

A young adult goes to sleep one day, he did not expect that the next time he opened his eyes he would do so as a baby, even less he expected it to be like the son of a female character from a series that he only saw in passing. This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

redely · TV
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10 Chs

Common Life

-Now I see what you're worth.


-Now I see what you're worth, it's from when we met in the first season, and that I call the years seasons is also from when we met in the first season.

In a dark room there was a television on and a person sitting on a plastic chair, his overweight made him look slumped over it "And so the season begins with the greatest notoriety of character bleeding", thinking inside, he decided to stop the series at that time, because despite the fact that community still had good moments in its last seasons, the emptiness was felt a lot in the dynamics of the characters, causing a change in the development of the plots, which I did not consider as bad, but if different.

Turning off the television, he prepared to go to his room, on the way he remembered to check if he had closed the door and window properly, he turned the bolt on the frame 4 times, despite having already checked that the window was closed, he still did it, he did the same procedure with the door plate, also including the upper and lower handles, the truth is that he got distracted in the middle so he had to touch the door plate another 8 times,

Turning off the light he had to quickly walk the path to ignore the fact that he was stepping on the floor lines, when he reached the entrance to his room he had to brake suddenly, it was that feeling of discomfort again, he had to be a good while out tapping his quadriceps femoris area of ​​his thighs with his fingers in a set of 4, he did this 4 times before he felt comfortable, he had to quickly get on the bed to ignore the discomfort; due to the odd number of times his feet touched his sandals.

He was lucky that the switch for his light was next to his bed, so once he was in bed he was able to turn it off, once he was lying down he did what he always does and that is, after being unemployed for months his life became a routine; wake up, have anything for breakfast, send resumes, play on the computer, read fanfics, watch series or movies, in the end at bedtime he would read fanfics again until he felt sleepy.

This time it was no different, he had a ridiculous number of tabs open on his phone; 88, almost all of them were from fanfics. This time she was reading one that was a crossover between naruto and young justice, where the orange ninja was a clone of darkseid, it was interesting, besides being one of his favorites from the last month.

Having already read for a long time, he decided to sleep, while he used his imagination to imagine himself as a character from community, a character that within that world was an actor, an element with which Abed could make meta comments about what an actor was like playing an actor. , he would imagine how he would have an affair with Britta; an intermittent one but in the end they would end up together, he also imagined what it would be like to discover that Pierce is his father and how they would handle that revelation, he inadvertently fell asleep.

Tonight he had that recurring dream from his childhood, although he did not have it often, if he has dreamed of the same thing on 6 occasions, it seems that this would be the 7th, what happened within the subconscious illusion was strange, because in the same one he did not It was neither matter nor energy, it was an essence that went through various states, heard voices and despite not knowing what language they spoke, I understood what they were saying; "This won't work" "you have to make it a cylinder", in this he felt like a roll was being made, despite not being painful it was the most uncomfortable feeling he's ever felt, then he was separated into pieces, to finally hear: "you have to put it back in the source", with that he felt that he was dragged by a force, although not a violent one, it was a feeling as if that was the appropriate thing to happen, besides, even if he could resist he would not be able,

As he was absorbed by something hot on the surface and cold inside, he felt how his essence was saturated with more unknown elements, until there were no longer parts of himself that were united, the process, for lack of a better comparison; it was like when you pour a glass of milk into a jug and pour water over and over again it's funny because despite knowing it's a dream he can never wake up and he really hated having it this would keep him restless all the time next day.

Suddenly he felt intense pain in his forehead, he tried to open his eyes, but they were full of tears, he heard screams in the background, however, he was more focused on his pain, trying to get up with his hands, he noticed that his movements were clumsy, he knew that his body was not in optimal condition, even so, he should be able to move more agilely than this, he was not Brendan Fraser in "The Whale"

-Damn it Javier, you had to watch him for a few hours, just a few hours- when he finally looked up he saw a young woman with brown hair in a flowered dress yelling at a man in a turquoise polo shirt- Are you with him for a few hours? And what are you doing?! Taking him with you while you drink with your friends who surely also smoked in front of him, that doesn't do Alexandro any good! - At the end of his tirade he pushed the man's chest with the palms of his hands.

"Come on, Gloria, my father did the same thing and I'm fine, nothing happened to him!" The man said this as he grabbed the woman's hands and moved away from her a little.

-Did your father also let you fall headlong on the dirty floor of the square for being drunk?!! Wait don't answer!! He must have done it so that you think it's okay to take a child who was born prematurely to a bar!! -He said all of this shouting and despite the fact that he took a deep breath between those sentences, immediately afterwards he raised his voice again.

-You don't understand, these people I was with were talking about my opportunities in baseball! - The man now seemed uneasy and decided to lower his voice- now because of your drama they may not look for me again and stop overprotecting others. Alexandro is almost 3 years old, we don't want him to become another weirdo like my brother Tito who goes out at night dressed as a woman.

The woman upon hearing that frowned, she seemed to want to lash out at the man, during all this the man with a headache stopped crying and was able to sit up, only then did he notice that everything was much bigger, he also noticed that the woman had a belly round, then he pointed at the man and hissing he said- he'll just be 2, maybe if you paid more attention to him when you take care of him while I'm at the hairdresser you would know.

Then the woman turned to him now named Alexandro and took him in her arms, at this point our protagonist realized that they were talking about him-come daddy, let's hope this hasn't made you dumber- she turned once more towards him man- If this makes it take even longer to try to talk, then you will talk with my machete Javier- he now baby could only think something "if this is real, and it's a big YES, that mother concentrates more on screaming than on pick up his son, he was able to do both at the same time"

Then the baby/young adult was carried by his now mother as he watched his new dad put on a smile as he turned around the men he was meeting with and sat back down "father of the year he thought to himself"

This is a translation of my fanfic in Spanish, it is not my first language, so I will appreciate the corrections.

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