

Numb. I feel nothing. No pain.

Even when the guy's puny fist landed on my jaw, even his pu-fucking-ny fist draws blood. I still feel nothing. Just hunger for beating the crap out of him.

And I'll enjoy it.

I lick my lips, the blood tastes like copper. And look down at the boy, he was small for me. A head short.

"Really? Is that all you got?" I taunt. And much to my satisfaction, his nostril flares, his eyes blazing with fury, while I remained calm.

When you're fighting, you should not let emotions control you. They will make you lose. You should control your emotions. That way, you can be more logical.

Unfortunately, this guy here seems to not know that.

"Why you son of a bit--"

I heard the satisfying crack of his nose or jaw. He fell to the ground with a thud. A girl, wearing a short skirt and a tiny top came at his side. The music stops and people turn to watch the scene. Mindless fuckers.

"Are you out of your mind?" The girl screamed, her blonde hair sticking everywhere, she reeks of alcohol and sweat. And for a moment her blonde hair reminded me of a certain feisty blonde hair. I shook my head forcefully. She's bad news for me. A Judging bitch. But hot.

I push the thoughts of her away and look at the girl again.

I had to refrain myself from wincing at her appearance.

I simply raised an eyebrow at her.

"You broke his nose" She screamed again. Damn. This girl is a screamer. (No pun intended)

I looked at the boy to see him clutching his nose, groaning like a pussy. His eyes glistened with unshed tears. Thick red blood oozed from his nose. And I smirk.

Serves him right. He shouldn't mess with someone stronger than him. That'll teach him a lesson.

"I care because..?" I raised my eyes to her.

She pulled at her hair in frustration. "Didn't you hear what I said? You broke his nose. I'm calling the police"

I smirk "Oh do call. I can just say it was self-protection."

"They won't believe you".

"You sure? There's cctv. They can see who attacks first".

The boy stood up and he stumbles a bit, the girl held his arm to keep him steady.

"It's okay. Jasmine". He spoke

Jasmine. She should check her smell before calling herself that.

I look at the boy with an annoyed expression and raised an eyebrow.

He glared at me with teary eyes and I smirk. Proud of my work on his face. His eyes were swollen, a dark purple, that resembled a racoon's eyes. His jaw was also bruised badly. Blood dripped from his nose onto his shirt. A river of red blood. Maybe I could be more generous and re-arranged his jaw too.

"Want another?" I taunt.

He spit out blood and glared at me "Fuck you".

"Too bad. I don't swing that way".

The girl or Jasmine look at him "Let's just go now". She whispers.

He looks at the girl and nodded. He sent me one last glare and then they were gone.

"Alright. That's enough people. Shows over. Music". The annoying voice of Lucas snap people out of their reverie.

And then, the music continues. People were gyrating again. But I didn't miss the occasional wary glance they threw at me.

Lucas pat my back "That was sick. Man". He was grinning from ear to ear. I smirk at him.

"Let's go get a drink" He says and I nodded following him to the V.I.P. room.

Lucas's father owned this club and it was an advantage for me and Lucas. We could have access to any V.I.P room.

I sat down on the plush sofa and two girls, wearing a fluffy cloth panties and bra came in to serve our drinks. They were smiling seductively at us.

The green hair girl was kind of pretty, she had a nice body and big tits. Maybe I could jerk off tonight. Forget that bitch who had occupied my head lately. I can't stand her especially when open her annoying little mouth. But I can't deny the fact that my body feels more alive when she's near me. Stop!

I smirk at the girl and she takes that as a cue, advancing towards me and sat on my lap.

"Hey baby". I grimaced. Her breath was a mix of stale cigarette and alcohol. And I almost puke my guts out.

Even though her breath smell, She had a nice body, maybe I can use her. I need to lay tonight. That bastard and bitch made my mood sour.

I gulped the tequila in one neat gulp and smirk at her. She tried to kiss me but I turn my head and her lips landed on my cheeks

She frowned in confusion. And I smirk.

"No kissing". I say, I usually kiss them but today I don't think I can without puking in her mouth. I trailed my hand down her body and latched my mouth on her neck. It was salty, her sweat was disgusting.

