

"My God Edgar, is it really this dress that chose Ardham? This is so beautiful Gar, so beautiful." said Nadine, her eyes already teary.

"Yes, beautiful, this is your dress ... I received this dress from a well-known designer, you already know her right?" asked Edgardo proudly.

"I don't really know her Gar, Tante Bella who took her home when I was fitting the dress, but I don't know what kind of dress." Nadine explained with such a happy feeling.

"Isn't your husband very clever in choosing a dress? very graceful and elegant." Said Edgardo who was amazed at Ardham, Nadine's husband.

"Yes Gar, I really can't believe Ardham's choice, which I really like." Nadine said with a really happy feeling.

"Come on Beautiful, it's time to put your dress on, you have half an hour left." said Edgardo.