

"Amias…" Sybil spoke reaching out a hand towards me but I smack his hand away from me "Sybil" I get up from my seat and start circling him "Were just partners for this disaster we're creating, nothing more, just scientific partners, what don't you understand?" I shake my head before walking over and leaning against the wall glaring at him "I know…I just..miss you" he swallows nervously as he spoke "it's been…hard without you amias" he adds walking a little closer to me until he is invading my personal space, putting his hand on my cheek "Don't touch me" I warn pushing him away from me "come on amias…don't do this too me…" he whispered, I could see a hint of lust in his eyes, the door suddenly opens "amias, did you feed the subjects?" A woman says standing in front of the door, leaning against the frame "I- uhhh no I forgot, sorry" I shove aside Sybil and walk over to the other door opening it to another room, there was a large glass wall and behind it was a human figure, groaning and moaning, molding, with torn skin, its teeth rotting, crooked feet and fingers, bones out of the body and organs rotten, it was just standing there, smelling like shit "Do you think it still has feelings?" I hear a voice behind me and I turn around instantly "What?" I asked looking at the little girl who was looking right into my eyes "Do you think those creatures have feelings? Can still feel things?" She tilted her head looking right at the zombie who continued standing there, looking like it was zoned out on a wall "look at it" I point out "it's guts are out, it's bones are out, and it's just standing there acting like everything is okay? Clearly it doesn't feel anything, besides it skin is torn, yet no signs of pain" I shake my head "how do you-" "who let you in here?" I interrupted her "and why are you here?" I add "Oh! Uhm I'm angel's step daughter, she wanted me to come here and she was her job is also because the school gave me permission to go with my step Ma!" She squealed joyfully "how old are you…" "9!" "How are you not afraid?" I questioned and the little girl simply shrugged "Look, what's he doing" the little girl then points behind me and I turn around to find Sybil in the enclosure with a dead rat in his hand "yeah what if that idiot doing…" I whispered, I hope he knew what he was doing "Sybil?" I call out, he could hear me from the thin glass "what in the world are you doing?!" I ask he turns to look at me holding the dead rat up high "Feeding it! The matchin that drops food in here is currently broken and the engineers are currently working on fixing it" he said proudly before the zombie turned around slowly and lunged at him "SYBIL!" I shouted and the little girl screamed as she witnessed the creature tearing Sybil's flesh, the creature turned to the glass looking at the little girl who was frozen in fear "thought you said you weren't afraid" I murmured, the creature got back up making eye contact with me, its jaw jaw jokes in fresh soaking blood, I saw Sybil flinch, wasnt he supposed to be dead?…It then roses before running and trying to break the glass with its force, I then pick up the little girl putting her over my shoulder as I sprint off "SUBJECT 509 IS OUT, HE ESCAPED HIS ENCLOSURE " I yelled out to the rest of the scientists who immediately stood up, the creature was sprinting behind me on all fours now, growling and snarling while lunging at the others "Shit" I say as an alarm starts beeping, as doors shut down, I run over to one of the scientists id's meanwhile I hear the screams of the others in the background, trying to ignore them, luckily the creature was distracted by attacking them, I put the id in front of the id scanner, mine had fallen back when I was running, the door opens and I start running up the stairs, the little girl still on my shoulder "we're gonna get out of here" I reassure her and she starts crying "Shut up" I scold, it's going to hear you" I continued running until my legs start aching, four more levels, until I can reach the exit, I start panting as I walk over to another room plopping the little girl down onto the floor "I-" I stuttered "stay quiet " I breathed out catching my breath "why did he kill the guy?" The little girl asks, her voice all shaky "because they're heartless monsters" I whispered "now keep your voice down, please, I don't want to die" "ok" "thanks" I then sit down beside her my head resting on the wall as I look up at the ceiling "god, please, save us.." I murmur.