
Chapter 15: A Wavering Decision.

The fight was still underway, Kid and the Drakin were taking shots at each other, with inhuman like strength, speed and precision, however Kid was still only human versus something not even of this world, but he could hold his own by fueling himself from the abnormals.

The Drakin was still amazed at the fast recovery of Kid also even more impressed by the ability he possesses from the abandoned tribe.

Kid had eaten another abnormal heart and readied himself for presumably and hopefully the last fight over his own body. With magnificent speed he rushes at the Drakin throwing a fast jab with his only arm.

The Drakin evasively dodges then follows up with a flurry of his own punches to Kids bruised and battered body, causing his punctured lung to fill with even more blood, he then grabs Kid, slams him into the sludge-like ground and punt kicks him in the face.

Kids eyes were going blurry and his knees weak, he needed more food, his body was almost craving more power from the abnormals, he rushes straight at the first one he sees.

The Drakin already intercepted this idea, he began collecting ether magic in his hand to form a sphere like orb, he tosses it at the abnormalities causing them to be absorbed and dissipated.

Kid wasn't fast enough he witnesses this monstrous magic unfold, with exhaustion he falls to his knees not be able to stand the pain he began to cough up blood from the punctured lung.

Kid stares at the slimy ground and sees something move underneath, he notices that the abnormalities are coming from the ground, He punches the ground sticking his arm almost to his shoulder.

The Drakin taking note of what Kid is doing, he instantly charges at kid in attempts to stop him. Instead he's met with insane force from a firmly planted kick to the abdomen.

Like a tree Kid planted himself in the ground for an unmovable like structure, he had also gripped tightly onto an abnormal and fished it out of the ground, he rips the heart out to eat it.

"Fucking abandoned ones, the worst bunch to fight, I'm glad we slaughtered the entirety of you nightmares, eating even your own kind for power, still though you're nothing for the likes of a Drakin." The Drakin was oddly insulting and complimenting Kid.

"You never shut up do you? It's all yapping like a little dog from you fucking Drakins, I guess it was a good thing you freaks were eliminated." Kid retorting back at the Drakin.

"Boy, you have any idea what is happening to you right now? The longer you're here and especially in this condition, the worse it'll be out there. Every wound you receive now will be the same out there, that and I'd reckon since we've been fighting for more than three sun rounds in this Soul Realm, that means almost three sun patterns went by out there." The Drakin informed Kid.

Kid already knew he needed what seem like a miracle to finish this, without his left arm and eye, it's more or less impossible to win, he was either going to bleed out or not be able to breath from his lung shortly, he was almost wishing Liliana was here now.

Back in the hideaway, three sun patterns have indeed past, The sword spirits and Jugo have set up a precautionary boundary spell incase if Kid had woken up, they would know if it was for sure him or something else.

"Jugo, I'm expecting the Old Man has caught wind of the spiritual force emitting from here now and sent those two over for the plan as well. For now let's pray Kid can make it through."

"Sword Spirit if it were anybody who asked me to pray for a fool like this, I'd laugh in their face but you're right, not even willpower alone can make him live through this." Jugo snappily replied.

As Jugo was observing he heard a footstep above in the store, he made his way out the secret part of the cave then entered through the back door of the store to play pretend shopkeeper with whoever

"Ah welcome customers how may I assist you?" Jugo said with a fake smile.

"The Old Man sent us, we're here for Kid, we need to make sure he's okay." Replied a girl like voice

"Hes our friend and master said that he'll be in some kind of status like state undergoing a intensive training regiment." Said the other boy voice

"All I see are a bunch of Kids stating things I know nothing about, so if you ain't here for buying my wares then buzz off and go to school." Jugo getting impatient

"What wares all I see is a unorganized shop." Says one of the Kids.

"Knock it off, Ax do you really want to upset the made that made the sword you carry." Says the girl

"You're joking right Mana, this old man here made this beauty?" Ax replied sarcastically.

Jugo at this point was getting annoyed with Ax's continuous remarks, however he wasn't lying, Jugo could tell any of his best works and that boy did indeed have a sword ranked in the top 3 mythical weapons.

"Well as far as I can tell all I see here is a well mannered lady and a fool of a boy, however it is indeed true you currently possess a creation of mine, if I recall I left it with a swordswoman by the name of Myrtle, so how did your greasy hands come upon this weapon?" With malice in his tone Jugo was demanding an answer.

"Well dear old mom finally retired and I found myself finishing her untended to tasks like for example helping the Old Mans pupil my good friend Kid, so why dontcha head underneath where he is and tell him I'm here." Ax still being cocky and some what impatient towards Jugo.

"Sigh... forgive my companion here, hes what we would call, unrefined in speech and asisine behavior, but however it is true, we were tasked by his mother and my teacher Myrtle to assist this boy with his uncompleted teachings, also I've done the favor setting up a barrier to cancel out any detection wards or eyes, we found this place very easily with the amount of ether spilling out." Mana was very dignified in her words.

"All I have to go by is your words, past that I can refuse to assist you, but seeing as how you have the same reddish wine hair as your mother and her sword so that's a start to believing who you are." Jugo now trying to prolong the conversation to keep them from going downstairs.

"Jugo, I must infer that you let us underneath, the Sword Spirits and you alone won't be enough if Kids power is awaken, he can truly become a monster himself if he indulges into his tribes ancient taboo ability, we've seen it before, not even you will be enough to stop him from going berserk." Even Mana was getting impatient.

This started to concern Jugo even he was noticing a thick air around Kids body, stuck between a rock and hard place Jugo made his firm stand unwavering he couldn't place his trust on words alone. At that moment the door opens once more and incomes two familiar faces.

End Chapter.