
A Tangled Web: Love and Power in the Corporate World

In a world of challenges a brave young woman works against all odds to get her dream job. Will she be able to keep it thou?

Victory_Oigiagbe · Fantasía
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3 Chs

A Tangled Web: Love and Power in the Corporate World

Sofia Hugh's was a first year intern in one "Dominos in'c" and she had jus gotten the job of her dreams after years of working through school, she finally had the opportunity.Things were going pretty well for her until she met him 'Lucas' .

"She quickly snapped out of the moment and without an apology continued rushing to the company. She was already running late for her meeting with her supervisors"

This meeting was usually held every Friday to update them on their progress on what they were working on.

Sophia's pov;

Oh my goodness!! what was I thinking I wouldn't have been late this morning had that door not got stuck again. I can't believe I fogort not to close it entirely last night .

Calling Jenna....

Sophia:Hey Jenna

Jenna: Sophia where are you?!!

Sophia:Am on my way now I had a small issue this morning

Jenna:well you better be fast about it's almost your turn to give a briefing. You know how important this project is to Team leader Helen

Sophia:Yes ofcourse am just outside the building.

"Sophia rushed into the conference room, her heart pounding from the collision with the handsome stranger and the fear of being late. Jenna, her best friend and coworker, shot her a worried glance, while Helen, their team leader, glared at Sophia with a mixture of irritation and disappointment. 'Nice of you to join us,' Helen said icily. Jenna quickly spoke up, 'It was my fault, I asked Sophia for some last-minute help with a project.' Helen's eyes narrowed, but she let the matter drop and turned her attention back to the meeting. Sophia slid into her seat, grateful for Jenna's quick thinking, but feeling the weight of Helen's disapproval. Her mind was still on the stranger and the strange connection she'd felt. Little did she know, her supervisor was thinking about her too."

It was Helen's turn to present 

_Helen cleared her throat and began her presentation, but her mind was racing with the realization that Lucas, the handsome stranger she'd bumped into earlier, was none other than her supervisor. As she spoke, she could feel his eyes boring into her, and her heart pounded with anxiety. Suddenly, he interrupted her with a seemingly innocuous question, but his tone was laced with a subtle challenge. 'Could you elaborate on that point, Helen?' Helen felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, but she composed herself and answered his question with as much confidence as she could muster. Lucas, however, was relentless. He continued to pepper her with questions, his voice smooth and calm, but his gaze intense and piercing. Helen felt as though she were walking a tightrope, one false move away from disaster. The tension in the room was palpable, and Sophia couldn't help but wonder if anyone else was picking up on the strange dynamic between Helen and Lucas. As Helen wrapped up her presentation she was certain her career was over and she would loose her Job.

The meeting had ended, but Sophia felt anything but relief. She was sure she'd be fired, and her stomach churned with anxiety. Jenna noticed her friend's distress and quickly pulled her aside. 'What's wrong, Soph?' she asked, her eyes filled with concern. 'I'm going to lose my job, Jen,' Sophia whispered, her voice shaking. Jenna shook her head. 'No way, Soph. You did great in there.' Before Sophia could respond, Helen's voice cut through the air like a whip. 'Sophia!' Helen snapped, storming towards them. Sophia froze, her eyes wide with fear, as Helen laid into her, criticizing her performance in front of their colleagues. Jenna tried to intervene, but Helen was on a roll, her anger and disappointment palpable. Sophia felt tears prick her eyes as Helen berated her, forgetting all the hard work and progress she'd made as an intern. She'd been so proud of her achievements, but now they felt meaningless in the face of Helen's fury. As Helen's tirade continued, Sophia couldn't help but feel like her world was crumbling around her.