
A True Lie

A boy want to achieve his dream, to be the Demon Slayer Master.

samm29 · Acción
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27 Chs


The whole restaurant was speechless too. Thy didin't believe that he defeated the ghoukira with that much ease.

Itorabi was so angry. He couldn't do anything about him, and the kid just wiped him out.

They left the money on the table, and they left.

- Man..who was that guy...?

- Well...I heard him in the bathroom..

- When?

- Today. He said that he want to be the Demon Slayer King, to earn money, fame and pleasure.

- And what is the problem?

- Well..the problem is that he is evil. He said that he want to slaughter this town too, after he becomes the Demon Slayer King.

- Oh no...said Jeno with fear in his voice.

- We need to do something...said Kuno trembling.

- Hey guys, don't be such a chicken, we'll find a way!

- Definitely..

They walked home, talking just about the ghoukira.

When they arrived, they saw the news showing at the TV.

The news we're about the ghoukiras.

"Good evening people, today we're gonna talk about ghoukiras. They are basically human-demons. They have a look of a human, and a demon body. This day, a group of teens fought a ghoukira. The thing about them, is that they can't eat normal food, only human flesh. So be carefull when you are alone, or you can't defend yourself. They are no ordinary demons, and they are extremely powerful. Goodnight, and and take care of yourselves!"

They couldn't believe their ears.