuse as always. Liam never really mentioned anything about why I ended up as his bride and it bothered me greatly. What was going through his preoccupied mind? Anyone in his position would have reacted in the worst way but he didn't.

       When it came to lying to the press and his admirers, he was a better liar. We couldn't spend much time going out as intended because of the paparazzi and annoying journalists who wanted to know if we were truly happy together. "You were forced into marrying, Mr. Smith, right?" One of the reporters had asked me on my way out three nights ago.

      I returned to our hotel room a night ago while Liam went to the office. My eighth day as a married woman. I could tolerate it as long as Liam didn't return at night and obsessive female fans didn't issue death threats at me.

      I picked up my Bible and read the scriptures. It was a peaceful place to be when I was distressed.

      Once I was done reading, I dropped it beside the lampstand, got up, and entered the bathroom. Walking up to the big mirror, my strained eyes admired my reflection in the mirror before dabbing some toothpaste on my toothbrush and brushing slowly.

      I hope Lisa's doing okay. She ran away with her lover. It doesn't sound anything like her. I thought. Hatred wasn't a word a preferred to use when referring to her but love wasn't either. Our relationship was just complicated. I took off my cloth, lay in the bathtub, and had my bath. My first time in a hotel. A dream I never once had.

       When I was done, I dried my body with a towel and combed my hair, and wrapped the towel around my chest.

       The music player in the hotel room was playing a Rap song. I stood defensively in the toilet, glaring harshly at the bathroom door. "For once. Why not play music I'm interested in? They act like Liam's the only one living here." Arranging my toothbrush, my nose itched. "Is it a reaction? I can't stay here any longer." Just before I could walk a step further, the TV came on. CNN as always. It was the only channel my poor self had been forced to watch for the last seven days. They had so much respect for Liam that they knew all about his preferences without realizing how insensitive it was to the person he was with.

       "Geez. 21st-century love songs ain't like our times." The voice was indeed familiar. One of the older cleaners in the hotel sighed. Her nasty judgment was a stereotype for all songs. Out of frustration on her part, she tuned down the channel volume and then knocked on the bathroom door to know if I was still alive. "Hannah,"

       Finally. She didn't call me Mrs. Smith like everybody else. "Yes, aunt. I'll be out in a sec!"

       "You need my help?" She leaned on the door.

       Checking around to know if there was anything to clean, I replied, "Not really. Thanks for asking though!"

       "Any time."

       "Damn! Why did I have to forget my cloth in the room?" And she asked if I needed help. I can't believe this is happening. I cried. "Aunt!"

       No response.

       "It's okay. No one's here." I assured myself, breathing heavily. "I'll quickly go in and wear it before anyone comes in." Peeping through the door to know if anyone was there When I was convinced that no one was in the room, my legs tiptoed out, and sat on the bed. "Why can't they write the name of the body cream in English? How do I purchase it if I go to the store?" Still applying the cream on my back, Liam got up from under the bed. He was there the entire time and I didn't know!

      "Morning." That was the only thing he uttered.

      "Wh-what are you doing here?" I screamed, my hand against my chest and my fingers splayed wide.


      "Didn't your parents teach you any manners? I didn't let him finish. I was already too agitated and slightly embarrassed to give him a chance. "Weren't you taught to knock before entering someone's room?"


      "Keep quiet! When you make a mistake, the least you can do is say I'm sorry. Stop trying to justify your mistake." Nothing irritates me more than someone who can't take responsibility for his or her actions.

      "Hello, Big mouth," He said in an orotund voice. He pursed his lips and his bright red face revealed what exactly would have happened to me if I didn't keep quiet. I could say with sincerity that it was the first time he raise his voice at me. "This is my room!" he continued. "Do I have to remind you that we are married?"

      He is so right. How could I forget that this isn't my parents' home where everyone except me knocked before entering? I bit my lower lip at the realization of my foolishness.

      "Plus, now you've brought up my home training, didn't your parents teach you any manners at all? Oh, wait. How could they have, when you all deceived the world? You all are just the same. Do you realize what would happen to you and your pathetic family if I told the world I was deceived and what excuse would you give my parents when we get back?

