
A Tale of Thousand Stars - by Bacteria

A volunteer teacher dies in a tragic accident, in which her heart is transplanted to Tian. Through a series of diary entries Tian learns about her life; her secrets and interests. Including her promise to military officer Phupha, about counting a thousand stars with him. Tian then decides to follow in her footsteps and complete her dream. With Tian a new volunteer teacher, he attempts to befriend Phupha. Yet, Phupha gives off a cold exterior. Slowly the two grow close, but Tian's heart beats fast around the military officer. As he starts to fall for him, much like its previous owner did. But with the area being war-ridden and dangerous, can they keep their thousand-star promise?

lanwuxians · Ciudad
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25 Chs

Chapter 3 : The Previous Owner of Heart

Tul was as efficient as ever, after waiting anxiously all night for an email from Tul , Tian grabbed his phone and excitedly opened it. Not much detail was given but all the key information from the day of the incident was there.

The silver Porsche Boxsters, which hit the girl walking on the pavement at the corner of Ratchadapisek Road in front of the criminal court, killed her instantly. The name of the driver is Wisanu Phongruangrong, the youngest son of Sia Chanchai, Sia is the owner of the famous Golden Shopping Centre in the Yaowarat area. The deceased was 23-year-old Ms Torfan Charoenphon, resident.

This made Tian's heart ache so much that he had to bend over to relieve the pain, he reached for the medicine on the bedside table tray and put it in his mouth, then took a sip of water and swallowed it hurriedly.

After taking the medicine he laid down in bed in a sweat to relieve the pain.

Having thought about the problem so much that he forgot to take the medicine, the immunity of his new organ was reduced and when his heart returned to normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He held his eyes up in the darkness, he wanted the last proof of his suspicions, if they were not what he suspected, he vowed never to speak of it again, not to look for any further facts.

When Tian had made up his mind, he got up from his bed, sneaked out of his room and headed for the first floor. He slowly opened the door to his father's office and immediately dashed inside. He switched on the torch in his mobile phone and the room lit up. He knew that his father usually kept important papers in a drawer, the key to the drawer was on the desk.

But this was no problem, he knew where the key was hidden, because as a child he used to sneak in and rummage around the room.

When lifting the tray of monks' garlands on the shelf, he found three or four pieces of the key, as he expected. To open the drawer, he bent down and inserted each key to try until he heard a clatter.

Looking at the open drawer, Tian looked like a thief and smiled happily because he had accomplished his task. He opened the envelope that was supposed to contain the documents he was looking for but couldn't find anything.

Tian was frowning, had his father hidden the papers somewhere but he couldn't have dismantled the room to find them, he might not find them until dawn.

He sat in despair for a long time, if that did not confirm his suspicions. He was just about to stand up, a sharp pain in his heart and the mobile phone, which had been switched on with a torch, fell on the table, a pile of paper was scattered on the table. The white light from the flash was directed at a document with a red rubber stamp reading "CONFIDENTIAL".

Tian doesn't know if his father didn't care or if he forgot to put the papers away but luck is on his side! Tian swallows hard, picks up the document and reads it.

The list of organ donor registrants' Torfan Charoenphon name was there!

Tian covered his mouth with his hands in shock and felt like he's going to throw up. Tian quickly photographed the evidence on his mobile phone, before anyone could see him and stumbled out of his father's office.

He told himself, if it turned out that nothing was as he suspected, it would be over.

But to think that if it had really happened, what would happen next?

For days, Tian, the son of the former deputy army commander, seemed lonely, even miserable, an atmosphere that could be felt by Mrs Lalita, who was not at home much, she watched her young son picking at shrimps and boiling rice out of his soul.

"Is it not good? Not good, son? Did Mum make you an American breakfast?" Mum asked. After being questioned by his mother, he looked up, gave her a strange look and shook his head, "No, it's good."

"Eat more if it's good, you're sitting there playing, it'll get cold later."

Tian nodded, after he had been ordered to scoop it into his mouth like a robot, Madame Lalita sighed, she knew her son's personality, after months of being locked up in the house, this had reached the limit of his patience.

"Son, do you want to get out?"

Tian looked up in surprise at his mother's question, she was more concerned about her health than anything else.

