
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Cómic
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162 Chs

Chapter 76 A night of drinking. Froke's hell.

There was a certain buzz in the city, the excitement earlier hadn't died down, all the pubs were full as rowdy adventurers who made a killing in the tournament.

Cheers and laughter filled the streets, even those who lost big money joined in on the celebration to drink away their anguish, the fight between the two prodigies still fresh in their minds. It was a happy time for the adventurers of Orario.

Well not all adventurers though, the ones from Loki familia are all down in the dumps, considered to be one of the strongest familia in the city, they have suffered defeat after defeat, as all of their fighters aside from Ais all lost in the very first round. Loki in particular was in a very foul mood.

Aside from Tiona, all of her children are severely injured, Tione was still in critical condition due to the green dragon, Anakitty had her left side destroyed, and Ais although stable now, was a hair width away from dying.

Not only that, she owed Athena a huge amount of money, not to mention she was already in the red when she commissioned Ais's weapon from Hephaestus, the weapon that was destroyed in her fight with August.

"Another!" She wailed while raising her hand, she cursed her godly body as her tolerance on alcohol was stopping her from being blackout drunk.

Finn, Gareth, Bete, and Tiona, could only watch their god, it was not a good look on their part. All the regality a god should have was thrown out the window. Riveria stayed behind to tend to the elves who were injured while maintaining the barrier, as well as the three members who suffered injuries in the tournament.

Chloe Rollo arrives with a full pint of ale and places it at the middle of their table. "Anything else lady Loki?" She asked politely.

"Keep it coming." Loki answered without looking up as she chugs another full mug of ale. She was planning on getting drunk or die trying, which ever came first.

Chloe looked at Finn, as if asking if everything was ok, the pallum just sighed and nodded with an apologetic look.

Chloe bowed before leaving, it was not as if she was part of their familia to care about their god's drinking habit, but she was just worried that the goddess might cause trouble inside the pub.

Finn watched Chloe making sure she was out of earshot before turning to Loki. "My lady... Aren't we short on cash? If you keep drinki-"

"That's precisely why I'm drinking." Loki cut him off before he could finish. "I'm drinking my sorrows away, leave me alone." She said while pouting.

Finn had a strained smile on his face while his eyes twitched. He was used to his goddess childish nature, hell all of the members of her familia was aware of the fact that Loki could sometimes be hard to deal with.

That was why as captain, Finn had a huge responsibility in making sure the affairs of the familia was running smoothly. He had adjusted their budget well when Loki commissioned Ais's weapon, but he did not foresee that his god would bet 300 million valis to Athena.

And right now, his mind was trying to do mental acrobatics to keep their familia on the green, but every glass Loki drank seems to stab him at his brain.

He looked at the 3 members that were with him, asking for help, only to see Bete and Gareth chugging alcohol and Tiona stuffing her face with today's special.

Finn blankly stared at the trio, his mouth opened and closed, he took a deep breath and opened his mouth, but before he could let a rant the door opened and loud cheers erupted inside the pub.

"Well look who it is!"


"I won big money because of you!"

"That was one hell of a fight!"

August entered the hostess of fertility along with Heracles, Denki, and Froke, in came the loud applause of the adventurers drinking.

""Tsk!"" Finn could hear two sets of tongue clicked, Loki and Bete both had a sour look on their face as they eyed the new arrivals.

'Well this is gonna be a problem.' Finn's face cringe at the timing, he has no qualms with August and his familia, and to tell the truth he was impressed at the showing he did in the tournament.

Even with the unfortunate ending with his match against Ais, he understood that it was an unavoidable outcome with them going all out. One of them was gonna end up hurt.

But that doesn't mean the others share his line of thoughts... Ais is Loki's favorite, it was obvious for everyone with two pairs of eyes, and he knows that his god was fuming at the injuries the sword princess received. And Bete has this sort of bad blood with August, a childish rivalry in his eyes, but one that is currently a ticking time bomb at the current circumstances.

"Well would you look at the time. My lady, I believe it's getting late now and frankly I don't think our budget will cover a whole night of drinking right now." Finn hurriedly moved in front of Loki.

"OY!!! MUSCLE HEAD!!!" But Loki already called on to them.

Finn palms his face and groans. 'This is gonna be a long night.' he thought as Heracles along with his familia walked into their table.






"OY!!! MUSCLE HEAD!!!" The adventurers all went quiet as a shrieking high voice took over the bustling rowdy crowd.

Everyone turned their head and saw a table full of adventurers from Loki familia and the goddess herself.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and when Heracles marched towards their table, the adventurers gulped.

They all moved out of the way and started to avoid looking in their direction, opting to chat and drink as if they weren't there at all, afraid of the two gods that from the looks of it, are at odds with each other right now.

