
a summer dream

prince thesus the ruler of Athens ,was going to married he was going to marry Lizzy queen of Amazon's

one day just few days before his wedding,a rich man name egeus came to see him egues wanted to talk to prince thesus about something that was making him angry egues had a daughter called Olivia he had choose a man Daniel to be her husband however Olivia said she would not marry Daniel she loved another guy called Lysander

egues was angry with Olivia and he said she must do as he told he or die that was laws of Athens allowed in those days

the prince listen to what egues hd to say he told Olivia to must obey her father but she said she loved Lysander and wanted to marry him

Lysander told to prince that Daniel used to love Olivia best friend ,Helena he said that Helena still love Daniel and they ought to marry each other

thesus felt sorry for Olivia but he couldn't let her to break the laws he told her to must marry Daniel if she didnot she must either die or become a nun for the rest of the life as a nun she would live far from friends and family she would spend time working and praying to God

the prince was to be married in just four days Olivia was allowed those four days in which to give her answer


Olivia was very unhappy she went to see Lysander together they planned to leave Athens

Lysander had a rich aunt who live twenty miles there were no laws of Athens because it different country

"we can go to my aunt house said Lysander and then we can be married tomorrow night leave home very quitely the. we meet in wood outside meet me At the place where we used to play when we were young

while they are talking Helena joined them Lysander told him everything and she kept this as a secret

the wood where Olivia and Lysander going to meet was the house of fairies and elves these magic people looked after flowers and animal they all love to work

if they all were happy everything in the world is good but for some reason they were unhappy the king and the queen was angry the elves hid somewhere

king and queen were always qurreling for the little boy whose mother had died queen wanted him to be his servant but king don't like it the name of that boy was puck he loved to be bad and play trick and fool people

one day king called him and give him a potion of love in idelness which work as if someone see anyone at first she would start loving him

the king see Helena and Demetrius