
A Summer Gone By // Garden Song

Here's to all the tragic after-midnights and sunny-sad afternoons we spent laughing and weeping over.

laurel_hell · Real
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The day he returned to school was a living hell. The other students all knew about what had happened and they made sure to let him know that they knew. He was the subject of every conversation, the target of every joke, and the recipient of every dirty look. It was as if his life had been turned upside down and he didn't know how to make it stop.

"I heard his leg was badly damaged after the accident."

"Poor kid. He can't even skate again."

"He was probably bribed to do this."

It shouldn't have been such a big deal to others, but some people were just so nosy and couldn't mind their own business. He tried his best to ignore them, but it was hard. Everywhere he went, he felt like everyone was watching him and judging him. He had never felt so alone in his life.

The world was his oyster. He had everything he ever wanted. But it all changed when he lost the competition. Now, all he was, was a laughing stock.

It wasn't that he didn't try. He had given it his all but in the end, it just wasn't enough. He had lost and there was no way to change that fact. That was when he realized that he didn't belong there anymore. Not anymore. Never again.

Two months later, Choi Ahin ran away from school.