
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 8

"No!" he yelled, "I want to see you in dresses and sun hats and flowing skirts of silk." Tamaki's eyes sparkled as he saw the mental picture of Kagome wearing a white dress and holding her hand out to him. He then turned away from the others and ran across the room grabbing a box labeled "Daddy's personal items".

"That is enough, you two! Now listen to Daddy," he stated as he pulled out two big portraits, both depicting Haruhi and Kagome smiling sweetly wearing their female middle school uniforms. Haruhi's long brown hair was uncut. "Daddy wants you to go back to the way you use to be!"

"What the hell are those?" Haruhi shouted angrily as she and Kagome stared at the displayed pictures.

"How the heck did you get pictures of us?" Kagome screamed.

"From your old school," Kyoya pointed out, "There were easy to find."

"You are all creeps," Kagome said hotly and Haruhi readily agreed. Tamaki paled before Kagome turned her heel walking away from him.

"I have to go. Sesshomaru is waiting for me," she stated without turning her head in his direction

"No wait, Kagome!" Tamaki pleaded reaching a hand out to her, but the club door closed behind her with a loud slam. It caused him to go into his corner of depression. "My little girl is angry with me," he whimpered. The twins laughed at his evident despair.

The sunset looked beautiful as she wandered the halls towards the front entrance. The miko told the Host Club a little white lie; Sesshomaru was away on business and she was walking home today. As she passed a door, something on the floor caught her attention, a small puppet shaped like a cat. Kagome bent over and picked it up.

"Aww, kawaii!" she cried, "It is as cute as Usa-chan. Why you are just lying on the floor here?" Kagome looked around to see if anyone was nearby but found no one. "Well, I am going to have to bring you home with me and we will find your owner tomorrow."

The next morning, Kagome strolled through the marble hallways before classes started. In her hand sat the puppet she found the day before. She was determined to find its owner. "Okay, I know you belong somewhere but where?"

As Kagome continued looking for the puppet's owner, something approached in the shadows, a cloaked figure stalking the hallways carrying a candlestick and clinging to the darkness.

"Beelzenef," he called out eerily, "What are you doing to him? Give him back." To his surprise, Kagome did not run away and fear him as most did; only other members of his club found him approachable.

"You could have been more polite," she grumbled beneath her breath and held out the cat shaped puppet, "I found him last night and was looking for whoever lost him. Sorry." The shadow figure took the puppet back and placed it on his hand.

"Not to be rude," Kagome began, "but why do you have a cloak on?"

"I am vulnerable to the light," he answered and gave her a respectful bow, "Excuse me for my rudeness. My name is Umehito Nekozawa. I am just protective of Beelzenef; he is my favorite cursed doll. Would you like to join the dark magic club? I could even plant a curse on someone for you if you'd like." He grinned at the cursing part.

Kagome bowed in respect. "I am Kagome Higurashi. It is a pleasure to meet you. I am sorry, but I am already in a club and I do not think I am cut out for the black magic club. I work in the holy arts."

Nekozawa chuckled. "That is a shame, but do you have training for your power? My family is trained in all magic arts; I could enhance your power tenfold."

"I will think about it. I have to go to class. Bye." Kagome waved as she turned towards her classrooms.

After classes ended and the host club closed the next, Kagome remained sitting at the window watching Haruhi as she tried learning how to dance. It was very entertaining to watch considering who her dance partner was. Kyoya declared it was mandatory for her and Haruhi to attend the dance party the host club was planning and dance with their guests. Once he heard this, Tamaki immediately added the condition that both girls' true gender would be revealed and they would become the Host Club's dog if they refused to attend or dance. She and Kagome couldn't argue with his conditions, so Haruhi began practicing. Kagome already knew basic dance steps; being Sesshomaru's heir meant she attended many formal events and he encouraged her to be social.

"1-2-3... 1-2-3..." Kanako instructed lightly as she guided Haruhi through the dance steps, "Now remember to bring your feet together on 3. Remember, the gentleman always leads and make sure to look at the woman you're dancing with."

"I- uh, got it," Haruhi spoke though she sounded unsure. In her own clumsiness, she tripped over her own feet and they both fell onto the floor with Haruhi on top. A blush appeared on her face and she was quick to apologize.

"I'm so sorry, Miss Kasugazaki!"

"It's ok, Haruhi," Kanako said with a slight giggle and pulled Haruhi closer to her.

"Why so gloomy, boss?" the twins questioned as they observed Tamaki's depressing state as he was sitting by the window.

"I bet it's because he wanted to be the one Haruhi practiced with," Kaoru stated his opinion as to why the prince was in a slump.

"I think you may be right, but he's way too tall to stand in as a woman," Hikaru agreed and they both smirked.

"Childish," Kagome murmured under her breath.

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