      Oh geez. I wore the black gown Liam had purchased on the first night of our honeymoon. That was the one thing I forgot. What would I tell his parents? My parents obviously handled everything. I grabbed my face cream from the table and placed it in my bag.

      "Why? Have you suddenly lost your voice after realizing the truth?" He teased.

      "Really? So it's my fault that you and your family got deceived? I wasn't putting on a mask. It was only a veil and you couldn't tell who you were marrying. You are the biggest douchebag I've ever seen. We didn't deceive you, we were just too smart. Go take some lessons from the cleaners here."

      "What?" He threw his phone on the table and walked to the other side of the bed where I was standing. "Do you know who you're talking to!? Liam Smith!"

      "Go tell that to someone who cares! I didn't want to marry you in the first place." Liam Smith my ass.

      "So why are you here?"

      That hit the spot. If I had loved him at that moment, I probably would have been offended. His words were like sharp needles under my feet. It wasn't about his words only but the sincerity in his eyes. "For my parents! You disgust me. I despise you, Mr. Liam! I detest you!" Two can play this game.

      "If you hate me so much then leave! Get lost and take your family along. I'll take care of my dad. Just get out! What's the worst that could happen anyway?"

      "I will." Let's see how far you'll go with that attitude. I'm not the one involved in a scandal. I stormed out of the room with my bag. He didn't want me so why should I stay? Besides, this is what I've always wanted since we got married.

      Standing close to the hotel door, wondering if to go or not, the receptionist walked over to me and asked, "What's wrong? "Have you finally decided to leave Mr. Liam for good?" She winked. The look in her eyes indicated that she anticipated that day.

      "Rachel, it's not what you think."

      "Oh really?" Rachel sassed, and hands Akimbo. "I don't want to brag but, I think I know you too well. Don't forget that I'm your closest friend. We've known each other for years. Now tell me what's going on." She knew me too well. Sadly this is the bad thing about having good friends. They seem to understand what the heart wants without even saying it.

      "So you got a new job here, huh?" Changing the topic just to avoid her question. "You couldn't even tell your best friend."

      "So did you. You fell in love and got married without informing me. I had never thought in my entire life that you of all people would fall in love with Liam Smith. I mean, he raped a girl and even forced her to terminate her pregnancy. You've always been against injustice, so why marry him?"

      She knows me better than myself. Is she asking because she cares or she's looking for information to feed the internet? I narrowed my eyes. "It just so happened that I, you know, fell in love. Love is indeed crazy." Love? I was starting to ask myself if I even understood the meaning of that word. I had to lie to so many people that I was in love with Liam.

      Liam and I had just parted ways but I still couldn't bring myself to tell Rachel the truth. Was it because I felt sympathy for him because of his bad reputation or was it my heart playing tricks on me? How could it have been my heart? I smirked. That dude represented everything that was wrong with America.

      "Love is blind? No...the Hannah I know wouldn't say that. You are just 21 years. Last I remember, Lisa was engaged to Liam. So how did you end up as his wife?"

      Oh geez. Lying to a close friend was the hardest thing to do. "The thing is," The girl standing close to Rachel drew her ear closer. She couldn't even hide the fact she wanted to eavesdrop on our conversation. There was absolutely no way I could tell Rachel the truth. If I did, then the entire world will know of everything. Liam's name will be dragged down the mud again. "I fell in love with Liam and it turned out to be that I was the only one he loved all this while."

      "Let's assume I believe you. Why are you leaving the hotel alone with your bags?" Her eyes pointed.

      "I know that we're best friends, but there are things I just can't tell you right now." Can't she be sensitive to know that we're outside?

      "Excuse me for being nosy. I shouldn't get involved. We can't be friends anymore because you're married to someone successful."

      Your opinion of me is your responsibility. I promise to give you a call when everything is settled. I picked up my bags from the floor and walked up to the table in front of me. Two older ladies were sitting with their husbands. One of the ladies stared at me and smiled. She had the smile of a sixteen-year-old. I waved at her frantically and politely greeted them. Soon, the four of them started to glare at me uncomfortably. I adjusted my dress a little and sat up straight. I wasn't putting on the wrong dress and I had no poop on my face so I wouldn't let these old people talk me down. I cleared my throat before reaching for the glass of orange juice in front of me. "Wow. Their juice tastes so good. Excuse me!"

