
A Teenage Girl's Life

A story about Melissa, a teenage girl's life with her family and friends. Every part is a small event that happened in her life.

killerbyblood · Adolescente
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5 Chs

Lockdown (1)

One day...

It's been a few days since lockdown because of Covid-19.

In their home...

Andy: " I want to play basketball with my friends outside, but I can't!"

Bryan: "Me too!"

Melissa's mum: "Bear with it. We're under lockdown, we can't go out to play."

Melissa's dad: "Well, it seems that someone is not affected by it." Eyeing Melissa.

Andy: "Of course Melly won't be affected, she never gone out to shop or anything except for going to school or tuition. She even barely leave her room." Looking at her too.

The subject of topic, Melissa, Aka Melly, was sitting at a chair quietly playing with her phone, ignoring them.