She moaned and nodded- unaware of my disgusted face- and bite her lips. She closed her eyes, and I quickly look to where Lucas was to see it was empty.

I guess.. He went with that girl..

Her hands trailed down on my jeans and she tried to open my zipper when I stop her. She groaned in annoyance.

"Uh-Uh.. I am the boss here". I whisper on her ear and tug on her bra, freeing her breast.

Very big.

"Strip" I ordered.

I took out a condom from my back pocket and tear it off.

"I'm on the pill". I raised an eyebrow at her. I wasn't risking anything. Besides it's not like I wanna fuck her raw.

"Well, better safe than sorry". I rolled the condom on my cock. And I push her down on the sofa, positioning myself. No fore playing. I'm not in the mood. And without warning plunged into her.

Beep!! Beep!! Beep!!

I groaned in pain, my head fucking hurt like a bitch. I open my eyes a little, since the curtains of my room are closed, the room was kind of dark.

After jerking off at the club, I called an uber and go back to my flat. I have no desire to sleep on that fucking club.

I rolled over and lay on my back, I wipe my face with my hands and sigh in annoyance. I swing my leg and got up from my bed. I went to the bathroom with only my boxers.

I strip my boxer throwing on the hamper and step into the shower .

I open the door and went out with a towel wrapped around my waist. I went to my walk in closet and dressed for today.

I feel oddly excited when a certain blonde with a blazing blue-green eyes enter my vision. What is wrong with me? She's making me feel unwanted things..

I rode down on the elevator and went to my car. I open and slid in. Just when I am about to start, my phone ring.

I look at the caller ID and I'm tempted to let it ring. But I decided against it.


I keyed the ignition and the car roared to life. I drive out of the garage holding my phone with my left hand. The other, on the steering wheel.

"Son" Came a deep voice.

"Speak" I snap. I have no time for his bullshit.

I hear a small sigh "Can you come home for dinner?" He asks.

"No". It will be a mindless business party. I want to introduce to you shit.

"Please son. There's something I need to tell you". As if..

"So speak".

"I think it is necessary to talk face to face".

"Well I don't". This old man is pulling at my strings.

"Son. Please. It's very important."

I sigh in frustration. I park my car in my usual spot and lean on my seat.

"I'll try".

"Are you joking?". Came his reply.

I grit my teeth. "Have I ever joked with you?" I snap.

"It's just I was surprised. Thank you son" I just nodded and without saying anything hang up.

I sigh and unlock my car door and get out. My mood lifted slightly when I see a familiar mob of blonde hair, chatting with the nerd.

She was smiling widely at him. Is he her boyfriend? An unfamiliar feeling of jealousy blooms in my chest. And I was surprised. What is it about that blonde girl waking these feelings up ?

I subconsciously clenched my fist and glare at them. My dark mood soaring up than before. As if sensing someone was staring at her. She whipped her head and her eyes met my eyes. She looks surprise before glaring at me.

I have a deep desire to laugh at her, A wild fire inside a small body. She was feisty, maybe that's what drawn me to her. And she was cute. She only reached my chest, and she fits into my body.

I roamed my eyes to her blonde hair that was whipping everywhere, because of the wind. Then her beautiful blue-green eyes, to her pouty lips. A pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. And I almost groaned. My body responding to that gesture.

How would she taste? How would it feel to kiss those lips?. Wrapped around my cock as I fuck her mouth?

Then she looks back at the nerd when he said something to her. She smiled up at him and I refrain myself from throttling the boy's neck. Who is he?

The boy quickly lowered his head when he met my gaze and I smirk. What a pussy!! Emily was talking to him and smiling widely. The first time I see her smile and it was for the nerd. And here I get only a scowl and a hateful glare. I scoff mentally.

The boy said something to her again and she nodded, she gave me one last glare before sashaying her hips and disappeared to the hallway with  the nerd.

I was solely tempted to go after them saying what? But I manage to refrain myself from doing things I'll regret.

She's just another dumb blonde. And as dumb as she is, she's waking up unwanted feelings. I should stay away from her.

I should've known that it was fucking easier said than done.

So what do you think? 😊😊 Is it good? This has been Cayden's POV everyone. I hope you enjoy it.!

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Thank you once again for reading my story. Until next time Ciao!!!