Heracles arrived at the tables, he looked at everyone and gave a curt nod in greeting. "Loki." he said to the goddess. "A nice night for a drink isn't it."

"You owe me 320 million valis." Loki glared at the god while extending her hand as she declared Heracles's debt.

"I'm sorry, I must have some trouble with my hearing today... I owe you what exactly?" Heracles said as moved his head closer towards Loki whilst picking his right ear with his pinky.

"Three hundred and twenty million valis." Loki answered, emphasizing every word that left her mouth.

"You must be drunk." Heracles spoke with a hint of amusement in his voice. "I don't recall owing you anything."

"The weapon your child destroyed was worth 320 million." Loki stood up standing face to face -Although she only stood below Heracles chest- with the god of strength. "And the rules dictate that the god must pay compensation for any asset that was lost opposed to the other god."

Heracles smirked, he couldn't believe the audacity of the cross dressing pancake. "That's quite a reach, I would have believed you if it wasn't for the fact that I was there when the rules were established."

The two of them went back and forth as their children could only watch awkwardly at the ensuing debate the two of them were having. Colorful words started to fly out of their mouth, Loki mainly calling Heracles a muscle headed gorilla, while Heracles bit back with him calling Loki a chopping block of flatness.

Finn scoots over to August's side and bowed apologetically. "Sorry about that... My goddess can be a little unreasonable at times."

August also bowed apologetically while scratching his head. "I feel you man... The old man can be childish as well, really unbecoming of his age."

Both of them sighed deeply, understanding each other's plight as captains of their respected familia.

"Anyway shall we drink? It's on me." August offered.

Gareth was the one who answered. Being a dwarf, he wouldn't pass up a free drink. "How nice of you young August. Come, let us drink to our hearts content."

They moved to the table, leaving the two arguing gods all alone.

Denki and Froke were feeling awkward as they sat along with the members of Loki familia, especially Froke, she wasn't even part of Heracles familia.

She felt out of place, being surrounded by all of these monsters made her skittish as she awkwardly played with her hands.

"Oh by the way, this is Denki, a member of my familia, and Froke, the supporter of our party." August introduced the two of them. He then raised his hand calling for a server to take their order.

Their drinks arrived shortly, as well as a plethora of dishes.

They talk about various things, mainly about the dungeons, sharing information -mostly Finn- about what to expect in the lower floors. They were carefully threading away from the subject of the tournament, mainly August and Ais's match.

Tiona was flirting with August a bit, an Amazon thing where they were attracted to strong male, but it was mostly just that as August was more interested about their experiences in the dungeon.

Gareth is talking with Denki, mainly about the beverages in the far east.

Froke mostly kept to herself, only talking when she was asked, or if Gareth offered her another glass of ale.

And Bete... Well Bete was being Bete, he was silently sipping his drink while glaring at August, sometimes joining in the conversation while throwing jabs at August, which he promptly ignored much to the annoyance of the werewolf.

All was fine, until a random passerby mockingly smirked at their table. "Well if it isn't the failure."

Froke suddenly paled, she paused mid way in her drink as her mind came to a sudden halt. She recognized the voice. It was one of the members of her familia.

"Hanging out with high-level adventurers as if that would change what you really are... A failure." everyone on the table turned to see a pallum with short brown hair, smiling mockingly towards Froke.

"Excuse me... Do I know you?" August answered, he was smiling politely, but his eyes weren't, and his voice was dangerously low. He saw how Froke reacted when she heard the voice.

"Me? Oh no... But someone at your table sure does. Isn't that right... Froke?" He smiled a toothy grin.

"Luan." Froke spoke with venom in her voice. "What do you want?"

"Me? Nothing from a failure like you." Denki's hands clenched hard at his mug, cracking the wooden handle as he heard the pallum spoke. "Lord Apollo on the other hand requires your presence."

Froke suddenly felt cold at the mention of her god's name. Something August and Denki noticed.

"I'm afraid she's a bit preoccupied right now." August answered, this time the polite smile on his face was gone, and was replaced with full-on contempt.

"And she has no say in this manner." Another voice joined in their conversation. This time it was a human, with long brown hair tied to a pony tail, he was lanky in stature and tall, standing close to six feet, he was beautiful for a male, with soft feminine features, almost comparable to an elf. "And neither do you. This is our familia's business, outsiders such as yourself have no say nor power in this." he continued, his voice carried a certain chill.

"C-captain." Froke stutters as she stared at the man who was her captain.

"Hyakinthos." Finn eyed him, looking at him dryly.

"Finn." Hyakinthos curtly nods at Finn as well as the others from Loki familia. He then stared back towards Froke and spoke. "Now Froke, if you mind, Lord Apollo has had a bad day, you wouldn't want him to wait for you now, do you?"

