
A Travelar into the world of Inuyasha (Sesshomaru x OC)

Janet an orphen girl who lives with her aunties. She travels through space, universe and time . How will she react when she finds out? Then she started to change the story but by doing so she catches a lot of attention especially of a certain Inuyokai. Does she have to sacrifice herself for everyone and everything by doing so? You need to read the whole story to know what's going to happen next.

Jannat_Heasan · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter :01 : Travelling through space and time and the past

200 years ago

Janet's POV

Where the hell am I?! Why does everything looks so animated? Hmm..

This does look familier though. Wait a minute wasn't I was watching Inuyasha and then fell asleep ? Did I really just travelled into Inuyasha?!

Even if I did what place and what year it is now!? Ahhh.. This is just so confusing

No. No.No this is no time to be confused about. I just need to know. I have to go to a crowdy place where I can get the necessary information.

Third person POV 

while Janet was running she wasn't aware that a demon was watching her. She was running really fast and passing trees like a gust of wind .Finally she reached somewhere but it was beyond her imagination.

Janet's POV

Uh..!? Huhhh?????!!!!!.

Crap I am in the demon city. What should I do. Don't creep out you Baka.

Take a deep breath in and out in and out

Okay Now I ha..?!

"Wait you imbecal commoner what do you think you are doing?" A choclate brown hair girl is wearing kimono with a lot of layers. She must be from some nobels house. Oh whatever.

No one's POV

Janet tried to ignore that girl but" Wait you imbeca.." " Get out of my " Janet threw her away as She saw a little boy and asked " Hey you there little boy what year is this? " the little boy was terrified of her scary aura. " Huh??!! Kind mam I know nothing about year. But I can tell you about what era of dynasty it is. " Janet thought 'oh crap I forgot that in this time people doesn't know about year. "Sorry little boy. Oh and please do tell me what era of dynasty it is. " " This is lord Inu o Taishos era of dynasty. " "oh I see. Thanks little boy " she said this as she ruffled his hair. " Oh by the way What's your name?" The boy said his name was koko while blushing and asked " By the way miss why are you wearing this weird cloths? " " Huh?! What are u.. " ' oh crap I forgot that I was wearing my mordern cloths' as she thought and trun around as she people was just staring at her ' crap I already gained a lot of attention ' " Ok Koko see ya later " "Bye mam see you again sometime and please visit our shop sometime" "okay Bye" Janet just pass through the demonic city as fast as she can before she get caught. She stopped at field that looks like forest. Janet Thought ' now If this is Inuno Taisho's rulling time then... Wait can it be the day when Inuyasha will be born. It can be. I should get there and help Inu's dad and if it's' not then I'll wait for the day. It's a worth shot.She was going there really fast. Janet thought ' I wish I am not late. I think this is the right way. As much as I know that gurd guy is not a human at all.'

At Izayoi's residence

A women was giving birth.' Where are you my dear? Izayoi thought.

Finally a cute little infant was born. 'Man I am exusted. Wow it looks like I arrrived sooner than I thought. Then I should make an escape plan for Izayoi and then I will help Inu's dad. Oh well should get this over with as soon as possible.' Janet thought

Inside of Izayoi's residence

Some man was screaming "Ahhh.. No don't hurt u..." the man fall down with a thud in the cold floor. ' Opsie I Shouldn't' have made any noise but he can't hear what is happening inside. I better be carefull.' Janet thought.Again a bunch of man came in with a rush towards Janet but this time there was no sound no screamimg. While smiling that girl thought ' phew I guess this will be the last of them. Hmm... Now where that room is? Uh huh found it.' She opend the door and saw a crying women stared at her with hopeless ness. Seeing the sence in fornt of her shatterd her heart." Hey Don't cry. I am here to save you and your son. " " Really?! " "Yes but you have to do the exact thing I will tell you to do Okay?" " Okay" " For now.. " ' crap I sense bloodlust ' Janet thought. The gurd men came up and asked " lady Izayoi is everything okay? " " Yes, but do you really have to do this? " " My lady I am only doing this for your own dignity. Do you understand?" " Yes " Izayoi sadly replied." Well then I should get going then . " ' That's odd I sensed an unusual aura but there was no one with her ' the gurd man thought while he was approching the main gate.'phew that was close ' Janet thought. Then janet opend the gate for Izayoi and Izayoi asked her " What I have to do now?" " Clam down and come with me. " " Okay " " You see that Forest? " " W- What forest? " ' guess I am the only one who could see it ' then janet turn around her hand infornt of izayoi's eyes and asked " Can you see it now?" " Yes, I can now. But what did you do? " " This is not the time to be worried about for things like this. Now you have to go there and wait for me and your husband to arrive and do not do anything rational and idiotic. Do as I say , Okay? " " Okay. " then janet used a protection spell to protect her to reah the sacred forest. " Okay, Now go." " Okay. " Izayoi left the place. ' I know it's hard for her because she just gave birth. Now I have to approch Mr. Inu as soon as possible. Finally she approched the forest. ' janet also left the place.' This is the place I should wait for him here to come. Wah.. Crap he is really fast.' " Wait. Wait. Wait Mr. Inu !! " janet waved her hand as she said that ' A human what is she doing here ' " Step aside human I have better work to do. " " Don't worry Izayoi and her son is okay " 'What?!' " You better not mess with me human. And how a mear human can save her? " " Let me show you something, Okay? " then janet showed her with something fog like sparkaling thing that she is okay. Inuno Taisho took his human form and asked her suspiciously " But how do you know that I have to save her? " " I will give you the answers later but first let me heal you. Will you please kindly sit down for me? "

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