When a regular human from our world is sent to another world, he has no choice but to go on a journey to find a way back home. Now what friends, enemies, events, and more will he come across his journey. I don't own pokemon and any of the pictures or characters other than my original character. Constructive criticism will be appreciated. This is my first pokemon fic. Random updates
"Would you like to play with me? I'm Shaymin, and you are?"
"I'm Ren, Ren Cruz." The champion of the renegade pokemon smiled happily at the Gratitude pokemon
The young man smiled as he looked at the grass hedgehog. It was way cuter than the one in the movie.
"Come on! I know a good place to play," The legendary grass type said with a smile as it walked ahead of the young man.
Chuckling, Ren smiled as he took his Giratina Phone. 'I need a new name for that,' He thought as he followed the Gratitude pokemon while enjoying the sight, he had never seen so many beautiful flowers like this in the wild.
Sure, it did not help that he was living in a mountain area and always commuted to the city for school or training but damn, this place was very beautiful.
"Come on, human! Over here!" The Shaymin called out as it lead the Faller into a clearing where he saw an incredible sight.
There was a lake with a crystal clear water source filled with some pokemon he recognized, what's more, there are many wild pokemon ranging from Bulbasaurs to Ratatas, and more.
"Hey! I brought a new friend." The Gratitude pokemon called out to the others and once they noticed the human, some of them flinched and prepared to attack. "Come on, Ren." The grass-type called out as it gently nudged the human towards the lake. He did not like it though when a rather familiar blue-scaled seas serpent peeked its head out of the water and looked at him.
He was just an ordinary squishy human. But every pokemon soon looked behind him, and even the Gyarados lowered its head.
"A human? In the sanctuary?" A feminine voice said and the young man turned around to see a rather old-looking Ninetails.
"A Ninetails?" Ren asked as he stared at the fire/Psychic-type pokemon. It was old and clearly very strong yet it was groomed very well.
"Yes, and you are." The psychic-type said as it paused and looked at the young man. "I see. So that is what happened."
"Excuse me?" Ren called out as he saw the Shaymin approach the nine-tailed fox pokemon and nuzzle it.
"Everyone, calm down. This human means us no harm." The Ninetails said as it let the grass legendary nuzzle it. After hearing what she said, the rest of the pokemon settled down while some remained a bit suspicious. The Gyarados looked at him before it felt fear.
Looking down on the lake, the water/Flying sea serpent almost fainted in fear as it saw a pair of red eyes in a distorted shadow looking at it from the water's surface.
As the wild pokemon went on to their normal routine, the fire/psychic type approached them with the legendary grass type on its head.
"Hello, human. I assume that you are not from here? Come, I will lead you to the town." The fox pokemon said. "After you finish playing with this little one here." It added as the Gratitude pokemon stopped from glaring at the wizened fox.
"Come on, Ren!" Shaymin said with a smile as it jumped onto his shoulder and nudged him forward.
Chuckling, the champion of Giratina walked towards the group with a small smile on his face.
The Ninetails, who seemed o be the guardian of these grasslands, looked at the group before resting under a tree while keeping an eye on the human. It looked at the young grass type-legendary and the human playing with each other and some of the younger pokemon.
It reminded her, yes her, of a friend she made countless centuries ago. One that was the reason as to why she stayed here and protected this place. A place where both she and his friend... no family member first met and made that promise. A small smile formed on her mouth as she remembered the countless humans and pokemon that had spent time in this place, a place where even some legendaries were born such as the little Shaymin, or where some of them stay for a rest.
She knew the human was connected o a legendary. It had lived long enough to know the signs of a chosen human, pokemon, or even aura guardians. She knew that this trainer will be a force to be reckoned with but if he decides to hurt this place, she will destroy him, champion or not. He will not be the first or last foolish champion she will take care of.
Those legendary fools can cry and moan about it after she was done, they won't be able to beat her, the younger more foolish legendaries, while she would be able to hold her own well enough in her own against a single seasoned legendary.
This was her home. A place where she had her family, not just by blood but by choice, from the humans she befriended to the wild pokemon she took in.
A memory of a human, one that raised and trained her, taking her as his own child even after he had died.
'You know, true strength comes when you have someone to protect.' She remembered the old face framed with white hair and beard vividly. A small smile appeared on her face before it narrowed as a rift opened up on the lake, and a shadow dropped onto the lake where Fallrider, a very old friend that sadly passed away years ago, and is now inhabited by Gladewatcher.
Her eyes narrowed as it saw a rather mischievous legend, one that, more often than not, was the cause of her headaches. She saw it, by a just split second and jumped up from her position to try and contain the headache of a legendary but it slipped away from her paws.
"Hold on!" She heard the human, Ren cry as he stripped himself of his jacket. Rolling her eyes at the human's brashness and remembering a journey that she had, she used psychic on the human's bag.
Normally she would have been able to fish the poor pokemon out of the water but with her keeping an eye out for the headache, she used a psychic and took out a Pokeball and enlarged it.
Calculating the distance from her point of view, the Nine-tailed fox pokemon threw the ball and it hit the figure, square on the head.
Ren saw a red light envelop the unknown pokemon and it was pulled inside the Pokeball? Who threw it? Saying nothing, he kept swimming to the ball, in the middle of the lake.
'A fool.' The Ninetails thought with a smile, she did catch him his first starter for her. 'But he is different from many of the foolish champions that have arrived here.' Making sure that the presence of that troublemaker was gone, she used psychic to fish out the human out of the water and gently landed him on the ground.
Letting a small stream of flames, the fire/psychic made sure to warm the human up.
"You should let the pokemon out." The Ninetails advised as she calmed down the young wild pokemon.
Nodding at her words, the young man swallowed a lump on his throat, his palms were sweaty as he picked up the Pokeball. Taking several small deep breaths, the young man from another world and champion of the Renegade pokemon raised his hand before throwing the Pokeball on the air to reveal...
Two pairs of dark eyes looked at each other.
---Location: Unknown---
A figure dressed in a dark coat with purple accents smiled as they looked down to the city below. It has been a while since they last left their hometown of Plegia, a desert city, and the bustling city down below.
Looking up, the figure noticed a beautiful flower field next to the city that will take a day or two to travel.
"Peko!" A cry called out from their lap. A small rodent with a creamy yellow body, circular black eyes with large white pupils. It has different-colored fur on each side with the left being brown and the other black. It raised a single oran berry to the figure.
Amethyst orbs looked in amusement as soft white locks peeked out of the hood that covered their face.
"Thank you," they said as a gloved left hand took the berry. Looking outside, a small smile formed on their lips. "I wonder how I will be able to handle the Sinnoh league."
"Peko! Pek!" The Rodent cried out happily, making them smile.