
A survivor's life in the dungeon. (Danmachi fanfic)

witness the journey of a man who lost everything, as he dives in the dungeon for strength and power. will he succumb to the dangers that he'll face, or will he persevere and find what he's looking for, be it revenge or closure that's for him to decide. . . . . . Hey, I'm writing my very first fanfic, I'll write this story as realistic as I can, so no overpowered MC, he'll be strong, but not in an overpowered kind of strong. I hope y'all like it, and please leave comments and feedback so that I may improve the writing of the fanfic, and it will be deeply appreciated. this fanfic will be dark, themes of death, violence, gore, and other dark stuff, so reader discretion is advised.

TheManCandy · Cómic
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163 Chs

Chapter 126 Acting as a captain, worries of a veteran, Apollo makes his move.

*August's POV*

I stared at the ground, my body aching from the beatdown the old man gave me... And, to be honest, I deserved it.

He was right... I was too prideful, too confident... Arrogant.

I gritted my teeth, clenching a handful of dirt. I looked to the side and saw my spear lying on the ground.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself as I slowly rose to my feet. Walking towards my spear, I leaned down and picked it up.

I stared at the spear in my hand for a few seconds, the beatdown the old man gave me playing back in my mind over and over again. I didn't even see him coming. It was too fast. I could sense it, but my body couldn't move to counter the speed of his attack.

I couldn't even tell what he hit me with... Was it a punch? A kick perhaps? Who knows. All I know is that it hurts... But not as much as what happened next.

I saw it in his eyes... Disappointment. "I really messed up this time, huh, Beowulf?"

The spear didn't answer; it seems that even he was disappointed by what happened. I placed it snuggly back on the holster on my back, and turned around, only to see the others... Staring at me through the hole in the house.

I can see mixed emotions in all of them. Some looked at me with worry, others had a look of frustration, but all has that slight look of betrayal plastered on their face.

Can't say I blame them... I did betray the trust they put in me as captain. Hell, I essentially sentenced them to die because of what I did... If I was them, I'd feel betrayed as well.

"August." Helga moved forward, her eyes scanned me. A look of worry and disappointment mix in her gaze. "Why?" she asked, and to be honest, I have no other answer except pride.

Something I know she didn't want to hear. None of them want to hear that I risked their life because of pride, pride that stems from arrogance.

The emotions I saw earlier in the old man's eyes are clear; he wasn't disappointed because of what I did... No, he was disappointed because of how I acted. And so was I. I doubted myself, and it was pathetic. I would beat myself to a pulp as well if I can.

And I thank the old man for waking me up... I needed that beating.

I was trying to be what I am not... I am not someone who doubts myself, not one who doubts my strength. Yes, I am arrogant, but I have the right to be one... Because I am strong.

So yeah, pride is the answer to Helga's question. The pride I have in myself.

But there's also another answer, one I believe even with all the odds stacked up against us. And that answer is. And it may be the arrogance speaking yet again, but I firmly believe it.

"Because I believe I-... No... we can win."

"What makes you so sure?" Eira spoke out, her voice has a hint of anger, frustration and fear. "Huh?

What makes me so sure? A good question... To be honest, all of my answers to that question have one thing in common. Yes, I am arrogant, but I have the strength to back it up. And that's my answer, the answer that I will always say if I'm asked how I'm so sure I'm gonna win.

It's simple...

I smiled, looked at my familia, beaming with confidence. "Because I said so."

There was a pause; they all stared at me. The old man did say that I should act as a captain. Well, this is me acting as one.

And if arrogant is what they saw me as. So what? It is true... I am arrogant. I have the right to be arrogant. I should have realized it sooner.

The old man is right... My arrogance would bite me in the ass; it would endanger everyone in the familia. But right now, I'm gonna make sure that the very same arrogance would allow me to keep everyone alive.

I should have just done this sooner.

"We will win because you have me on your side!" I beamed a smile as my mana slowly rises.

"We will win because I am here! So to answer your question... How can I be so sure of us winning... It's simple..." I point to my chest. "Because I'll make sure that we'll win no matter what!"







Denki couldn't help but smile; this is the August he knew. The one brimming with confidence, the one who firmly believes that he is unbeatable.

'Maybe what Lord Heracles did woke him up?' Denki thought to himself. 'Either way, he's back to his usual self.'

The others had their jaws dropped on the floor with August's declaration. If there's ever a question about his confidence, what he did was the answer to that question.

Some might say that this is blind hubris, but the members of Heracles familia couldn't help but be drawn to what he said. His declaration.

Amidst the frustration, the feeling of betrayal, a new feeling rose inside their chest. That of admiration and hope.

Admiration for the one they call captain, and hope that he will lead them to victory.


Because he said so.

And the way he said it, full of confidence in himself, they couldn't help but to trust his words.

Helga stared at August, and what she saw was a man that is firm on his belief.

As well as something else. Helga being a veteran had met her fair share of characters throughout the years. And she knew the type of character August is.

'His belief in himself sadly does not extend to us.' she thought as she held the sigh that was threatening to escape her lips. Due to her experience, she could read August like an open book.

She could see it clearly; she had met multiple people like August... One of them being Ottar.

Helga studied August closely, sensing a subtle undercurrent beneath his words. His confidence wasn't in the familia's strength; it was a singular belief in himself. She could discern that for August, victory was a personal assurance, tethered more to his individual prowess than the collective power of the familia.