"Can I go out?"

"Yes, but mum doesn't want you to go out, if something happens, what should I do?" With one sentence Tian's hopes were cut short, he had just straightened up with excitement and it sounded like a frosted aubergine again.

"Okay...", he couldn't help but murmur, understanding his mother's concern and the fact that he had been unwell for two years, this day, he gave in to her advice.

"But if you really want to go out, Mom's only condition is that Thad comes with you." She was talking about the driver who was not used at home today.

Tian's slim, handsome face broke into a smile and he rushed to hug his plump mother, lest she change her mind again, "Thank you, Mom."

Mrs Lalita hugged her son back, "Now, no need to ask mum."

"I'm going to take a shower--" Tian immediately rushed out, sweet voice...

"Don't run so fast, son, don't forget to take your pills after dinner!"

He pulled the door open and slammed it shut, heart pounding. He went to the bedside table and picked up his phone, opening the email message from Tull from last night.

Torfan Charoenphon 77/xx Soi Rom Sai, Pracha Santias.

...Tian took a long breath, he touched his left breast unconsciously, he knew how crazy and ridiculous he was now but now that he was the new owner of the lady's heart, he had the right to know everything about her, didn't he?

Tina chose to shop in the posh shopping centre in the heart of the city where she always came, this was clearly a bad choice, now walking next to a middle-aged man in a dark grey travel suit, not a cute little girl.

Tian stretches out after shopping as he always does, leaving his mother's guardian in no doubt about him. Finally, he walked into a coffee shop and told the driver, Uncle Thad to help him in the queue for a caramel chocoholic.

Tian sat lazily with his legs crossed on a soft sofa, smiling at the older driver. The driver, who is also in the queue, looks back at Tian every now and then but as smart as Tian is, he puts the big paper bag from the designer shop on the table, just out of sight of his face.

By the time Uncle Thad bought Tian's favourite caramel chocolate coffee, Tian's person was gone.

Tine ran forward to the road, looked around, then waved hastily, hailed the pink taxi that came by, when he told the driver his destination not more than 5 minutes later, his phone kept ringing.

There were calls from home, from his uncle, from his mother and from Phii Tay, who had returned to the capital, they knew so quickly. Tian wiped his sweat, turned his phone off, so they couldn't locate him via the phone.

The pink taxi was stuck in Bangkok for an hour, finally entering the Nonthaburi area, there were many large villages crammed together, the village he was looking for was in a narrow alleyway, it was mostly a series of houses, the taxi driver was busy searching through the numbers he remembered until he saw a forty square foot house, surrounded by dilapidated concrete walls.

Tian gives the taxi driver 1,000 baht, which includes the time charge and stands in front of the rusty metal door.

The door number 77/xx' Tian looks inside and gulps, the half concrete, half wooden two-storey house, is as lonely as if no one lives there.

A few moments later the dog barked, the Thai-skinned owner came running out from the back of the house, his feet bouncing as if on a metal fence, unaware of the stranger entering.

"Stop barking, I can't stand it, it's annoying!"

Suddenly, a plastic basin was thrown from the house, almost hitting the dog's head and hitting the metal door, making a loud noise.

Tian stands motionless with a hint of shock, it is a world completely different from his life, he is just about to step away but it is too late, an older sister in a loose shirt and an apron comes out of the house.

"Who are you looking for?"

Tian opened his mouth a few times before finding his voice, "I... Uh." If you're here to sell water filters, you're probably in the wrong place, go to someone else's house, I don't have any money!" The older woman crossed her legs.

"No...", Tian held his breath after a sudden flash of light he said, "I'm Torfan's classmate..."

This time the older sister was silent, the fifty-year-old woman looked at Tian, he was dressed stylishly, he looked rich from head to toe. He looked rich from head to toe." What is it? She's been cremated for a long time, if you want to find her, go to the temple over there."

Although not familiar with the organ donor, he was angry for the deceased, it was disrespectful to say so.

"Are you a relative of Torfan?"

"I'm her aunt, her father didn't care for her, if I hadn't adopted her, she wouldn't have known where she was." The more she said, the more she couldn't stop.

