
A Terrible Evil Villain And Their Destiny

They say every hero needs a villain. In the world of Strarth, the Goddess of Heroes, Afa certainly thinks so. Unfortunately she doesn't have either nor is she allowed to bring any to the world of Strarth. Fortunately for her all her superiors are currently asleep and won't be waking up for a couple decades. What's more another strange entity who has the ability to grant her wishes offers her a deal she just can't refuse! The deal is simple, the strange entity brings to the world of Strarth someone who Afa can mold into a villain and then Afa can summon a few hand picked heroes from this backwards planet called earth. What's not to love? This is where Bryson Colin Coldwater comes in. Falling from the sky on a cold rainy night an infant Bryson is found in the garden of the Coldwaters. A noble elitist group that is known to rule their land with fear. Throughout Bryson's life his family call him the chosen one, and that their family has been chosen above all others. A perfect upbringing to bring up a egotistical villain. Unfortunately, for Afa, and fortunately for Bryson, he does not quite develop in the way she wanted him to. Over the course of Bryson's life, he will be in countless different scenarios and situations that are made to turn him into a villain that will be defeated by the heroes in the future. Bryson will unknowingly resolve these conflicts in any other outcome but the one Afa wants. In this strange game of chess, watch as the world of Strarth's most terrible evil villain faces of against his destiny.

TheCaptainBill · Fantasía
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112 Chs

Interlude: Pixie Update

"So the pixie was banished down to Strarth?" Zarall asked in disbelief. He sat at his office desk talking to Primrose through the viewscreen before him. *That explains a lot.* Zarall thought. He had noticed that the pixie was missing yet no one had acknowledged it. This explained it.

"It appears that way. I scanned for her presence, and she was located somewhere in the forest. I'm unable to find her exact location, it seems as if she's masked her presence." Primrose reported from one of the snow-covered flower gardens.

"How are you going to find her without revealing yourself then?"

"I'm not. Bryson is."

"… Come again?" Zarall said blinking several times in disbelief.

"Bryson and a couple others are searching for her."

"Bryson? As in Bryson Coldwater? You're trusting him with the pixie?" Zarall said leaning in.

"Why not? I thought our job was to help Bryson do the right thing."

"This is different."

"How? You know what Bryson's been through. Why would he murder the pixie?"

"Because every situation he was in before, he got in them because he was trying to protect his family." Zarall said, "This time the pixie's the only thing that can save his sister."

"Same worst case no matter who finds her first."

"But it's Bryson we're talking about."

"He's proven to do the right thing before."

"He's killed to protect Sable once already." Zarall argued.

"It was an accident." Primrose shot back.

Zarall took a pause from this argument, "You used to worried about Bryson Coldwater. What's changed?"

"I've met him, realized he's just another kid. More then that, I believe in him. He's a good child." Primrose said adamantly staring unblinkingly at the screen.

Zarall slowly leaned back on his chair and nodded his head, "Alright, let's hope."



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