      The young female bartender beside me turned and replied, "Yes, ma'am."

       "Who's that?" My index finger pointed at the TV screen. "She's gorgeous."

       "The owner of this hotel." A flush crept up her face. "Liam's aunt, Mrs. Patricia Smith."

       "Isn't that an advertisement for a restaurant?" I asked inquisitively. "If she owns a hotel, why is she doing that for a restaurant?"

       "I see. You must not know your husband that well." When I shook my head, she continued, "That's an advertisement for New Generation Restaurant. The world's largest and biggest restaurant and,"

      "Hi, dear." The nice old lady finally said something. I dropped my glass and extended my hand to greet her again. Probably she didn't hear me greet her the first time. "What's your name?"

      "Hannah Brow...I mean, Hannah Liam Smith." By the time I looked up, the girl had disappeared.

      "I see you are with your bags. This means you are separating from your husband."

      "No ma'am."

      "It's good. He's a shameless man. He raped that innocent child. He ruined her entire life. It's all because of him, that innocent child can't show her face outside. Liam is a terrible person."

      Would it be normal for me not to reply to something negative about my husband? "That's not true!" Yeah, it would. I wasn't going to let anyone say anything negative about Liam especially when we weren't certain what actually happened. "We don't even know the real story. Anyone can come out and say a celebrity raped them just to gain publicity. I've known Liam for seven days and I know he's not that kind of man!" Saying that out jeered me to realize I hadn't known him that long to defend him in public.

      "Then why are you leaving him?" Another girl from behind asked. Everyone had already gathered around my table.

      "Is your marriage truly a love marriage or was it an arranged marriage?" Another person asked from the crowd. She glared defensively at me. I recognized that look in an instant. It was jealousy. The same one Lisa had all the time.

      There were cameras everywhere. I felt terrified partly because I couldn't control what my mouth said when I was angry. Liam wasn't with me. Ignoring their questions wasn't an option if I wanted to sleep comfortably at night. Liam's family must be watching this right now. I can't let this happen. I've already come this far, there was no backing out now. This is my destiny. Many of them had their cameras turned on and speakers.

      I stood on top of my chair and shouted with fear in my voice. "I love Liam Smith!" Everywhere had suddenly gone quiet. People were staring. Paparazzi's had their cameras roaming. "Our marriage is solemnly on love. Who do you think you are to question our relationship? Liam is not a terrible person." I hope he isn't. "It's high time you dropped this cheap mentality." God, I just want to believe I'm not supporting the wrong party.

      "Liar!" Someone shouted from the crowd. "She's probably trying to cover up for her husband. If you truly love each other, why does he sleep at the office every night?" I raised my head a little higher and saw the guy that asked the question. He was dark and tall, with dark green eyes. How could he have known Liam slept in his office? I reasoned. There are only two things, it was either he worked in the hotel or at Liam's office.

      "What's going on here?" It was the same strident voice from my room. I felt so excited that Liam had come out. These people were the real definition of Cowards. As soon as Liam came out, they ran off. I jumped down from my chair and flung my arms around his neck.

      "Thank you."

      "Shall we?"

      "Sure." We checked out of the hotel and entered his car. Rachel had her eyes on me the whole time. If only eyes could kill, I could have died that instant.

      "About the divorce."

      "It's not happening." I interrupted. "I don't trust you enough to handle your father. Until I pay up my father's debts and save his business and image, we will stay together as husband and wife."

      "What was that all about?"


      "Hugging me and telling everyone there that you love me. Most importantly, why did that make me feel uneasy?"

      Uneasy my foot. "It was an act to save myself from public humiliation."

      "Well, I hope you have a good act to put on in front of my parents." He just didn't know the right time to talk. I looked out through the car mirror and admired the road. I was going to my husband's house for the first time. Nothing was exciting about that.