"But the debts were so big that I couldn't afford to pay them back, Torfan went to the mountains as a volunteer to teach the mountain people, soon after she came back she was hit by a car and died suddenly but luckily, the man was very nice and gave me a lot of money."

At this point, Tian's brow furrowed, although he didn't want them to know he was friends with the driver' party. But he couldn't help but ask closer "Aunty was given a large lump sum of money, so she didn't expect to have to fight the case, right?"

If the power of money could buy lives." Hey! You!" The woman became irritated, "I have to eat, I have to live to fight against it is to fight against money, better to accept it."

"You don't love your niece at all." Tian murmured in his mind without thinking and was annoyed by the vulgarity of the scolding.

"You're part of a foundation. What the hell is going on, so everything in the world looks beautiful, the truth is the rich are richer, the poor are poorer, just give me the money, if you want to educate me like a friend, go back, I'm not afraid of going to hell but I'm afraid of not having any money in my life, no food, damn it!"

Not only did he know that the death of this young woman named Torfan was tragically worthless. When Tian realised that he had not come here today to argue, he tried to suppress his emotions.

"I'm not one of those people Auntie was talking about, I'm her college brother."

"Which university? She only went to high school."

When Tian realised he had slipped up, he responded, "I meant vocational." Fortunately, the older sister hadn't had much education, so didn't care about his words.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Well...", he made a quick excuse, "Torfan borrowed my book."

"Oh, so you've come to get it." she quirked her lips defiantly, "It's only a book, take it back if you want, I was going to sell it by the pound."

Tian was relieved, finally entering the target house, he looked at the large Thai dog crouched behind the potted plants, fearing it would bite and bleed. The chubby big sister walked to the back of the house, it is a dirty room.

"Everything is in this box, get your stuff and go, don't waste time." Her old mobile phone rings, making Tian aware that she is actually a professional bookmaker.

Tian turned his attention to the business of his visit. Kneeling on the concrete floor, covered in crumbs and sand, he didn't worry about getting his clothes dirty, his slender hands lifted the bag with its many clothes until he saw a paper album containing Ms Torfan's personal effects.

He opened it slowly and with excitement, his eyes suddenly found a plastic frame, a lovely young woman smiling amidst the flowers in full bloom of the early sun, the mist diluted in the background.

'Tian frowned at the soreness in his chest, it was as if he had been beaten in the gut for a moment, I know! I'd say this woman is you, wouldn't you? Until his heart calmed down, Tian started to look through Torfan's belongings again

Tian took the staff ID card with the blood on it, it was as dry as if no one would help wipe it... which had a "Saengthong Foundation," printed on it

"You still haven't found her things?"

The older woman's voice was loud, startling Tian who was on annoyed on the inside.

"Okay--" he responded, Tian turned around and looked at the pile of stuff in the box again, decided to take a few textbooks and a handheld notebook, while walking out of the storage room, met Torfan relatives who wanted to pick a fight.

"Where to? Look, what are you taking with you?"

Tian felt accused of thievery, the books he was holding, almost smashed into his wrinkled face, "It's all this stuff, it's full of junk, who wants to steal it?"

"Yes! It's all rubbish to you but to me, anything can be turned into money, it's all valuable." she waved Tian away rudely, "Go away, go away, I'm going to bed."

Tian was slammed against the bars, his brain went numb for a moment, if he had been a few months ago, how could he have been insulted like that, he sighed, he had no choice.

Tian wiped his nose and kicked the air to vent his frustration, he thought he would end the investigation of the organ donor, because he thought it would be useless for the life that had ended.

To be honest the day's plan had failed miserably with only Tull's clues and the fact that she came from a relatively poor family and sinister, vulgar relatives.

Growing up in such a hostile environment, what motivated you to become. I don't know why you wanted to become an unpaid 'volunteer teacher' but it certainly wasn't for the money.

Tian suddenly stops walking, shakes his head to distract himself but it's too late, he realised he really is, it's hard to forget when you think about something, sweat is running down Tian's forehead, as he walked a kilometre in the afternoon heat to find a taxi on the main road in front of the village, he must hurry back, he's been missing for a long time, worried that he's not going to make it. He had been missing for a long time, fearing that in a few hours, Mrs Lalita would have to force his father to use his remaining prestige to send an army all over Bangkok to look for his son.
