
Chapter 11: The Girl with help in her eyes.

4 sun rounds ago.

Kid has been doing various odd requests around the capital for quick cash, but something was severely bothering him, he couldn't talk to Marsen about it because The Old Man sent him on his first Monster subjugation task and Dogbite rather train by herself.

It was about that girl in tattered clothes, like she had just escaped from the mine or dark market, plus that shop keeper was too suspicious. He wanted more information. He's seen those eyes before in that young girl, they were crying for help.

Kid usually would mind his own business but for some reason he couldn't help but feel the need to help the little one, he decided to visit the shop again, hopefully Bellingham could listen to him this time.

He made his way to the artisan district in the east side of the kingdom, as we walked down the road he noticed a lack of people, an uncomfortable lack of people. He found the rundown shop and entered it.

"Ah welcome dear- You're back I see." Jugo was going to invite a customer in but was already leaking a little bloodlust towards Kid.

"Easy there smith, I'm just looking around, I see you still have yet to clean the place." Kid tried cooling the situation with a light hearted joke.

"None of your concern Corpsman." Jugo spitted his foul remark at Kid.

"Where did you get the funny idea someone like me whom has been in the pit twice could even attempt to become a guards corp?" Kid replied cynically

"Why else would you be here, no one else would be looking for a young sword spirit in tattered clothing besides the guards corp." Jugo realizing he made a drastic mistake

"Sword spirit?" questioned kid

"It'd be best you left now, I wouldn't want The Old Man to have receive your head in a box." Jugo started etching his hand towards his hammer slowly.

Kid stared at Jugo for a minute pause "Why is that girl calling for help towards me?"

Kid asked that question and Jugo had that look as to why he knew but couldn't say "I have no idea maybe you just like your girls a little too young." Jugo began insulting Kid in attempts to make him leave.

Kid starting to get annoyed with Jugo remarks decides to leave. He had another plan for more information. Late at night in the West district resides a bar where gambling, prostitution, swindling and a fight ring happens. They call it the Dark Market, not even the guards interfer with what happens there.

Kid waits till the twilight hour and makes his way to the bar, the reason he's been doing a bunch of odd jobs and requests was for coins to gather information on the little girl now name sword spirit.

"I'd like a glass of wine." Kid hands more than 50 silver pieces to the barkeeper, the barkeeper knew exactly what that meant.

"Hehehe son aren't you a little too young for drinking, how about I offer you something else." The barkeeper was subtly attempting to offer info to Kid

"Any rumours about a young girl that might have escaped from the mines or slave trade, goes by Sword Spirit?" As soon as Kid asked that question he can sense behind him in the corner of the bar a man with the intent to kill.

"Seems I hit a soft spot." Kid took his glass of wine and 1 more making his way over to the man.

"Boy, I don't know what you think you're going to do, but you'd best stop now before you dive down this hole." The stranger said towards Kid.

Kid sits down across from the man and hands him a glass of wine "Funny, I don't know what I'm going to do either, how about you give me some ideas." Kid replied sarcastically.

"Why are you seeking the Sword Spirit, that criminal got what she deserved, damn shame she made her escape." The stranger talked as if he was there for something horrible she did.

Kid takes a sip of the sweet ripe wine "I'm an aspiring hero, I can't just leave a damsel in distress alone."

"Son, there ain't no heroes in this world just the strong and weak, so now unless you don't want the color red running down your neck, you'd best answer, why are you looking for the sword spirit?" The stranger getting impatient with Kid starts making his insults.

Kid sees in the reflection of the glass 2 more guys stand up behind him, one had a knife concealed in his sleeve, the other had copper wire, most likely for strangulation, however those 2 didn't concern Him, it was the guy at the same table, he was skilled, not Grimco skilled but can manage his own.

Kid clears his throat "This will go 1 of 2 ways, the easy way, or the really easy way." The stranger laughs and does a hand motion signaling for the other 2.

Kid smiles, places his foot on the table and kicks into the stranger, he takes his glass with wine and blinds the guy with the knife, using the empty glass he breaks it over the man with copper wiring making him Yelp in pain, in the midst of doing so Kid takes some broken glass and shoves into his mouth and upper cuts him with insane force.

Forgetting about the stranger behind him, Kid is picked up and slammed into the table breaking it, the stranger grabs a broken part of the table and thrusts it at Kid in attempt to stabbing him he missed but instantly responds with and swift and hard kick to kids stomach making him slide hard into the bar wall.

The man with the knife finally got most of the wine out of his eyes allowing him to get in with the fight, blinded by rage and the embarrassment he charges recklessly at Kid. Quick thinking Kid kicks a chair in his path causing him to trip, the guy miraculously somehow stabs himself in the shoulder.

The stranger disappointed with the 2 idiotic goons grabs the guy and tears out the knife from his shoulder. "Now the real fight boy, as you can already tell I ain't like those 2 moronic fools, so tell me where the Sword Spirit is and maybe I might let you live." The stranger trying to trick Kid, instead makes him laugh.

"Haha that's funny old timer, how about you look at your position, I managed to fuck up both of your guys and you still have the gullets to make a threat and deal like that!" Kid moves towards the bar counter, he places another 50 silver, the barkeep hands him another glass of wine and a knife of his own.

"STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS OR YOU'LL GET GUTTED TOO!!" The stranger was now enraged at the barkeep and took his eyes off Kid for one second. In that one second Kid was in front of him, with the knife at his throat and the wine in his hand,

"When someone offers you a drink you take it, now say ahh." The stranger was questioning how he moved so fast or why he didn't in the first place, was Kid just playing games with them the whole time?

"Kid, I can't be having you wreck my place it's bad for business." The barkeep pointed out, but it clicked in the strangers mind of who Kid was, he dropped to his knees in forgiveness he stares up at Kid "Please forg-" Kid shoves the wine in the man's mouth and then gets kneed in the throat hard making him spit and cough up everything.

"Now answer my question, who is this Sword Spirit and why is everyone wanting her?" With that Kid knows he'll finally get a step closer to finding out what is calling to him.

End chapter.