
A Tale of Business and Romance. Chapter 10

"Well, I'm not use to this sort of thing," Haruhi confessed, "I've only gone to the festivals held in my neighborhood park."

"I don't know if you can considerer that a dance party or not," Kyoya told her, "Well, at least have a taste of the food here. It'll be a treat."

"A treat?" she questioned and looked over to him with large eyes full of hope, "Like fancy tuna?"

"Fancy Tuna!" everyone shouted in shock while Kyoya's pen snapped in two from the sudden pressure he applied to it. Suddenly, Tamaki jumped down from his higher position on the stairs and landed beside them.

"Kyoya! Get some fancy tuna immediately!" he ordered while pointing towards him. The man was already one step ahead of him dialing in the last numbers on his cell phone and placing it to his ear.

"Add some premium sushi platters to that," he told the other person on the line.

While all of this was happening, the twins were huddled on either side of a cheery red Haruhi hugging her head and rubbing their cheek against hers.

"Poor child," they chanted with tears at the edges of their eyes in pity as they tried to comfort her with hushed whispers and, "Poor little thing..."

Kagome leaned against a support beam that rested alongside the dance floor. She watched as everyone danced merrily and an air of delight floated around the entire room as they all were enjoying themselves. As Kagome was about to dance with someone, she felt the air being thrown from her body as someone picked her up and ran away.

"Hey what is the big idea?" Kagome shouted as Mori put her on the ground in front of a large vanity mirror in a separate room, "I thought Haruhi was doing this?"

"Change of plans," Kyoya said to her, "The party reaches its climax in a few minutes so hurry up." The twins happily shoved a white dress at her and pushed her into the changing room where she proceeded to change into the dress with a pair of matching heals.

"So why am I doing this?" Kagome grumbled as she came out of the changing area fully dressed. She was startled when the twins pushed her into a chair in front of the large mirror.

"We wanted to see you in a dress!" the twins said as they did her makeup.

"Gentlemen, there you are!" Tamaki scolded as he suddenly threw open the doors, "The guests are waiting." Tamaki was immediately caught off guard as the beautiful young woman seated in front of the mirror turned her head to him. His breath caught in his throat as he gazed at the beautiful goddess in the white dress. Her long raven black hair reached down to her back while the short white dress came up to her knees showing off her long legs.

"Doesn't she look great?" the twins asked together. Tamaki was speechless as Kagome stood and walked toward the open door passing him by.

"Now go to the room at the end of the hallway; he'll be waiting for you. Don't screw this up, Kagome," Kyoya said as she walked past them and she turned her head back to them.

"No sweat," she said before continuing to walk away.

"Good luck, Kagome!" the twins cried as she set off to the secluded classroom.

"She is so beautiful," Tamaki spoke lovingly as he watched her glide away.

Once Kagome reached the end of the hallway, she opened the door to the classroom. The young man waiting for her looked at her curiously.

"You wrote this letter?" Tohru asked, "I pictured you a lot differently."

"Letter?" Kagome questioned and took the piece of paper from his hands to read it. It's content and loud hot pink lettering disgusted her.

"I am sorry," Tohru began sympathetically, "but I don't feel the same. I am in love with someone else."

"Oh, I am sorry," Kagome replied, "I had no idea."

"It is alright," Tohru said with a slight smile, "You did not know and I don't know if she feels the same way about me."

"Why don't you ask her?" Kagome suggested speaking from experience, "You'll never know how she feels if you don't try."

Before Tohru could reply, Kanako walked in looking at the two of them with tear filled eyes. She mumbled a weak apology before she took off running. Tohru didn't hesitate to run after her. Kagome left the room and walked towards Tamaki; he was the one who brought Kanako here.

"I think you made matters worse," Kagome commented.

"Not true," Tamaki stated, "He ran after her, didn't he?"

Kagome smiled in the direction Kanako and Tohru disappeared in. "I guess you're right." Kagome went back to the changing room and changed back into her tux. By the time she came back to the ballroom Kanako was chosen as the queen for the night as she danced in the spotlight with Tohru amongst the drifting sakura blossoms.

"The kiss from Tamaki…," one twin began as Tamaki was being his dramatic self wanting the attention.

"... has now been changed to being from Kagome Higurashi," the other finished.

Kagome froze as did Tamaki.

"Kyoya said that a little accident at the party might make the evening more thrilling for everyone." The twins said.

"I am not doing this."

"If you do I will cut Haruhi's debt by one third."


Kagome began walking down the stairs. "Hey, is this Kagome's first kiss?"

"What?" He paled.

Kagome was about to kiss Kanako on the cheek when, "Wait Kagome!"

Due to Tamaki's clumsiness, a simple kiss on the cheek became a full scale kiss on the lips.

Kagome stepped away from Kanako. "I hope you two find happiness together."

She turned to Tamaki, "You!" Let's say that Tamaki had a bruise on his head the rest of the night.

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