
A Strong Woman

Most of the time, men want women who rely on them yet she did the exact opposite. His mother rejected her and he was caught with someone else. But, he was so shocked to witness that after all those things, she was still living well as ever and even her long lost friend appeared once again in her life. >>This woman will never let a broken heart change the way she runs her life!

Xiaoya17 · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Dump Him First Before He Dump You

She stood frozen by the doorway of her apartment while watching a couple doing their lovey-dovey.

But the difference is, the guy who was deepening his kiss was her so-called boyfriend.

She didn't know what to feel at that moment and how to react especially when they still did not notice her presence.

When they adjusted their position, with him biting her neck and her hugging him intimately to keep up with the sensation.

Sarah Lee finally recognizes who the woman was, and it was no other than her boyfriend's secretary.

Seconds passed by, that she eventually tried tapping her foot to get their attention. The sound interrupted their act so they turned to look to know who it was.

"Sarah!", Jasper Kim's expression immediately changed when he caught sight of her as he hurriedly remove his hands off of the woman's body in front of him.

However, despite him calling her name. She did not face him at all and turned to the woman instead.

"I didn't know a secretary's job includes satisfying his boss sexual desires", Sarah Lee scoffed.

Liane Rou rolled her eyes and did not even show a bit of shame.

"A secretary's job is more than that, and will always be available anytime of the day for her boss". She said while looking at her fingernails.

Sarah was not dumb, it was so obvious that this woman did not even feel any sense of regret after stealing someone's boyfriend and just being a snake.

She even hinted that they already done it couple of times from her words of being available.

The tension was too overbearing that Jasper's forehead had a drip of sweat. Sarah notices this and so she turned to him.

"I went to your favorite restaurant and bought siopao for you", Sarah said while smiling.

Jasper's racing heartbeat from being anxious finally calmed down. He knew how deep Sarah had fallen for him and despite of his parents not accepting her.

She will always be the lady boss once he takes hold of the family business.

He was just cheating besides most men would still get tired of a woman once in a while and find someone else.

Not long after, Sarah Lee opened her mouth to speak again. Her words were not what he had expected.

He thought that he turned deaf for a moment or was the person in front of them not Sarah Lee?.

"Take that as my last anniversary gift for you", Sarah Lee smiled and grab a hold tight of her luggage as she turned around to walk away and bid them goodbye.

This time, she closed her eyes despite him shouting her name. Yet, he was still able to grab her wrist.

Her temper started to rise up, "What do you think you're doing!?". Realizing that she was very serious with her actions, his expression turned ugly.

"If you walk away now, you have no chance of coming back", his face shows confidence that she will not move an inch any longer.

"As if I'm coming back!", Sarah Lee shoved his hand and walked away with her heels clicking on the floor every step.

She walked away with her head high, knowing how she rescued herself before she could even be tied to him in marriage even though there was not a certainty that it was ever gonna happen.




Author's note: If you love it then I will surely appreciate it if you support it, and if you have any questions..feel free to ask...btw I'm still 16 yrs old so please be easy on me😅