

In Hogwarts a school for magic at night in top of astronomy tower sat a lone figure upon closer look you can see a boy with black hairs and golden tips with his eyes close.

If anyone can see him now they clearly be able see

that he was pondering something that his clam

face betrayed but hold value in it that can seen

easily but the most eye catching thing about him is

the white bandage wrapped around his head.

After sometime He opened his eyes which strangely held two colours of serene silvery-blue and fierce molten gold in both left and right respectively .His gaze met with the view of breath taking view of the night sky filled with millions of stars a moment or two later he sigh escaped his mouth.

How long it's been after the words left his mouth he silently chuckled.

???? POV

How long it's been the words left my mouth I couldn't help but chuckled.

My name is Samuel or was it, I was a normal dude up till a couple of days ago.I don't know how or why i gotin these world not like i care anyhow but deep inside couldn't help but think how in the world my life ended up like a fanfiction that use to read.

All i wanna do now is to live this life to the fullest which didn't manage to do in my previous life.But unfortunately there is a war going on right now and

adding the cherry on top. I am a pure blood and a Slytherin. But fortunately i got five random power ups or things

to aid me in life somehow.

They are not too op or trash but then again beggars can't be choosers right.

Better than nothing right but for now after taking a final look at stars i closed my eyes using my green house robe as a makeshift blanket enjoying the cool breeze touching my face until the sleep take overs.

Whatever happened from now on I will take care of it.

Not has Samuel but has Evan rosier.

These is my first time writing. So please bear with me now and help me to improve

arazels_gambit6759creators' thoughts