
A Thing Of Chaos

A mass of chaos. That's what he was. A thing. Or at least, that's what he used to be... "What will you name him, your highness?" She smiled down at her baby, "I'll name you Aridam.." He never really had a name before.. And if you think about it, excluding the doctor that helped delivering him, she was the first living being he ever saw.. Roaming in nothingness for millions of years as a thing.. That was the life he has ever known. But somehow, he got reincarnated in the body of a newborn baby.. I guess he's a royal child now.. In a world filled with magic and celestial beings. Chaos never wanted loneliness again.. So the first thought that came to his mind once he opened his eyes.. Conquering this world.

Moe_TC · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Welcome Back

It was nothingness..

The first thing you can think about if you see this world would probably be how much does this emptiness cover.

Well, probably infinity..

It was the same question the only living being in that world was thinking about too.

It was just a living thing, a mass of something.. A thing of chaos and darkness.

It could only float in that seemingly non ending space.

Doesn't matter how much time passed or how much emotions the thing expressed.

It could do nothing to ease the loneliness it was feeling, the wrath and anger it felt towards the world, towards itself..

Where the hell was the exit of this damned space, that's all it ever wanted.

Eons passed and the thing is still floating in emptiness without a clear purpose.

But one day, Chaos saw a small light in the distance, it was just a dot in the dark, but it was enough to make the thing fly desperately towards it, it tried to not get it's hopes up, but how is that possible when it finally saw something except for this endless nothingness.

And before it could even realize, Chaos was sucked into that hole of light.


In front of the master room in The Mansion Of Roses in the capital of the Olivian empire, a maid was walking quickly with an other woman next to her, their anxiety is visible as the screams coming from the bedroom Infront of them is getting louder and louder.

A beautiful woman was laying on the bed with maids all around her and a wet towel on her forehead, she was screaming... Loud as fuck.

"ARIA!! Where the hell is the doctor !" She shouted loud enough to make the maid tremble.

"I've brought her your highness."

Without talking, the so called doctor went straight to the bed and put a hand on the empress's belly.

Wait are they supposed to do just that ?

"You have to breath your highness and push forward." Said the doctor calmly.

"NO SHIT! You're not helping !" Screamed the empress as she kept on pushing.



"The baby's head is nearly out, just a little bit more your highness."


After a series of screaming and pushing, the baby was finally out as the empress closed her eyes and relaxed her head on the pillow, a pained expression is still on her face.

"I think she fainted..."whispered Aria to the doctor, but she didn't give her any reaction as she kept on looking down at the baby the empress just delivered, her face was as pale as a ghost...

The empress got on her elbows and watched the doctor with horror..

"What's wrong ? Is the baby okay ?!.." she couldn't hide the panic in her tone.

Without saying a thing, the doctor moved closer to the empress and with a trembling voice she said, " Congratulations your highness, it's a boy..."

The empress looked confused for a second before taking her child in her arms, he wasn't even crying... That's not normally possible, did he have a health problem? A sigh of relief escaped the empress as she felt him breathing...

Warmth and love filled her chest when she watched his small little hands reach for her face before her gaze moved to his face, a gasp escaped her lungs and all breath catches in her throat...

An impossibly red eyes was looking back at her. It was as if his eyes were glowling, as if the gates of hell were opened and the devil himself was looking straight into her soul.

He looked angelic with his fair skin and silver natural hair that resembled the royal family, but you can't describe his eyes with simple words...

They were beautiful, marvelous even.. The most beautiful eyes the empress has ever seen, flickers of gold moved inside of them as her child giggled while he played with her hair with his baby hands as he was staring right into her eyes, it looked as if he was curious and her sole existence to him was amazing, she couldn't help but smile back at her baby.

Yet all the empress thought about at that moment was that a word like frightening wouldn't give the crimson fire his eyes right, they looked even more glorious to her for some reason now... She understood why the doctor was a little anxious when he handled him to her.

People shouldn't see them...

But she was his mother... He was her one and only beautiful son.. and even that couldn't change the fact that she loved him more than anything the moment she took him in her arms.

She held him tight and kissed his small forehead and whispered lovingly, " My sweet little angel."

"What will you name him your highness ?" Asked Aria politely, but the empress could see that she regretted it as soon as she said it.

The mother wasn't supposed to be the one to name a child with a royal blood, it was supposed to be the emperor. But well, as one of his many wifes, I guess he didn't even bother coming to the birth of his seventh child... their child...

The thought almost brought tears to the empress's eyes but she shook them as quickly as they appeared.

She bent her head closer to her son's ear and whispered, "I'll name you Aridam"

Her smile widened as she rubbed her cheek against his and looked forward, a murderous look on her face.

She whispered to him as he kept on playing with her hair, "My sweet lovely child, we don't need your asshole of a father. Me and you will make everyone who ever looks down on us suffer, it doesn't matter whatever anyone thinks, as your mother, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you grow up safe and be happy however you want, I'll make sure of it. I love you"

But she couldn't help the tear that fell from her eye as she smiled warmly at him and the little baby tilted his head a little bit at her.



It was what the creature he popped out of called him.

Chaos thought about it for a second, was the endless darkness he was roaming in, her belly all along ?

That would honestly be devastating.

But well, who is he to complain, he's not alone and angry anymore, he now had a creature taking care of him, it's all that matters.

He could also understand what she was saying. It's probably because of that thing in front of him right now.

<User registered: Aridam D Olivia>

<Race: Half demon-Half draconic>

<Magic Attribute: not discovered>

-Skills: None.

-Unique skills: Translation.

-Ultimate skills: None.

Chaos waved his baby hands in the air.

Is that window real ?

"Open up for mommy" said the woman who was taking care of him with a spoon in her hands. He actually quite like that woman now.

She keeps on saying that she is his mommy or something so I guess that means the one you pop out of is called a mother.

She doesn't seem to notice the system window in front of him either, Chaos felt relieved about that.

A couple of hours later, the empress laid Chaos on his baby bed and got out of the room.

Chaos didn't understand the need of what they call sleeping, he lived for millennials and ions yet he never tried it, and even now he doesn't feel something like the need of it either even though he is supposed to be a weak baby.

As soon as he tried closing his eyes an other window opened up in front of him.

Chaos tilted his little head in confusion.

What was this scan about ? Is it an update or something..

<System scan finished !>

<A strange entity was found in the user's body. Begin eliminating>

Wait what...

Chaos face paled. Did it just say eliminate him ???

Are you kidding me, he just got this body you piece shit.

Chaos wanted to say stop but he's still a three days old baby he doesn't even know how to damn talk yet.

He closed his eyes as if waiting for an impact...

A couple of beats passed before he opened them again.. he was still in Aridam's body.

Dude, was the system scamming him ?

<The system couldn't eliminate the intruder>

<System reboot in progress...>

A couple of hours passed and Chaos was still looking dumbfounded in front of this stupid system window.

<System reboot finished..>

<New user registered: Chaos>

<Race: Part demon-Part draconic-Part void creature>

<Magic Attribute: Dark magic Void Chaos magic...>

-Skills: None.

-Unique skills: Translation.

-Ultimate skills: Eyes Of The Fallen <New! >..

-Titles: None.

-Class: None.

Chaos' crimson eyes widened as he read the the stats in front of him...