Helga understood that if August continued down this path, it might lead to a sense of isolation within the familia. She could feel the weight of the responsibility he placed on himself, potentially paving the way for a lonely journey.

'He's taking everything to himself.' she closed her eyes and massaged the bridge of her nose. 'Thankfully he is still young... Perhaps more time with us would change this.' she looks at Denki and saw the unwavering trust the young samurai has on their captain. 'But first, Denki needs to be the voice of reason. He is the only one here August might listen to.'

As Helga observed August, she recognized the echoes of her past encounters with individuals like him. The unwavering confidence and the self-assured demeanor mirrored personalities she had crossed paths with, most notably Ottar. She understood the type – strong, proud, yet with a tendency to isolate themselves in their belief in personal strength.

Helga couldn't help but worry. August's confidence, though a driving force, seemed to be confined to his own abilities rather than a shared strength within the familia. This realization weighed on her, knowing that a leader's conviction should extend to encompass the collective power of the group.

Still, Helga didn't voice out her concerns. 'Now is not the time.' She looked around, seeing that the morale of the familia had risen because of August's declaration. 'Right now, his belief in himself is something we sorely need... Unfortunately.' This time she couldn't hold the sigh.






*Apollo's Mansion*

"How was it?" Apate's floating visage had a smile on her face as she saw the crazed grin on Apollo's face.

"Everything is going according to plan... How about the stuff on your end?" Apollo took a sip of wine, smiling at the taste. He, after all, opened an exquisite bottle of wine, one of Soma's creations. "I fully expect you to fulfill your side of the bargain... After all, I had already completed mine."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, Apollo. Everything is falling into place." Apate chuckles. The floating figure then walked towards the window, admiring the view of Orario. "By the way... How is the subject taking the gift we gave you?"

Apollo's smile became even wider. "Hyakinthos had acclimated to the gift you gave him with flying colors. And he would have enough time to get used to his newfound strength before the war games."

"That's good to hear." Apate smiles, yet Apollo failed to notice something hidden behind her smile. "I'm sure with that new strength, victory is all but assured."

"Oh... I'm not taking any chances. I already made some moves to ensure that my victory is but a formality." As Apollo said that, a knock sounded on his door. "And right on time. Now if you'll excuse me... I'll be tending to my guest now."

Apate nods as the apparition slowly vanished, leaving Apollo alone inside his office.

The God then turned towards the door, and with a jovial tone, he called for the guest to come in.

The door opened with Hyakinthos being the first to enter, now the captain of Apollo familia, grown both in stature and in muscle. A testament to the effectiveness of Evilus' gift.

Besides him is a man with a thin stature, dark greyish hair neatly parted, his face showing his cheekbone. Wearing a white long sleeve and stylish robe, and on his face, he wears thin-framed glasses.

He and Hyakinthos bowed to Apollo at the same time, a sign of respect. The man then smiled as he spoke. His voice professional and respectful.

"It is an honor to be here and to talk to you face to face, Lord Apollo."

Apollo nods, 'this is how a mortal should act. Not like that fucking bastard August.' he thought to himself as he tried to hide the anger that was bubbling up the surface again as he remembers August.

Apollo turned to Hyakinthos and smiled. "Thank you, Hyakinthos, you may leave... I wish to speak with our guest in private."

Hyakinthos nods, and silently left the room, leaving Apollo and the thin man alone.

Apollo then smiled, as he faced the thin man. "Ah... Where are my manners? Please sit. Do you want a drink?"

The man looked at what Apollo is drinking and shook his head. "I'm afraid I must decline, Lord Apollo; my line of work doesn't allow me to partake in the consumption of alcohol... Especially our best product."

Apollo shrugged, and took a sip of the wine again. "Oh... What a shame. Anyway, let's get down to business... You must be wondering why I asked for you to meet me here, Zanis."

Zanis Lustra had a smile on his face as he leaned in closer to the table. Then whispered. "I believe it's because of the war games, is it not?"

"Smart... I like that in a mortal." Apollo's smile widened as he rested his face on his hand. "You are correct, this is about the war games... And I would like to employ your familia... I believe what I have in mind would be beneficial for you as well."

"Forgive me, Lord Apollo, but the rules clearly state that there would be no outside interference in the wargames." He then shook his head. "And as you said, I am smart. I don't want to be involved in a war against Lord Heracles, especially now that the Gaé bulg is awake."

Apollo felt a burst of anger threatening to explode, but he held it down, hiding his true emotions at the mention of Heracles and August.

"Oh, but what I have in mind wouldn't involve Heracles familia. And it would be in your boundary to do this task without any repercussions." Apollo smiles. "I believe I may have information on someone your familia is looking for. Someone who you may have thought of as dead." Apollo kept his eyes on Zanis as he took a sip of his wine again. "That someone being Liliruca Arde."

Zanis paused, his face then morphs into a smile as he leans closer. "I'm listening."













Chapter 126 is now complete. How are you all enjoying the story so far?

Questions of the day.

How do you feel about August doubling down on his arrogant approach?


Is Helga right to worry about August and the path that he's walking?


Please leave a comment, review, and feedback to help me improve this fanfic. Every little thing helps me understand your preferences and will contribute to writing a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

Thank you for following this fanfic. I hope you're enjoying it.

Have a good day, everyone. Love y'all.