"Y-yes c-captain." Froke slowly got up, a hand reached for her. It was Denki, he was looking at her seriously, his eyes were telling her to stay.

She shook her head and pulled her hand out, her eyes carrying sadness, fear, hopelessness. Something new for the young samurai as he was used to seeing her with a plucky attitude and strong will, something that was clearly missing in her right now.

August also moved to try and stop Froke, but Finn stopped him. He shook his head and whispered. "As much as I hate to admit it, Hyakinthos is right. This is their familia's business and we have no say in this."

August and Denki watched as Froke's back as she gingerly walked towards Hyakinthos, her body language clearly showing signs of fear.

Hyakinthos clicked his tongue, annoyed at Froke for walking so slow, he grabbed the half breed's hand and forcefully pulled her to his side.

Everyone at the table face grew darker, especially August and Denki's. Their hands crushed the wooden handle of the mug as their intent oozed out of their body.

Hyakinthos sensed this and jumped back, his face turned ugly as he glared at the two.

Froke eyes widened and quickly looked at her two party members, shaking her head vigorously, her eyes pleading for them to stand down. She smiled gratefully when they did.

"Let's go! Lord Apollo is waiting!" Hyakinthos pulled Froke out with the half breed not resisting. And the adventurers at the table could only watch as they left at the front door.

"Bastard!" Bete cursed out loud. Something August could finally agree with.

The mood on the table became sour, the event left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.






-At Apollo's manor.

Apollo was sipping a glass of red wine, his face was angry as he remembered the horrid day that he had.

First was his failed plan in bringing the butcher down, then Buddha showed up and smacked him in the head. Not only that, he was left hanging by his so-called allies.

He throws the glass on the wall, breaking it, leaving a red stain on his white marbled wall.

"I'LL FUCKING RIP THEM TO SHREDS!!!" he wailed, gone was his image of immaculate perfection. His face was a crumpled mess as his hands pulled on his hair.

There was a knock on his door, he hurriedly fixed himself pristine as he answered for whoever it was to come in.

Hyakinthos opened the door and at his side was Froke. Apollo smiled and licked his lips as he saw the half breed that he owns.

"Ah Hyakinthos. How nice of you to finally show up." He said sarcastically.

"My apologies lord Apollo, there had been some complications." Hyakinthos bowed as he answered.

"Zip it!" Apollo said angrily, shutting his captain up. "Leave us."

"As you wish my lord." Hyakinthos promptly leaves, not before smirking towards Froke.

Froke just stared at the captain, she frankly didn't care right now. Her mind was shut off.

The door closed and Apollo smiled deepen, he moved towards a cabinet at the corner of his room.

He opened it revealing various whips, small blades, and other instruments for his sick amusements.

He looked back at Froke while pulling a whip, snapping it in the air. "Froke, Froke, Froke... As usual, your beauty is exquisite to look at." He said as he stepped closer toward the half breed.

Froke didn't answer, she looked down on the ground, her breath becoming more rigid at every step the god takes.

"A toy like you is hard to come by... Small and fragile, yet fierce and..." he stood in front of Froke, he glided the whip on her shoulder, prying the strap of her clothing off. "wild." he continued, a perverted smile deep into his face.

This was another reason why Froke could never leave this familia. Apollo wouldn't let go of such a rare specimen. A half breed, something he loves to use for himself.

Froke sniffled as she held back her tears, this had been going on for years now. But even after all that time, she still felt disgusted at being this monster's plaything.

There was a momentary hope when she finally achieved a feat, she could level up and maybe Apollo would actually stop. But no... Not only did he continue his nightly activities with her, he actually held her back from leveling up.

With that, all her hope turned to dust, her only respite was her daily diving in the dungeon along with August and Denki. A momentary happiness in her cruel life.

"You know... I really need to let some steam out after the horrible day that I have." Apollo grabbed the collar of Froke, he then pulled it, ripping her clothes off, revealing her skin. It was full of scars, scars which she received from their previous sessions.

She swallowed a cry, her eyes tearing up as Apollo fondled her body, his hands forcefully grabbing her chest and squeezing it to his absolute enjoyment.

And so another hellish night began for Froke, as she could do nothing but shed silent tears as Apollo has his way with her.













Chapter 76 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

Holy shit! Writing this chapter was so fucking hard. Honestly I was a bit taken aback at how effortlessly I wrote such a fucked up character.

Writing Apollo just made me angry, I was actually planning on changing this, but I want you all to experience this anger inducing chapter as well.

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.


Rest in peace Windham Rotunda a.k.a Bray Wyatt. We lost one of the most creative and down to earth person today. One of my most favorite Wrestlers of all time.