
A Trap in a Lewd Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would become of you once you died. When the last vestiges of your existence is wiped from the universe. Well if you have then you've thought more than I did. As I was what one would see and say that he only lived in the moment, chasing the most recent highs and wasting a life away in silence. Yet when it all ended I found myself in a black void, a voice telling me of wondrous things. Of people turned heroes by a mysterious system, of a place where all could happen. I was excited, to be able to become one of those but my luck it would seem had not turned as I was not to be one of those heroes but the opposite really. A villain, one whose only purpose was to be the stepping stones of a burgeoning hero. NO... NO I say to that fate I would not be just another common mob, waiting for my inevitable death. I had dreams beyond that, beyond anything that this damned system had made for me. I had died alone, with no one to mourn me, but most importantly I had died without ever knowing the touch of a woman. And it may have been for that very reason that I had overcome my limits, taking the power the system gave to me and jailbreaking it. Taking it upon me to be the lewdest dungeon. Instead of being the whetstone for a hero I would be the bad end. The final villain that none could overcome. Yes, that was to be my purpose. But why... why was I given such a body. I had become so cute, a body that would topple countries with its cuteness, I didn't want to be that, I wanted to be the muscular demon lord at the end of the road. SO WHY!

SpacesSnips · Fantasía
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233 Chs


I won… but at what cost.

I could still hear the agony induced screams of the boys that had come into my dungeon.

Even I didn't have the courage to see what my slimes were doing to them.

Honestly it scared me a little bit. Every time I looked at the slimes now all I could see were the tortured screams of the boys as the slimes did… did whatever it wa s th at they did.

I could tell that they were happy about it though.

They seemed to be more relaxed, as if they had just had s-

No, bad me. Don't go thinking those thoughts, those were bad thoughts.

On the bright side though. There hadn't been much commotion around here meaning that I could renovate my place a bit more.

[unnamed dungeon core]

[Race: It's a trap]

[Class: Lewd Dungeon Lord (2/50)]

[Level: 2 (50/1000]


|summon slime (lv2)| |set trap (lv2)| |enslave (lv2)| |summon spider|

On the even brighter side I had leveled up.

Each of the kids had given me 50 exp meaning that I had leveled to level 2.

And the benefit of that was that my skills had leveled up once and I even gained another skill.

For a moment I focused and found myself staring at a giant spider.

It was about my height. Meaning that it was about five or so feet tall and proportional to its size as a regular spider.

I had stationed them in strategic places. And by strategic places I meant anywhere they could fit into a dark corner.

I nodded in satisfaction as I found the latest dark corner. With a call of my skill the spider was summoned and it curled up around me.

Despite my previous misgivings about spiders these ones were actually quite cute. Or maybe that was just the skill affecting me.

But either way I had no trouble petting it and setting it around the corner. Ordering it to trap anything that came its way, even the slimes.

It would give this a natural feel. As if it was more than a dungeon but an ecosystem and if by some chance the spiders and slimes could evolve with this conflict then it would be a plus for me.

With that done I went back to near the core. I couldn't exactly find my way to the center seeing as I had collapsed the core.

But I could come close, and it was here where I was going to make my base.

I called forth a slime and gave it the order to start digging.

It was quite good at it, the acid it spit making up for its lack of limbs. And soon enough I had a place to sleep.

Or more of a hole but that could be fixed.

I attempted to summon forth another spider but something stopped me.

[Spiders 25/25]

I rolled my eyes at that, it was another mechanic that I had not known of. And another thing to restrict me.

Though now knowing that I went back and had a spider follow me back to the hole that I had picked out.

"Spit here… here… and here" I pointed out places gesturing to its but and made a pulling notion. It nodded and blushed a little.

I blanched at the imagery and just kicked it in the shin to get it to work. And soon after I was left with a nice hammock.

I layed down on it and found myself drifting to sleep quite peacefully.

[Intruders detected]

"Mmm…" I groaned, absently swatting the screen before I curled to the side and went back to sleep.

The glorious master was still asleep. He had entrusted to I, the shining glorious slime, to defend his castle, his dungeon.

And these intruders would see none of it.

I would consume them, destroy them. None would be left after I was done with them.

And so I hopped about, avoiding the spider webs that the damned spiders had made.

I would have hated them, I wanted to, but by order of our sunshine m, our future, our master, we were to only attack with no hostility.

Which I was fine with but for now I needed to get around them.

And as such I did.

The webs around me melted with a touch of my tentacle. Heh- they were inferior. The slimes reign supreme.

Our squishiness and our supreme acid would overtake them no matter their thoughts on the matter.

Even if our master had said that he did not mind the spider's appearance I could still tell that he was slightly put off. But not us, we were cute, we were squishy and above all we were stronger.

"Seems to be a new dungeon… nothing but standard webs, most likely a spider dungeon. No wonder the kids died…"

It was a voice, masculine in nature. Though there was one more, it seemed so quiet that I could barely tell that it was there.

But I was master's first slime and as such I was the strongest. Meaning that I could hear her. And it definitely was a her.

The lightness of the steps, the feminine tone and mannerisms. Master would be delighted. He wanted just this. I could hear him ranting in my head right now.

Heh- I laughed, I would be the master's favorite. I would bring him… what did he call it? Bitches.

Yes I would bring him bitches and he would love me for it. He would hold me and pet me. Yes, it was only a matter of time for my august self.

I lurked around, using the dark of the cave to allow for a better view of the people around. As of now they were both on the ground, inspecting it.

"Looks to be a trap, want me to trigger it?"

"Yes… do it."

"Ok, step back little miss."

With that the human male waved his hand a bit before the trap was sprung. I could feel the mana coming from him, it was subtle but for me it was noticeable.

Ah but I could not squander this chance, it would be the greatest honor for them. To be taken down by me.

As the man triggered the trap, the ground in front of them falling to the wayside I triggered the adjacent trap with a shot of acid.

It triggered, arrows flooding the room. The 'little miss' as the man had called her was out of range but that did not mean the man came out unscathed.

He was a pincushion, the arrows sticking out of every part of him. Blood fell from his wounds, a horrified expression on his face.

'Yes! Yes! DIE!' I thought in my head as I fell to the ground. The woman kneeling in horror, her hands cupping her mouth.

I wrapped my tentacles around her and retrained her, she barely put any resistance. It was supremely easy.

I melted the staff that came with her, it was but a twig to my acid. Yet I restrained myself, I could already see some burns on the girl.

Which means that I need to take her to the master.

And as such I did, taking a spider with me. Despite the order it was given it still came, another order superseding it.