
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · Otras
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11 Chs

Saving the devil king

Snowdrop woke up feerling a little bit better but she had a slight headache. She wore her shoes and walked out of the room. "Oh, how could I forget?" Snowdrop used her hand to hot her head. She had forgotten to get some herbs for Tulip who felt sick and refused to come out for breakfast. "I have to hurry". She left home and walked through the forest. The forest was scanty and some trees were short. She picked some herbs in her basket and walked in the direction of her house. But, as she went, she accidentally stumbled on a stone. "Ouch", she winced. She looked down and noticed a shiny black pebble. "What's this?" she asked herself as she bent down to pick it up but as her hand touched it, a shielding blue aura shocked her and she stumbled backwards. "What is that?" she asked herself. She looked on as the pebble changed into a dashing young man in black.


"Today is the day of the reincarnation of the devil. We can't afford to miss this opportunity to bring him back. Today, I'm summoning all guards to search the nooks and crannies of the demon and devil realm", Li Vun, the uncle of the devil king, said. "Your highness, shouldn't the fairy realm, nature realm, heaven realm amongst others be searched as well?" Someone whispered in his ears. "Fine. A few number of guards should check the other realms. Go in disguise. You must not alert the enemy". ""Yes, your Highness", they answered.


Snowdrop looked at the person in front of her. 'Should I save him or not? He seems badly hurt', she thought. She walked closer to him and knelt beside him. She used a finger to push his cheek slightly to see if he was still alive or not. He wasn't. She felt his pulse. "

'He seems weak and has no strength in him. His cultivation seems to have been weakened or reduced', she said in her head. She felt his temperature by placing the back of her palm on his forehead. He was hot. "So, what's wrong?" she asked herself, "he's dressed in black", she gasped at the realization, "so that means that he's either from the devil or demon realm? Is he a spy?" she wondered. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. Master taught me to always help those in need irrespective of who or what they are", she said. She used her powers to change him into a pebble and she held it and walked home. She laid the pebble on the bed. She stretched her hands in front of the pebble and her white aura surrounded it changing it back to the man it was. He was handsome and cute. She went to her master's room and took a bottle of medicine and fed him. She had 7,000 years of cultivation so, she decided to transfer 2,000 years to him. He would be better after three days of taking the medication. She changed his clothes into one of Jasmine's and washed his old clothes and went to bed after giving Tulip his medicine.

****Two days later******

My Lord, the troops have returned but there is no sign of the devil king", Zohuan, the chief commander of the army said to Li Vun. Li Vun stood up. "How in the name of the devil and demon realm is that possible. He's reincarnation had ought to be two days ago!" he shouted. "Please, calm down. Forgive our negligence", Zohuan bowed down.

"Find him. I give you three days"

"Yes" and he left. "Your highness, shouldn't you take advantage of this opportunity?", Li Vun's chief adviser, Lu Fang said. "Opportunity? What opportunity?" "Don't pretend, your highness. The throne of devil king had been admired by all and sundry but of all admirers, you are the closest and most eligible for the throne". "What do you mean by that?" "I think it's rather clear. Of what use would it be to look for him. You could be the king of devil and demon realms". "Shut up! I never want to hear about this again, understood?" "Your wish is my command. But, what I said will linger in your mind. The devil king's to younger brother has been ruling for the past 105,000 years but everyone has considered you the bedrock".

Li Vun walked away furious while Lu Fang smiled mischievously, "you'll give in soon"


Snowdrop sat down in her reading table as she studied history books and she became thirsty, "I'm thirsty", she said as she yawned tiredly, "I'll go get some water and wine", she said standing up. "Anyways, it's time for him to him to to take his medicine. It's the third day. He should be fine after that", she went out of the room.

Meanwhile, the man who she had saved and was the devil king opened his eyes and sat up. He looked at his clothes and saw he was wearing white. "What's going on?" he said in his mind. He stood up and turned invisible.